Luke 23:8
Now when Herod saw Jesus he was very glad, having for a long time had a desire to see him, for he had had accounts of him, and was hoping to see some wonders done by him.
Matthew 14:1
At that time news of Jesus came to Herod the king;
Mark 6:14
And king Herod had news of him, because his name was on the lips of all; and he said, John the Baptist has come back from the dead, and for this reason these powers are working in him.
2 Kings 5:3-6
And she said to her master's wife, If only my lord would go to the prophet in Samaria, he would make him well.
2 Kings 5:11
But Naaman was angry and went away and said, I had the idea that he would come out to see such an important person as I am, and make prayer to the Lord his God, and with a wave of his hand over the place make the leper well.
Luke 4:23
And he said to them, Without doubt you will say to me, Let the medical man make himself well: the things which to our knowledge were done at Capernaum, do them here in your country.
Luke 9:7-9
Now Herod the king had news of all these things: and he was in doubt, because it was said by some people that John had come back from the dead;
Acts 8:19
Give me this power, so that when I put my hands on anyone he may get the Holy Spirit.