Proverbs 3:30

Do not quarrel with a man without cause,
If he has done you no harm.

Proverbs 17:14

The beginning of strife is like letting out water [as from a small break in a dam; first it trickles and then it gushes];
Therefore abandon the quarrel before it breaks out and tempers explode.

Proverbs 18:6

A fool’s lips bring contention and strife,
And his mouth invites a beating.

Proverbs 25:8-9

Do not rush out to argue your case [before magistrates or judges];
Otherwise what will you do in the end [when your case is lost and]
When your neighbor (opponent) humiliates you?

Proverbs 29:22

An angry man stirs up strife,
And a hot-tempered and undisciplined man commits many transgressions.

Matthew 5:39-41

But I say to you, do not resist an evil person [who insults you or violates your rights]; but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other toward him also [simply ignore insignificant insults or trivial losses and do not bother to retaliate—maintain your dignity, your self-respect, your poise].

Romans 12:18-21

If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

1 Corinthians 6:6-8

but instead, brother goes to law against brother, and that before [judges who are] unbelievers?

2 Timothy 2:24

The servant of the Lord must not participate in quarrels, but must be kind to everyone [even-tempered, preserving peace, and he must be], skilled in teaching, patient and tolerant when wronged.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.

Bible References

General references

Proverbs 17:14

The beginning of strife is like letting out water [as from a small break in a dam; first it trickles and then it gushes];
Therefore abandon the quarrel before it breaks out and tempers explode.
Proverbs 18:6

A fool’s lips bring contention and strife,
And his mouth invites a beating.
Proverbs 25:8

Do not rush out to argue your case [before magistrates or judges];
Otherwise what will you do in the end [when your case is lost and]
When your neighbor (opponent) humiliates you?
Proverbs 29:22

An angry man stirs up strife,
And a hot-tempered and undisciplined man commits many transgressions.
Matthew 5:39
But I say to you, do not resist an evil person [who insults you or violates your rights]; but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other toward him also [simply ignore insignificant insults or trivial losses and do not bother to retaliate—maintain your dignity, your self-respect, your poise].
Romans 12:18
If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
1 Corinthians 6:6
but instead, brother goes to law against brother, and that before [judges who are] unbelievers?
2 Timothy 2:24
The servant of the Lord must not participate in quarrels, but must be kind to everyone [even-tempered, preserving peace, and he must be], skilled in teaching, patient and tolerant when wronged.