Psalm 39:2
I was as silent as a mute person; I said nothing, not even something good, and my distress deepened.
Job 32:19-20
My insides feel like unvented wine, like it's about to burst like a new wineskin.
Psalm 38:13-14
I am like the deaf, who cannot hear, and like the mute, who cannot open his mouth.
Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he didn't open his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, as a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
Matthew 7:6
"Never give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls before pigs. Otherwise, they will trample them with their feet and then turn around and attack you."
Matthew 27:12-14
While Jesus was being accused by the high priests and elders, he made no reply.
Acts 4:20
for we cannot stop talking about what we've seen and heard."