Psalm 55:9
Swallow up, O Jehovah, and divide their tongues; for I have seen violence and fighting in the city.
Jeremiah 6:7
As a fountain keeps fresh her waters, so she keeps fresh her evil; violence and spoil is heard in her; always before Me are grief and wounds.
Genesis 11:7-9
Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they cannot understand one another's speech.
2 Samuel 15:31
And one told David, saying, Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom. And David said, O Jehovah, I pray You, turn the advice of Ahithophel to foolishness.
2 Samuel 17:1-14
And Ahithophel said to Absalom, Please let me choose out twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue after David tonight.
Jeremiah 23:14
I have also seen in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing; they commit adultery and walk in falsehood. They also strengthen to the hands of evildoers, so that none returns from his evil; they are all of them like Sodom to Me, and its inhabitants like Gomorrah.
Matthew 23:37-38
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to her, how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not!
John 7:45-53
Then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees. And they said to them, Why have you not brought him?
Acts 23:6-10
But when Paul saw that the one part were Sadducees and the other part Pharisees, he cried out in the sanhedrin, Men! Brothers! I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee! I am being judged because of the hope and resurrection of the dead.