Luke 22:3
Satan, however, entered into Judas (the man called Iscariot)
John 13:2
While supper was proceeding, the Devil having by this time suggested to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, the thought of betraying Him, Jesus,
Mark 14:10-11
But Judas Iscariot, already mentioned as one of the Twelve, went to the High Priests to betray Jesus to them.
Luke 6:16
James's relative Judas, and Judas Iscariot who proved to be a traitor.
Acts 5:3
"Ananias," said Peter, "why has Satan taken possession of your heart, that you should try to deceive the Holy Spirit and dishonestly keep back part of the price paid you for this land?
Matthew 4:10
"Begone, Satan!" Jesus replied; "for it is written, 'To the Lord thy God thou shalt do homage, and to Him alone shalt thou render worship.'"
Matthew 26:14-16
At that time one of the Twelve, the one called Judas Iscariot, went to the High Priests
Matthew 26:23
"The one who has dipped his fingers in the bowl with me," He answered, "is the man who will betray me.
Mark 14:18-20
And while they were at table Jesus said, "I solemnly tell you that one of you will betray me--one who is eating with me."
Luke 22:21
Yet the hand of him who is betraying me is at the table with me.
John 6:70-71
"Did not I choose you--the Twelve?" said Jesus, "and even of you one is a devil."
John 12:6
The reason he said this was not that he cared for the poor, but that he was a thief, and that being in charge of the money-box, he used to steal what was put into it.
John 13:18
I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but things are as they are in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, which says, 'He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel against me.'
John 13:26-27
"It is the one," answered Jesus, "for whom I shall dip this piece of bread and to whom I shall give it." Accordingly He dipped the piece of bread, and took it and gave it to Judas, the son of the Iscariot Simon.