Romans 16:10

Greet Apelles, the one tested and approved in Christ. Greet those who belong to the household of Aristobulus.

Deuteronomy 8:2

And you shall remember [always] all the ways which the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, so that He might humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart (mind), whether you would keep His commandments or not.

Romans 14:18

For the one who serves Christ in this way [recognizing that food choice is secondary] is acceptable to God and is approved by men.

2 Corinthians 8:22

We have sent with them our brother, whom we have often tested and found to be diligent in many things, but who is now even more diligent [than ever] because of his great confidence in you.

Philippians 2:22

But you know of Timothy’s tested worth and his proven character, that he has served with me to advance the gospel like a son serving with his father.

1 Timothy 3:10

These men must first be tested; then if they are found to be blameless and beyond reproach [in their Christian lives], let them serve as deacons.

1 Peter 1:7

so that the genuineness of your faith, which is much more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested and purified by fire, may be found to result in [your] praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:19

for [doubtless] there have to be factions among you, so that those who are of approved character may be clearly recognized among you.

2 Corinthians 2:9

For this was my purpose in writing, to see if you would stand the test, whether you are obedient and committed to following my instruction in all things.

2 Timothy 4:19

Give my greetings to Prisca and Aquila, and to the household of Onesiphorus.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobulus' household.

Bible References


2 Timothy 4:19
Give my greetings to Prisca and Aquila, and to the household of Onesiphorus.