Most popular Bible Verses

Bible Rank:

Verse ConceptsBaptism, significance ofAffirmationsBorn Again, NecessaryBeing Born AgainSpiritual Blindness, Removal OfBirth, SpiritualKingdom Of God, Entry IntoThe New NatureNecessityOnce Saved Always SavedRegenerationResurrection, SpiritualNew Birth, Necessity OfDatingEternal SecurityChrist Telling The TruthTruly TrulyNew BirthJesus BirthNew BeginningsEclipserebirth

Jesus said to him, "Truly, truly, I tell you, a person cannot see the kingdom of God [i.e., enter it. See verse 5], unless he is born from above [Note: The words "from above" are also used in verse 31, but in this place they could also mean "again," or "anew" and refer to the source of a person's second birth].

Verse ConceptsThe DeadDeath, Description OfAdam, DescendantsCondemnation, Causes OfExcusesevil, origins ofBeing Born In SinHistoryLast ThingsLife, HumanUniversality Of DeathMortalityParticipation, In SinPunishment, Nature OfResponsibility, To GodSin, Causes OfSin, Universality OfSinnersSuffering, Nature OfFall Of ManHereditySin, Consequences OfThe Sin NatureAdam, Results Of SinMiscegenation (racial Intermarriage)The Reality Of SinSin Producing DeathAll PeopleOnly One PersonSin Produces DeathThe Entrance Of SinDeathAdam and eveAdam and eve disobey godDeath ofnatural DeathRaceLoss Of A Loved One

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through [the action of] one man [i.e., Adam] and [physical] death through that sin, so [physical] death has spread to all people, because all people have sinned. [Note: This difficult passage (verses 12-21) seems to be saying that the entire human race must experience physical death because of Adam's sin (I Cor. 5:22), which is somehow considered to be everyone's sin. See Murray, pp. 180-187, for a thorough discussion].

Verse Conceptsethics, basis ofenlightenmentGospel, Historical Foundation OfSpiritual IlluminationIncarnationMorality, And CreationThe Light Of Christ

[Now] the true Light, who enlightens all mankind, was [indeed] coming into the world [i.e., to earth].

Verse ConceptsWedding FeastsThe Third Day Of The WeekWedding GuestsMarriage KjvIdentity In Christmarraige

Then on the third day [i.e., since Jesus' conversation with Nathaniel. See 1:47], a wedding took place in Cana in Galilee. [Note: This was a small town near Nazareth]. Jesus' mother was there

Verse ConceptsBaptism, Administered ByBaptism Of The Holy SpiritAudiencesUnity, God's Goal OfWorship, Times ForChurch GatheringsFeast Of Weeks [Pentecost]Other TimesDispensationsaccomplishment

And when the day of Pentecost came [Note: This was a Jewish festival held fifty days following the Passover Festival. Lev. 23:15-21], they [i.e., the twelve apostles] were all gathered together in one place [i.e., their second story living quarters, 1:13 ?].

Verse ConceptsSanhedrinpharisees

Now there was a Pharisee, a leader of the Jews, named Nicodemus.

Verse ConceptsAccepting ChristName CallingSalvation, Possible To All MenCalling In Christ's NameGod's CallCallingBeing Saved

For [Joel 2:32 says], "Every person who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." [i.e., whoever appeals to God through obedient faith in Christ]

Verse ConceptsArmor of GodBad ThoughtsBad LanguageBodily LimbsIntentionsSpirit, Nature OfSpiritual Warfare, ArmourThoughtWordsBibleMan, Trichotomy View OfBible, Names OfBible, Described AsGod's OmnipresenceCounselingSharpnessThe Sword Of The SpiritLife By God's WordMan's ThoughtsMan's PurposesTwo SidedWeapons Of The BelieverWhat God DoesGod's SwordThoughtsdivisiontransitioncutting

For God's word is alive and active and sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates [deep enough] even to divide [a person's] soul [from his] spirit, and his joints [from his] bone marrow [Note: This is figurative language describing the penetrating effect of God's word into a person's spiritual, inner being] and is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of a person's heart.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadGoalsFoundationsAssemblyGatesdefence, divineBuildingHadesMission, Of Jesus ChristProgressChurch AgeJesus Christ, Present Activities OfGates Of DeathProphecies Said By JesusThe Foundation Of The ChurchPeople As RocksOvercoming DeathOvercoming Through ChristThe Church UniversalNamesChurch Distinct From IsraelOvercomingTragedymath

And I also tell you, [although] you are Peter [i.e., a stone], it is on this rock [i.e., the truth you have just confessed] that I will build my church and [not even] the gates of the unseen place of departed spirits will win out over it [i.e., all efforts to stamp out the church by killing Christians will fail].

