Luke 7:13
When the Lord saw her, he felt compassion for her. He told her, "You can stop crying."
Luke 8:52
Now everyone was crying and wailing for her. But Jesus said, "Stop crying! She's not dead. She's sleeping."
Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. Instead, we have one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet he never sinned.
Judges 10:16
When they put away their foreign gods and served the LORD, he brought Israel's misery to an end.
Psalm 86:5
Indeed you, Lord, are kind and forgiving, overflowing with gracious love to everyone who calls on you.
Psalm 86:15
But you, Lord, are a compassionate God, merciful and patient, with unending gracious love and faithfulness.
Psalm 103:13
As a father has compassion for his children, so the LORD has compassion for those who fear him.
Isaiah 63:9
In all their distress he wasn't distressed, but the angel of his presence saved them; in his acts of love and in his acts of pity he redeemed them; he carried them and lifted them up all the days of old.
Jeremiah 31:15-16
This is what the LORD says: "A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter crying. Rachel is crying, and she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no longer alive."
Jeremiah 31:20
"Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he a darling child? Indeed, as often as I've spoken about him, I surely still remember him. Therefore I deeply yearn for him. I'll surely have great compassion on him," declares the LORD.
Lamentations 3:32-33
though he causes grief, his compassion abounds according to his gracious love.
Mark 8:2
"I have compassion for the crowd, because they've already been with me for three days and have nothing to eat.
Luke 7:19
and sent them to the Lord to ask, "Are you the Coming One, or should we wait for someone else?"
Luke 10:1
After this, the Lord appointed 70 other disciples and was about to send them ahead of him in pairs to every town and place that he intended to go.
Luke 13:15
The Lord replied to him, "You hypocrites! Doesn't each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey and lead it out of its stall to give it some water?
Luke 17:5
Then the apostles told the Lord, "Give us more faith!"
Luke 22:61
Then the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. And Peter remembered the word from the Lord, and how he had told him, "Before a rooster crows today, you will deny me three times."
Luke 24:34
They kept saying, "The Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon!"
John 11:2
Mary was the woman who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair. Her brother Lazarus was the one who was ill.
John 11:33-35
When Jesus saw her crying, and the Jews who had come with her crying, he was greatly troubled in spirit and deeply moved.
John 20:13
They asked her, "Lady, why are you crying?" She told them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I don't know where they have put him."
John 20:15
Jesus asked her, "Dear lady, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she told him, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will take him away."
1 Corinthians 7:30
and those who mourn as though they did not mourn, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they did not own a thing,
1 Thessalonians 4:13
But we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve like other people who have no hope.
Hebrews 2:17
thereby becoming like his brothers in every way, so that he could be a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God and could atone for the people's sins.