Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people.

General references

Bible References


Numbers 31:3
So Moses spoke to the people, “Equip some of your men for war. They will go against Midian to inflict the Lord’s vengeance on them.
Numbers 25:17
“Attack the Midianites and strike them dead.
Deuteronomy 32:35
Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay.
In time their foot will slip,
for their day of disaster is near,
and their doom is coming quickly.”
Judges 16:24
When the people saw him, they praised their god and said:

Our god has handed over to us
our enemy who destroyed our land
and who multiplied our dead.
Psalm 94:1
Lord, God of vengeance—
God of vengeance, appear.
Isaiah 1:24
Therefore the Lord God of Hosts,
the Mighty One of Israel, declares:
“Ah, I will gain satisfaction from My foes;
I will take revenge against My enemies.
Nahum 1:2
The Lord is a jealous and avenging God;
the Lord takes vengeance
and is fierce in wrath.
The Lord takes vengeance against His foes;
He is furious with His enemies.
Luke 21:22
because these are days of vengeance to fulfill all the things that are written.
Romans 12:19
Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord.
Romans 13:4
For government is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it does not carry the sword for no reason. For government is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong.
1 Thessalonians 4:6
This means one must not transgress against and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger of all these offenses, as we also previously told and warned you.
Hebrews 10:30
For we know the One who has said, Vengeance belongs to Me, I will repay, and again, The Lord will judge His people.
Revelation 6:10
They cried out with a loud voice: “Lord, the One who is holy and true, how long until You judge and avenge our blood from those who live on the earth?”
Revelation 18:20
Rejoice over her, heaven,
and you saints, apostles, and prophets,
because God has executed your judgment on her!
Revelation 19:2
because His judgments are true and righteous,
because He has judged the notorious prostitute
who corrupted the earth with her sexual immorality;
and He has avenged the blood of His slaves
that was on her hands.

The midianites

Numbers 25:6
An Israelite man came bringing a Midianite woman to his relatives in the sight of Moses and the whole Israelite community while they were weeping at the entrance to the tent of meeting.
Genesis 25:1
Now Abraham had taken another wife, whose name was Keturah,
Exodus 2:16
Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters. They came to draw water and filled the troughs to water their father’s flock.

General references

Psalm 149:7
inflicting vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,

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