Philippians 3:15-21 - Imitate Paul
15 Therefore let all of us who are mature believers cherish these thoughts; and if in any respect you think differently, that also God will make clear to you. 16 But whatever be the point that we have already reached, let us persevere in the same course. 17 Brethren, vie with one another in imitating me, and carefully observe those who follow the example which we have set you. 18 For there are many whom I have often described to you, and I now even with tears describe them, as being enemies to the Cross of Christ. 19 Their end is destruction, their bellies are their God, their glory is in their shame, and their minds are devoted to earthly things. 20 We, however, are free citizens of Heaven, and we are waiting with longing expectation for the coming from Heaven of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, in the exercise of the power which He has even to subject all things to Himself, will transform this body of our humiliation until it resembles His own glorious body.