Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

General references

Bible References

Boast not

Romans 11:20
Be it so. It was for their unbelief that they were broken off, and thou standest through thy faith; be not highminded, but fear.
Romans 3:27
Where then is the boasting? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay; but by the law of faith.
Matthew 26:33
Peter answering said to him, Though all should fall away from thee, yet will I never fall away.
Luke 18:9
And to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised all others, he spoke this parable:
1 Corinthians 10:12
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.

Thou bearest

Romans 4:16
Therefore the inheritance was made to depend on faith, that it might be a matter of grace; that the promise might be sure to all the offspring, not to that only which is under the Law, but to that also which hath the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all
John 10:16
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring; and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.
Galatians 3:29
and if ye belong to Christ, then are ye Abrahams offspring, heirs according to the promise.
Ephesians 2:19
So then ye are no longer strangers and foreigners, but are fellowcitizens with the saints, and members of the household of God,

General references

Romans 11:24
For if thou hast been cut off from an olivetree wild by nature, and hast against thy nature been ingrafted into a good olivetree, how much more shall these, the natural branches, be ingrafted into their own olivestock?