Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.
General references
Bible References
Psalm 2:1
Why do the nations conspire together and rage? Why do the peoples plot in vain?
Matthew 2:3
King Herod was troubled when he heard this. Jerusalem was also troubled.
Matthew 22:15
The Pharisees took counsel how they might trap him in his talk.
Matthew 26:3
The chief priest and the elders of the people assembled at the court of Caiaphas, the high priest.
Matthew 27:1
It was morning. The chief priests and those in authority conspired to put Jesus to death.
John 11:47
The chief priests and the Pharisees gathered a council. They asked what they should do. This man does many signs and miracles.
Acts 4:16
They said: What shall we do to these men? The fact that a notable miracle has been done by them is evident to all who live in Jerusalem. And we cannot deny it.
Psalm 52:3
You prefer evil to good. You prefer lying to speaking the truth.
Psalm 119:163
I hate and despise falsehood and I love your law.
Proverbs 6:17
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
Proverbs 13:5
A righteous man hates lying. A wicked man is loathsome and shameful.
Hosea 7:3
They make kings happy with the wicked things they do. They make officials happy with the lies they tell.
John 8:44
You are from your father [Satan] the Devil (slanderer) (false accuser)! You want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning. He does not stand for the truth. There is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own lies. He is a liar and the father of the lie!
Romans 1:32
They know the judgment of God, that those who commit such things are worthy of death! And yet, they not only do the same, but also approve of those who do them.
Revelation 22:15
Outside are the dogs (impure men) and those who practice spiritism, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and everyone who tells lies.'
Psalm 28:3
Do not drag me away with the wicked and with troublemakers who speak of peace with their neighbors but have evil in their hearts.
Psalm 55:21
His speech was smoother than butter, but his heart was war! His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.
Luke 20:20
They watched him and sent out spies, who pretended to be righteous. The spies listened for something in his speech to deliver him up to the authority of the governor.
Psalm 5:9
There is nothing truthful in what they say! Their inward part is destruction. Their throat is an open grave. They flatter with their tongue.
Psalm 51:6
Yet, you desire truth from the secret person within me. Deep down inside me teach me wisdom.
Luke 11:39
The Lord said: You Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the platter. Yet your inward part is full of extortion and wickedness.
Romans 7:22
My inner person delights in the law of God.
General references
Acts 24:9
The Jews also joined in accusing him, saying that these things were true.