0 occurrences

'Descended From David' in the Bible

O royal family descended from David. The Lord says: 'See to it that people each day are judged fairly. Deliver those who have been robbed from those who oppress them. Otherwise, my wrath will blaze out against you. It will burn like a fire that cannot be put out because of the evil that you have done.

Verse ConceptsMorningFire Of God's AngerSaving PeopleEvery MorningRobbing People

But Jesus said to them, you affirm the Messiah must be descended from David, how can that be?

Verse ConceptsChrist's Origin

if then David stiles the Messiah his Lord, how can he be descended from David?

Verse ConceptsChrist Is Lord

[the good news] regarding His Son, who, as to the flesh [His human nature], was born a descendant of David [to fulfill the covenant promises],

Verse ConceptsBody Of Christ, Physical BodyCovenant, God's with DavidChrist, The Seed OfIncarnationProphecies Concerning ChristJesus As Son Of DavidChrist's OriginJesus Birth

Remember Jesus Christ [the ever-living Lord who has] risen from the dead, [as the prophesied King] descended from David [king of Israel], according to my gospel [the good news that I preach],

Verse Conceptsevangelism, nature ofCovenant, God's with DavidPast, TheJesus As Son Of DavidRemembering ChristChrist Is RisenJesus DeathFamily Death

Descended From Davidnot in Lexham Expanded Bible

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