Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?
We have forsaken
General references
Bible References
We have forsaken
Matthew 4:20
And they, having left their trawl-nets, immediately followed him.
Matthew 9:9
And Jesus, passing on thence, saw a man sitting at the tax-office, called Matthew, and says to him, Follow me. And he rose up and followed him.
Deuteronomy 33:9
Who said to his father and to his mother, I see him not, And he acknowledged not his brethren, And knew not his own children; For they have observed thy word, And kept thy covenant.
Mark 1:17
And Jesus said to them, Come after me, and I will make you become fishers of men;
Mark 2:14
And passing by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax-office, and says to him, Follow me. And he rose up and followed him.
Mark 10:28
Peter began to say to him, Behold, we have left all things and have followed thee.
Luke 5:11
And having run the ships on shore, leaving all they followed him.
Luke 14:33
Thus then every one of you who forsakes not all that is his own cannot be my disciple.
Luke 18:28
And Peter said, Behold, we have left all things and have followed thee.
Philippians 3:8
But surely I count also all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, on account of whom I have suffered the loss of all, and count them to be filth, that I may gain Christ;
Matthew 20:10
And when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more, and they received also themselves each a denarius.
Luke 15:29
But he answering said to his father, Behold, so many years I serve thee, and never have I transgressed a commandment of thine; and to me hast thou never given a kid that I might make merry with my friends:
1 Corinthians 1:29
so that no flesh should boast before God.
1 Corinthians 4:7
For who makes thee to differ? and what hast thou which thou hast not received? but if also thou hast received, why boastest thou as not receiving?
General references
Matthew 4:20
And they, having left their trawl-nets, immediately followed him.
Luke 5:28
And having left all, rising up, he followed him.
Luke 18:28
And Peter said, Behold, we have left all things and have followed thee.