Romans 6:9
knowing that Christ having been raised up from among the dead dies no more: death has dominion over him no more.
Revelation 1:18
and the living one: and I became dead, and behold, I am living to the ages of ages, and have the keys of death and of hades.
Romans 5:14
but death reigned from Adam until Moses, even upon those who had not sinned in the likeness of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him to come.
Psalm 16:9-11
Therefore my heart rejoiceth, and my glory exulteth; my flesh moreover shall dwell in hope.
Acts 2:24-28
Whom God has raised up, having loosed the pains of death, inasmuch as it was not possible that he should be held by its power;
Romans 6:14
For sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under law but under grace.
Hebrews 2:14-15
Since therefore the children partake of blood and flesh, he also, in like manner, took part in the same, that through death he might annul him who has the might of death, that is, the devil;
Hebrews 7:16
who has been constituted not according to law of fleshly commandment, but according to power of indissoluble life.
Hebrews 7:25
Whence also he is able to save completely those who approach by him to God, always living to intercede for them.
Hebrews 10:12-13
But he, having offered one sacrifice for sins, sat down in perpetuity at the right hand of God,