Matthew 23:12

Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be raised to honor.

Luke 14:11

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled [before others], and he who habitually humbles himself (keeps a realistic self-view) will be exalted.”

Luke 18:14

I tell you, this man went to his home justified [forgiven of the guilt of sin and placed in right standing with God] rather than the other man; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself [forsaking self-righteous pride] will be exalted.”

Proverbs 29:23

A man’s pride and sense of self-importance will bring him down,
But he who has a humble spirit will obtain honor.

Matthew 18:4

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

James 4:6

But He gives us more and more grace [through the power of the Holy Spirit to defy sin and live an obedient life that reflects both our faith and our gratitude for our salvation]. Therefore, it says, “God is opposed to the proud and haughty, but [continually] gives [the gift of] grace to the humble [who turn away from self-righteousness].”

1 Peter 5:5

Likewise, you younger men [of lesser rank and experience], be subject to your elders [seek their counsel]; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another [tie on the servant’s apron], for God is opposed to the proud [the disdainful, the presumptuous, and He defeats them], but He gives grace to the humble.

Job 22:29

“When you are cast down and humbled, you will speak with confidence,
And the humble person He will lift up and save.

Psalm 138:6

Though the Lord is exalted,
He regards the lowly [and invites them into His fellowship];
But the proud and haughty He knows from a distance.

Proverbs 15:33

The [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the instruction for wisdom [its starting point and its essence];
And before honor comes humility.

Proverbs 16:18-19

Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before a fall.

Isaiah 57:15

For the high and exalted One
He who inhabits eternity, Whose name is Holy says this,
“I dwell on the high and holy place,
But also with the contrite and humble in spirit
In order to revive the spirit of the humble
And to revive the heart of the contrite [overcome with sorrow for sin].

Daniel 4:37

Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and faithful and His ways are just, and He is able to humiliate and humble those who walk in [self-centered, self-righteous] pride.”

Matthew 5:3

“Blessed [spiritually prosperous, happy, to be admired] are the poor in spirit [those devoid of spiritual arrogance, those who regard themselves as insignificant], for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [both now and forever].

Luke 1:51-52

“He has done mighty deeds with His [powerful] arm;
He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.

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