Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.
General references
Bible References
Matthew 13:11
He answered and said, Because to you it hath been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; but to them it hath not been given.
Matthew 15:17
Do ye not understand, that whatever entereth the mouth goeth into the stomach, and is cast out into the drain?
Matthew 16:11
How is it that ye do not understand, that I spoke not to you of loaves? But [I said] Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Matthew 24:15
When, therefore, ye see the abomination of desolation, spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, (let him that readeth understand,)
Mark 4:34
But without a parable he did not speak to them; but in private he explained all things to his own disciples.
Mark 7:18
And he saith to them, Are ye too so without discernment? Do ye not understand that whatever thing from without entereth into a man, cannot defile him?
Mark 8:17
And knowing it, he saith to them, Why are ye reasoning, because ye have no bread? Do ye not yet perceive nor understand? Have ye your mind still blinded?
Luke 9:44
As for you, let these words sink into your ears; for the Son of man is about to be delivered up into the hands of men.
Acts 8:30
And Philip ran up, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, Well, but dost thou understand what thou art reading?
1 John 5:20
And we know that the Son of God hath come, and hath given us understanding, that we may know the True One; and we are in the True One, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and everlasting life.
General references
Matthew 15:16
And he said, Are ye too still without discernment?