Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit.

Bible References


Psalm 52:3

You love evil more than good,
And falsehood more than speaking what is right. Selah.
Jeremiah 9:5

“Everyone deceives and mocks his neighbor
And does not speak the truth.
They have taught their tongue to speak lies;
They exhaust themselves with sin and cruelty.


Psalm 5:9

For there is nothing trustworthy or reliable or truthful in what they say;
Their heart is destruction [just a treacherous chasm, a yawning gulf of lies].
Their throat is an open grave;
They [glibly] flatter with their [silken] tongue.
Psalm 10:7

His mouth is full of curses and deceit (fraud) and oppression;
Under his tongue is mischief and wickedness [injustice and sin].
Psalm 12:2

They speak deceitful and worthless words to one another;
With flattering lips and a double heart they speak.
Psalm 36:3

The words of his mouth are wicked and deceitful;
He has ceased to be wise and to do good.
Psalm 55:12

For it is not an enemy who taunts me—
Then I could bear it;
Nor is it one who has hated me who insolently exalts himself against me—
Then I could hide from him.
Psalm 64:3

Who have sharpened their tongues like a sword.
They aim venomous words as arrows,
Isaiah 59:3

For your hands are defiled with blood
And your fingers with wickedness [with sin, with injustice, with wrongdoing];
Your lips have spoken lies,
Your tongue mutters wickedness.
Hosea 4:2

There is [false] swearing of oaths, deception (broken faith), murder, stealing, and adultery;
They employ violence, so that one [act of] bloodshed follows closely on another.
Romans 3:13

Their throat is an open grave;
They [habitually] deceive with their tongues.”
The venom of asps is beneath their lips.”
James 3:5
In the same sense, the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things.

See [by comparison] how great a forest is set on fire by a small spark!
Revelation 21:8
But as for the cowards and unbelieving and abominable [who are devoid of character and personal integrity and practice or tolerate immorality], and murderers, and sorcerers [with intoxicating drugs], and idolaters and occultists [who practice and teach false religions], and all the liars [who knowingly deceive and twist truth], their part will be in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”