Nehemiah 13:31
And for the wood offering, at fixed times, and for the first fruits. Keep me in mind, O my God, for good.
Nehemiah 10:34
And we, the priests and the Levites and the people, made selection, by the decision of Jehovah, of those who were to take the wood offering into the house of God, by families at the regular times, year by year, to be burned on the altar of Jehovah our God, as it is recorded in the law;
Nehemiah 13:14
Nehemiah's prayer: Keep me in mind, O my God, in connection with this, and do not let the good which I have done for the house of my God and its worship go from your memory completely.
Nehemiah 13:22
I gave the Levites orders to make themselves clean and come and keep the gates and make the Sabbath holy. Keep this in mind to my credit, O my God, and have mercy on me, for great is your mercy.
Psalm 25:7
Do not remember the sins of my youth or my rebellious ways. O Jehovah, remember me in keeping with your loving kindness and your goodness.
Psalm 26:8-9
O Jehovah, I love the place where you live, the home (spiritual retreat) (heart and mind) where your glory dwells.
Psalm 106:4
Remember me, O Jehovah, with favor toward your people. Visit me with your salvation.
Luke 23:42
He said: Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom.