Top 100 Phrases inMatthew (WBS)
- 32 Kingdom of Heaven
- 30 Son of Man
- 19 Jesus Said
- 18 Chief Priest
- 18 Chief Priests
- 16 My Father
- 12 But I Say to You
- 11 Disciples Came
- 10 And Immediately
- 10 Blessed are
- 10 Right Hand
- 10 Son of David
- 9 All Things
- 9 It is Written
- 9 Of the World
- 9 Scribes and Pharisees
- 9 That It Might Be Fulfilled
- 8 On Earth
- 8 Son of God
- 8 Woe to You
- 7 Great Multitudes
- 7 Have Mercy
- 7 High Priest
- 7 My Father Who Is In Heaven
- 7 On the Sabbath
- 6 Chief Priests and Elders
- 6 Gnashing of Teeth
- 6 Holy Spirit
- 6 Little Child
- 6 Mighty Works
- 6 The Twelve
- 5 Angel of the Lord
- 5 Cast Out Demons
- 5 Follow Me
- 5 Heavenly Father
- 5 Kingdom of God
- 5 Of The Earth
- 5 This Generation
- 5 Three Days
- 4 Blessed is
- 4 Child and His Mother
- 4 Day of Judgment
- 4 End of the World
- 4 For My Sake
- 4 King of the Jews
- 4 Let Us
- 4 Little Faith
- 4 Little Ones
- 4 One of These Little Ones
- 4 Pieces Of Silver
- 4 Spoken by the Prophet
- 4 Take Heed
- 4 Third Day
- 4 Weeping And Gnashing
- 4 Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth
- 4 Wise Men
- 3 Be Not Afraid
- 3 By What Authority
- 3 Coming of the Son of Man
- 3 Commit Adultery
- 3 Ears to Hear
- 3 Enter into Life
- 3 False Prophets
- 3 False Witness
- 3 For My Name
- 3 Have Their Reward
- 3 He is Risen
- 3 Heaven and Earth
- 3 His Right Hand
- 3 In My Name
- 3 In the Wilderness
- 3 Into Hell
- 3 Is It Lawful
- 3 Let Him Hear
- 3 Little Children
- 3 Lord Said
- 3 Master of the House
- 3 Mount of Olives
- 3 Moved with Compassion
- 3 Publicans And Sinners
- 3 Put on
- 3 Raised Again
- 3 Risen From The Dead
- 3 Spoken by Isaiah
- 3 They Have Their Reward
- 3 Thirty Pieces of Silver
- 3 Twelve Disciples
- 2 Adulterous Generation
- 2 Be of Good Cheer
- 2 Beloved Son
- 2 Betrayed Into The Hands Of
- 2 Beware of the Leaven
- 2 Birds of the Air
- 2 Blind Guides
- 2 Bound in Heaven
- 2 By The Spirit
- 2 By Your Tradition
- 2 Cast into the Fire
- 2 Certain Man
- 2 Commandment of God