Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

General references

Bible References

With her

Proverbs 7:5
That they may keep you from the adulteress, from the stranger with seductive words.
Proverbs 5:3
The lips of an immoral woman drip as a honeycomb. Her mouth is smoother than oil.
Judges 16:15
How can you say you love me, she asked: when you do not mean it? You have made a fool of me three times. You still have not told me what makes you strong.
Psalm 12:2
People speak lies to one another. They speak with flattering lips and with double-heart. (Double Heart: They say one thing but mean another.)


1 Samuel 28:23
Saul refused. He said he would not eat. But his officers also urged him to eat. He finally gave in, got up from the ground, and sat on the bed.
2 Kings 4:8
Elisha went to Shunem, where a rich woman lived. She invited him to a meal. From that time on every time he went to Shunem he would have his meals at her house.
Luke 14:23
The master told the servant, 'Go to the country roads and lanes and make people come so my house will be full.'
Luke 24:29
They persuaded him not to go saying, Abide with us. It is nearly evening and the day is almost gone. He stayed with them.
Acts 16:15
When she and her household were baptized she came to us saying, If you judge me to be faithful to God, come to my house, and stay there. She absolutely insisted that we come.
2 Corinthians 5:14
For the love of Christ compels us to judge, that one died for all and therefore all died.

General references

Judges 16:6
Delilah said to Samson: Tell me what makes you so strong. How could you be subdued and tied up?
Proverbs 1:10
My son, if sinners tempt you do not consent.