Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping,

General references

Bible References

I have

Psalm 69:21
They also gave me gall for my food. In my thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink.
Isaiah 44:20
They eat ashes because they are deceived. Their own misguided minds lead them astray. They cannot rescue themselves or ask themselves: Is what I hold in my right hand a false god?
Lamentations 3:15
He has made my life nothing but pain. He gives me bitterness in full measure.
Micah 1:10
Do not announce it at Gath, Philistia. Do not weep or show grief. At the house of Ophrah (house of dust) roll in the dust!
Micah 7:17
They will lick up the dust like a serpent. They will come trembling out of their hole like crawling things of the earth. They will approach Jehovah our God with fear and be afraid because of you.


Psalm 42:3
My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all day long: Where is your God?
Psalm 80:5
You made them eat tears as food. You often made them drink their own tears.
Job 3:24
Sighing comes to me instead of food. My groans pour out like water.
Lamentations 3:48
Rivers of water run down from my eyes because pf the destruction of the daughter of my people.

General references

Psalm 69:10
When I wept and I fasted, that was to my reproach.
Psalm 80:5
You made them eat tears as food. You often made them drink their own tears.
Ezekiel 12:18
Son of man, eat your bread with trembling and drink your water with quivering and anxiety.