Romans 7:21

Consequently, I find the principle with me, the one who wants to do good, that evil is present with me.

Romans 7:23

but I observe another law in my members, at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that exists in my members.

Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.

2 Chronicles 30:18-19

For a majority of the people, many from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves. But they ate the Passover sacrifice {otherwise than prescribed}, but Hezekiah had prayed for them, saying, "May the good Yahweh make atonement unto

Psalm 19:12-13

Who can perceive [his] errors? Acquit me from hidden [faults].

Psalm 40:12

For evils without number have encompassed me. My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails me.

Psalm 65:3

Iniquities prevail over me. As for our transgressions, you will {forgive} them.

Psalm 119:37

Turn away my eyes from looking at [what is] worthless; revive me in your ways.

Psalm 119:133

Direct my steps in your word, and do not let any iniquity gain power over me.

Isaiah 6:5-7

And I said, "Woe to me! For I am destroyed! For I [am] a man {of unclean lips}, and I [am] living among a people {of unclean lips}, for my eyes have seen the king, Yahweh of hosts!"

Zechariah 3:1-4

And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing {before} the angel of Yahweh; and Satan was standing on his right to accuse him.

Luke 4:1

And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness

John 8:34

Jesus replied to them, "Truly, truly I say to you, that everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.

Romans 6:12

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, so that [you] obey its desires,

Romans 6:14

For sin will not be master over you, because you are not under law, but under grace.

Romans 7:25

Thanks [be] to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself with my mind am enslaved to the law of God, but with my flesh [I am enslaved] to the law of sin.

Ephesians 6:11-13

Put on the full armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil,

Hebrews 2:17

Therefore he was obligated to be made like his brothers in all [respects], in order that he could become a merciful and faithful high priest in the things relating to God, in order to make atonement for the sins of the people.

Hebrews 4:15

For we do not have a high priest who is not able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but who has been tempted in all [things] in the same way, without sin.

2 Peter 2:19

promising them freedom [although they] themselves are slaves of depravity. For to whatever someone succumbs, by this he is also enslaved.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References

A law

Romans 7:23
but I observe another law in my members, at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that exists in my members.
Romans 6:12
Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, so that [you] obey its desires,
Romans 8:2
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.
Psalm 19:13
Also, keep back your servant from arrogant [sins]; let them not rule over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression.
Psalm 119:133
Direct my steps in your word, and do not let any iniquity gain power over me.
John 8:34
Jesus replied to them, "Truly, truly I say to you, that everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil,
2 Peter 2:19
promising them freedom [although they] themselves are slaves of depravity. For to whatever someone succumbs, by this he is also enslaved.


2 Chronicles 30:18
For a majority of the people, many from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves. But they ate the Passover sacrifice {otherwise than prescribed}, but Hezekiah had prayed for them, saying, "May the good Yahweh make atonement unto
Psalm 19:12
Who can perceive [his] errors? Acquit me from hidden [faults].
Psalm 40:12
For evils without number have encompassed me. My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails me.
Psalm 65:3
Iniquities prevail over me. As for our transgressions, you will {forgive} them.
Psalm 119:37
Turn away my eyes from looking at [what is] worthless; revive me in your ways.
Isaiah 6:5
And I said, "Woe to me! For I am destroyed! For I [am] a man {of unclean lips}, and I [am] living among a people {of unclean lips}, for my eyes have seen the king, Yahweh of hosts!"
Zechariah 3:1
And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing {before} the angel of Yahweh; and Satan was standing on his right to accuse him.
Luke 4:1
And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness
Hebrews 2:17
Therefore he was obligated to be made like his brothers in all [respects], in order that he could become a merciful and faithful high priest in the things relating to God, in order to make atonement for the sins of the people.
Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is not able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but who has been tempted in all [things] in the same way, without sin.