Mark 7:21
For from within out of the heart of men proceed wicked reasonings, adulteries, whoredoms, murders,
Matthew 9:4
And Jesus, seeing their thoughts, said, wherefore do ye imagine evil things in your hearts?
Matthew 15:19
for out of the heart proceed wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, whoredoms, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies:
Matthew 23:25-28
Wo unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye cleanse the outside of the cup, and of the dish, but within they are full of rapacity and intemperance.
Luke 16:15
And he said unto them, Ye are they who affect to be righteous persons before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men, is an abomination in the sight of God.
Acts 5:4
it remained unsold, was it not vested in thee? and when sold, was it not in thine own power? why then hast thou determined in thine heart to do this deed? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.
Acts 8:22
Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray to God, if haply this thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee.
Romans 7:5
For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions excited by the law, wrought powerfully in our members, to bring forth fruit unto death.
Romans 7:8
But sin, seizing the opportunity by the law, wrought in me all concupiscence. For without the law sin is dead.
Romans 8:7-8
Because the propensity of the flesh is inimical against God: for it is not in subjection to the law of God, neither indeed can it be.
Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are these: adultery, whoredom, impurity, lasciviousness,
Titus 3:3
For we ourselves also in time past were thoughtless, disobedient, erroneous, enslaved by various passions and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another.
James 1:14-15
but every person is tempted, when by his own peculiar passion he is born away, and ensnared.
James 2:4
are you not thus partial among yourselves, and form your decision from bad reasonings?
James 4:1-3
FROM whence come wars and conflicts among you? spring they not from hence, even from your passions, which war in your members?
1 Peter 4:2-3
that he might not spend the remaining space of life in the flesh after human passions, but the divine will.