Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.
Very bold
I was found
Bible References
Very bold
Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no one pursues them,
But the righteous are as bold as a lion.
But the righteous are as bold as a lion.
Isaiah 58:1 “Cry aloud, do not hold back;
Lift up your voice like a trumpet,
And declare to My people their transgression
And to the house of Jacob their sins.
Lift up your voice like a trumpet,
And declare to My people their transgression
And to the house of Jacob their sins.
Ephesians 6:19
And pray for me, that words may be given to me when I open my mouth, to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news [of salvation],
I was found
Romans 9:30
What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness [who did not seek salvation and a right relationship with God, nevertheless] obtained righteousness, that is, the righteousness which is produced by faith;
Isaiah 65:1 “I let Myself be sought by those who did not ask for Me;
I let Myself be found by those who did not seek Me.
I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’
To the nation [Israel] which did not call on My Name.
I let Myself be found by those who did not seek Me.
I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’
To the nation [Israel] which did not call on My Name.
I was made
Isaiah 49:6
He says, “It is too trivial a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore thesurvivors of Israel;
I will also make You a light to the nations
That My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”
He says, “It is too trivial a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the
I will also make You a light to the nations
That My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”
Isaiah 52:15
So He will sprinkle many nations [with His blood, providing salvation],
Kings will shut their mouths because of Him;
For what they had not been told they will see,
And what they had not heard they will understand.
So He will sprinkle many nations [with His blood, providing salvation],
Kings will shut their mouths because of Him;
For what they had not been told they will see,
And what they had not heard they will understand.
Isaiah 55:4
“Listen carefully, I have appointedhim [David, representing the Messiah] to be a witness to the nations [regarding salvation],
A leader and commander to the peoples.
“Listen carefully, I have appointed
A leader and commander to the peoples.
Matthew 20:16 So those who are last [in this world] shall be first [in the world to come], and those who are first, last.”
Matthew 22:9 So go to the main highways that lead out of the city, and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’
Luke 14:23 Then the master told the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled [with guests].
1 John 4:19
We love, because He first loved us.