6 occurrences in 6 dictionaries

Reference: Jotham


1. The youngest son of Gideon, who escaped the massacre of his brethren by Abimelech, and afterwards boldly and prophetically denounced the Shechemites in the beautiful parable of the bramble and the other trees. He escaped to Beer, and probably lived to see his threatenings fulfilled, Jg 9. See ABIMELECH 3.

2. The son and successor of Uzziah, or Azariah, king of Judah, B. C. 758. He appears to have been for some years regent before the death of Uzziah his leprous father, but ascended the throne at the age of twenty-five years, and reigned sixteen years in the fear of God. The history of his wise and prosperous reign, and of his useful public works, is found in 2Ki 15:5,32,38; 2Ch 26:21; 27:9.


Jehovah is perfect. (1.) The youngest of Gideon's seventy sons. He escaped when the rest were put to death by the order of Abimelech (Jg 9:5). When "the citizens of Shechem and the whole house of Millo" were gathered together "by the plain of the pillar" (i.e., the stone set up by Joshua, (Jos 24:26; comp. Ge 35:4) "that was in Shechem, to make Abimelech king," from one of the heights of Mount Gerizim he protested against their doing so in the earliest parable, that of the bramble-king. His words then spoken were prophetic. There came a recoil in the feelings of the people toward Abimelech, and then a terrible revenge, in which many were slain and the city of Shechem was destroyed by Abimelech (Jg 9:45). Having delivered his warning, Jotham fled to Beer from the vengeance of Abimelech (Jg 9:7-21).

(2.) The son and successor of Uzziah on the throne of Judah. As during his last years Uzziah was excluded from public life on account of his leprosy, his son, then twenty-five years of age, administered for seven years the affairs of the kingdom in his father's stead (2Ch 26:21,23-27:1). After his father's death he became sole monarch, and reigned for sixteen years (B.C. 759-743). He ruled in the fear of God, and his reign was prosperous. He was contemporary with the prophets Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah, by whose ministrations he profited. He was buried in the sepulchre of the kings, greatly lamented by the people (2Ki 15:38; 2Ch 27:7-9).


1. Gideon's youngest son; escaped when his 69 brothers were killed at Ophrah by their half brother Abimelech. Upon the latter being made king, Jotham from Mount Gerizim, which rises 800 ft. above the valley of Shechem on the S. side of the city, uttered against him and the Shechemites the parable or fable (the oldest extant) of the bramble and the trees. (See FABLE.) The olive, fig, and vine, the most valuable products of Palestine, represent the nobler persons like Gideon, who bear fruit to God's glory and man's good, and wish no transference to kingly positions ("to float about restless and insecure", nuwah, instead of being rooted in the soil: Jg 9:9). The bramble, good for nothing but to burn, represents Abimelech who can do nothing but harm. The bramble's hollow pretentiousness appears in his invitation, "trust in my shadow!" It could only scratch, not shelter from the heat. Easily catching fire, it can set on fire the noblest trees of Lebanon; the worthless can cause fatal hurt to the noblest (Ex 22:5). Jotham fled to Beer and dwelt there, out of Abimelech's way.

2. King Jotham, son of Uzziah or Azariah and Jerushah. He was regent during Uzziah's leprosy (2Ch 26:21); at the age of 25 he succeeded him, and reigned for 16 years in Jerusalem (758-742 B.C.). A contemporary of Isaiah. He did right before the Lord; but did not remove the high places, for "the people did yet corruptly," sacrificing and burning incense still on them (2-Kings/15/type/auv'>2 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 27), He built the higher gate of the house of Jehovah, i.e. the N. gate of the inner or upper court (see Eze 8:3,5,14,16; 9:2; 40:38-43), and built much at the wall of the Ophel (the S. slope of the temple mountain, a wall from which passed to the W. mountain, commonly called Zion), and cities on Judah's mountains, and castles in the forests to protect the herds, as Uzziah had done (2Ch 26:10). (See JERUSALEM.) He imposed on Ammon, after subduing them, a heavy tribute for three years.

3. 1Ch 2:47.


1. A king of Judah in the time of Isaiah. His father was afflicted with leprosy, and Jotham had some sort of regency before becoming sole ruler (2Ki 15:5). We know nothing of him except that he rebuilt or ornamented one of the gates of the Temple (2Ki 15:35), and that the hostilities which later culminated in the invasion of Judah began before his death (2Ki 15:37-38).

2. A Calebite (1Ch 2:47).

H. P. Smith.



1. Gideon's youngest son who escaped the massacre by Abimelech. He boldly declared the parable 'The Reign of the Bramble' in the hearing of the men of Shechem. Jg 9:5-21,57.

2. Son and successor of Uzziah, or Azariah, king of Judah: he reigned sixteen years: B.C. 758-742, besides ruling during the leprosy of his father. Jotham did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He erected the high gate of the house of the Lord, and built much on Ophel; also in the mountains of Judah he built cities, castles, and towers. He conquered the Ammonites, and for three years they paid him tribute. He became mighty because he prepared his way before the Lord his God. 2Ki 15:5-38; 2Ch 27; Isa 1:1; 7:1; Ho 1:1; Mic 1:1. Called JOATHAM in Mt 1:9.

3. Son of Jahdai, a descendant of Judah. 1Ch 2:47.

See Verses Found in Dictionary



(Jehovah is upright).

1. The youngest son of Gideon,

Jg 9:5

who escaped from the massacre of his brethren. (B.C. after 1256.) His parable of the reign of the bramble is the earliest example of the kind.

2. The son of King Uzziah or Azariah and Jerushah. After administering the kingdom for some years during his father's leprosy, he succeeded to the throne B.C. 758, when he was 25 years old, and reigned 16 years in Jerusalem. He was contemporary with Pekah and with the prophet Isaiah. His history is contained in

2Ki 15:1

... and 2Chr 27:1 ...

3. A descendant of Judah, son of Jahdai.

1Ch 2:47