Romans 4:19

And, without growing weak in faith, he could contemplate his own vital powers which had now decayed--for he was nearly 100 years old--and Sarah's barrenness.

Matthew 6:30

And if God so clothes the wild herbage which to-day flourishes and to-morrow is thrown into the oven, is it not much more certain that He will clothe you, you men of little faith?

Matthew 8:26

"Why are you so easily frightened," He replied, "you men of little faith?" Then He rose and reproved the winds and the waves, and there was a perfect calm;

Matthew 14:31

Instantly Jesus stretched out His hand and caught hold of him, saying to him, "O little faith, why did you doubt?"

Mark 9:23-24

"'If I possibly can!'" replied Jesus; "why, everything is possible to him who believes."

John 20:27-28

Then He said to Thomas, "Bring your finger here and feel my hands; bring you hand and put it into my side; and do not be ready to disbelieve but to believe."

Romans 4:20-21

Nor did he in unbelief stagger at God's promise, but became mighty in faith, giving glory to God,

Romans 14:21

The right course is to forego eating meat or drinking wine or doing anything that tends to your brother's fall.

Hebrews 11:11-19

Through faith even Sarah herself received strength to become a mother--although she was past the time of life for this--because she judged Him faithful who had given the promise.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb:


Bible References


Romans 4:20
Nor did he in unbelief stagger at God's promise, but became mighty in faith, giving glory to God,
Romans 14:21
The right course is to forego eating meat or drinking wine or doing anything that tends to your brother's fall.
Matthew 6:30
And if God so clothes the wild herbage which to-day flourishes and to-morrow is thrown into the oven, is it not much more certain that He will clothe you, you men of little faith?
Matthew 8:26
"Why are you so easily frightened," He replied, "you men of little faith?" Then He rose and reproved the winds and the waves, and there was a perfect calm;
Matthew 14:31
Instantly Jesus stretched out His hand and caught hold of him, saying to him, "O little faith, why did you doubt?"
Mark 9:23
"'If I possibly can!'" replied Jesus; "why, everything is possible to him who believes."
John 20:27
Then He said to Thomas, "Bring your finger here and feel my hands; bring you hand and put it into my side; and do not be ready to disbelieve but to believe."


Hebrews 11:11
Through faith even Sarah herself received strength to become a mother--although she was past the time of life for this--because she judged Him faithful who had given the promise.