Psalm 87:3

Honored things being spoken in thee, O city of God. Silence.

Psalm 46:4

A river, its streams will gladden the city of God, the holy place of the tents of the Most High.

Psalm 48:2-3

Fair of elevation, the joy of all the earth, is mount Zion, the sides of the north, the city of the great King.

Psalm 48:11-13

Mount Zion shall rejoice, the daughters of Judah shall be glad for sake of thy judgments.

Psalm 125:1-2

Song of ascensions. They trusting in Jehovah are as mount Zion; it shall not be moved; remaining forever.

Isaiah 12:6

Cry out and shout for joy thou inhabitress of Zion, for great in the midst of thee the Holy One of Isarel.

Isaiah 49:14-26

And Zion will say, Jehovah forsook me, and the Lord forgot me.

Isaiah 54:2-10

Enlarge the place of thy tent, stretch forth the hangings of thy dwellings; thou shalt not spare; lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy pegs.

Isaiah 59:20-22

And be redeeming came to Zion, and they turning away. transgression in Jacob, says Jehovah.

Isaiah 61:3-12

To set to those mourning in Zion, to give to them adorning instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the vestment of praise for the spirit of faintness; and it shall be called to them, The mighty trees of justice of the planting of Jehovah, to be honored.

Jeremiah 3:14-17

Turn back, ye sons having turned away, says Jehovah; for I was lord over you: and I took you one from a city and two from a family, and I brought you to Zion.

Jeremiah 31:12-13

And they came and shouted in the height of Zion, and they flowed together to the goodness of Jehovah, for the grain and for the new wine, and for the oil, and for the sons of the flock and the herd: and their soul was as a watered garden, and they shall not add to pine away any more.

Ezekiel 36:2

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because the enemy said against you, Aha! and the heights of old were for a possession to us:

Ezekiel 36:11-38

And I multiplied upon you man and cattle; and they multiplied and were fruitful: and I caused you to dwell according to your former times, and I did good above your beginnings: and ye knew that I am Jehovah.

Ezekiel 37:27-28

And my dwelling was with them, and I was to them for God, and they shall be to me for a people.

Ezekiel 40:1-49

In the twenty and fifth year to our captivity, in the beginning, of the year, in the tenth to the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was struck, in this very day the hand of Jehovah was upon me, and he will bring me there.

Ezekiel 48:1-35

And these the names of the tribes: From the extremity north to the hand of the way of Hethlon to go to Hamath, the enclosure of the fountain, the bound of Damascus northward to the hand of Hamath, and they were to him the east side, the sea, Dan, one

Hebrews 12:22-23

But ye have come to mount Sion, and to the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels,

Revelation 14:1

And I saw, and, behold, a Lamb standing upon mount Sion, and with him a hundred forty-four thousand, having the name of his Father written in their foreheads.

Revelation 21:10-27

And he brought me away in the spirit upon a mountain great and high, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah.

General references

Bible References

General references

Psalm 122:2
Our feet were standing in the gates of Jeursalem.
Song of Songs 3:10
Its pillars he made silver, its support gold, its seat reddish purple, its midst tesselated with love from the daughters of Jerusalem.