Romans 6:1
What may we say, then? are we to go on in sin so that there may be more grace?
Romans 6:15
What then? are we to go on in sin because we are not under law but under grace? Let it not be so.
Romans 2:4
Or is it nothing to you that God had pity on you, waiting and putting up with you for so long, not seeing that in his pity God's desire is to give you a change of heart?
Romans 3:5-8
But if the righteousness of God is supported by our wrongdoing what is to be said? is it wrong for God to be angry (as men may say)?
Romans 3:31
Do we, then, through faith make the law of no effect? in no way: but we make it clear that the law is important.
Romans 5:20-21
And the law came in addition, to make wrongdoing worse; but where there was much sin, there was much more grace:
Galatians 5:13
Because you, brothers, were marked out to be free; only do not make use of your free condition to give the flesh its chance, but through love be servants one to another.
1 Peter 2:16
As those who are free, not using your free position as a cover for wrongdoing, but living as the servants of God;
2 Peter 2:18-19
For with high-sounding false words, making use of the attraction of unclean desires of the flesh, they get into their power those newly made free from those who are living in error;
Jude 1:4
For certain men have come among you secretly, marked out before in the holy Writings for this evil fate, men without the fear of God, turning his grace into an unclean thing, and false to our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.