Hebrews 12:3-13 - Fatherly Discipline

3 For reckon over him having endured such contradiction of the sinful against himself, lest being harassed, ye labor in your souls. 4 Ye have not yet resisted until blood, fighting against sin. 5 And ye have totally forgotten the entreaty which is spoken to you as to sons, My son, neglect not the instruction of the Lord, nor be enervated being rebuked by him: 6 For whom the Lord loves he corrects, and he chastises every son which he receives.

7 If ye endure correction, God treats you as sons; for who is the son which the father corrects not? 8 And if ye are without correction, of which all are partakers, then are ye spurious, not sons. 9 Since we truly have fathers of our flesh instructors, and we were influenced: shall we not rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and we shall live? 10 For they truly for a few days, according as it seemed to them, corrected; but he for profit, in order to partake in his holiness. 11 And truly every correction for the present seems not to be for joy, but grief: and later it returns the peaceful fruit of justice to them being exercised by it.

12 Wherefore set upright the relaxed hands, and palsied knees; 13 And make straight wheel-ruts to your feet, lest the lame thing turned aside; and it should rather be healed.