Psalm 6:3
Yea, my soul, is dismayed greatly, Thou, then, O Yahweh - how long?
Psalm 90:13
Return, Yahweh, oh how long? And have compassion upon thy servants;
John 12:27
Now, is my soul troubled, - and what can I say? Father! save me from this hour? But, on this account, came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name!
Psalm 13:1-2
How long, O Yahweh, wilt thou wholly forget me? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
Psalm 22:14
Like water, am I poured out, and, put out of joint, are all my bones, - My heart, hath become, like wax, it is melted in the midst of my body;
Psalm 31:9-10
Show me favour, O Yahweh, for in distress am I, - Wasted with vexation, is mine eye - my soul and my body;
Psalm 38:8
I am benumbed and crushed exceedingly, - I have cried aloud because of the groaning of my heart.
Psalm 42:5
Why shouldst thou be cast down, O my soul? And why shouldst thou moan over me? Wait thou for God, for yet shall I praise him, As the triumph of my presence.
Psalm 42:11
Why shouldst thou be sat down, O my soul? And why shouldst thou moan over me? Wait thou for God, for yet shall I praise him, As the triumph of my presence and my God.
Psalm 77:2-3
In the day of my distress - unto My Lord, will I seek, My hand, by night, hath been outstretched and never once became slack, My soul, hath refused to be consoled;
Psalm 77:7
For ages, will My Lord reject? And, not again, grant acceptance any more?
Proverbs 18:14
The spirit of a man, sustaineth his sickness, but, a dejected spirit, who can bear it?
Matthew 26:38
Then, saith he unto them: Encompassed with grief, is my soul, unto death: Abide ye here, and be watching with me.
Luke 18:7
And shall, God, in any wise not execute the vindication of his chosen ones, who are crying out to him day and night, although he beareth long with regard to them?
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