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins OfThe Light Of ChristContemporary Witness To ChristBelieve In Christ!

He came to be a witness, so that he might testify concerning that Light, so that all people would believe [in Jesus] through him [i.e., through his testimony. See Acts 19:4].

Verse ConceptsBanksWhipsTurning Upside DownWhippingChrist Driving Out PeopleIndeterminate Sums Of Moneycatsknots

Then Jesus made a whip out of strands of rope and drove all of the sheep and oxen out of the Temple [area], dumped out the cashiers' money and overturned their tables.

Verse ConceptsMetaphysicsClouds And Jesus ChristGospel, Historical Foundation OfHolidayMelchizedekJesus Christ, Ascension OfResurrection Of Christ, AppearancesGod's Shekinah GloryNot Seeing ChristGoing To Heavenclouds

And when Jesus had said these things, just as the apostles were watching [Him], He was taken up by a cloud [and disappeared] out of their sight.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of TimeCongregationThe First Day Of The WeekBreaking Of BreadAttending ChurchChurch AttendanceHolidayLord's Day, TheLord's SupperLove FeastSundaySabbath, In NtTeachingThe EucharistChurch GatheringsMidnightAction For A Long TimeToo Many WordsThe Lord's Supper

And on the first day of the week [i.e., Sunday], when we [disciples] had gathered together to break bread [i.e., the Lord's Supper. See I Cor. 11:20-24], Paul delivered a message that lasted until midnight, [since] he was planning to leave [Troas] the next day.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAdulterersAdultery and DivorceAdultery, Consequences OfAdultery, Results Ofethics, incentives towardsLove, In RelationshipsOne FleshFornicationProstitutionHomosexualityLasciviousnessSodomySexual RelationshipsExclusionIdolatryAdulteryFate Of IdolatersThe Wicked Will PerishUniversalismInheritancegayssexSexual ImmoralityBeing GayGay MarriageSex Before MarriageSame Sex Marriageadultrydrunkards

Or, do you not know that evil people will not possess God's kingdom? Do not be misled: neither will sexually immoral people, nor idolaters, nor those who are sexually unfaithful to their mates, nor homosexual perverts. [Note: The Greek uses two words here, denoting both the passive and active partners in male homosexual acts].

Verse ConceptsOutsidersWaterDrawing WaterMan Providing WaterSocial dutieswoman

[About then] a Samaritan woman came [to the well] to draw water. Jesus said to her, "[Please] give me a drink."

Verse ConceptsFriendlessnessClothingClothing, Kinds OfLinenLuxuryAbraham, New Testament ReferencesColors, PurpleRich ApparelPurple ClothesDrawbacks To RichesEating Drinking And Rejoicinglazarus

"Now there was a certain rich man who was dressed in purple [clothing] and soft linen [garments] and who lived every day in pleasure and luxury.

Verse ConceptsThe Holy SpiritMetaphysicsBeing Born AgainMetaphorsSymbolsWeather, God's Sovereignty OverWindAbraham, New Testament ReferencesHoly Spirit, Types OfThe Holy Spirit Described As The WindGod In The WindNot Knowing WhereLack Of ExpectationWhere From?Where To?muscles

The wind blows wherever it wants to, and you can hear the sound of it, without knowing where it came from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born from the Holy Spirit."

Verse ConceptsFriendlessnessLonelinessWeakness, PhysicalHelplessnessPeople Going BeforeDippingThings ShakingNo Help

The sick man answered Him, "Sir, I do not have anyone to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but [just] when I am about to enter [it] someone else goes down [into the water] before me."

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to Jesus ChristAbiding In Christdiscipleship, nature ofNames And Titles For The ChristianObeying JesusAbiding With GodReceiving God's WordJewsDiscipleship

Then Jesus said to those Jews who had believed [in Him], "If you people continue [obeying] my message, then you are truly my disciples.

Verse ConceptsDawnDarkness, Deliverance FromFollowing Jesus ChristBeing A LightenlightenmentBeing A Soldierdiscipleship, benefits ofHow Disciples Are CalledClaimsLife, Of FaithLight, SpiritualMetaphorsNames And Titles For ChristTypes Of ChristDark DaysPromised LightLife Through ChristThe Light Of ChristFrom Darkness To LightComing Out Of DarknessInstructions About FollowingDarknessLightSpiritual DarknessThe WorldLight As A Symbol Of SalvationLife That Is Worth Living

So, Jesus spoke to them again [i.e., to the Jewish authorities. See 7:45], saying, "I am the light of the world. The person who becomes my follower will never live in [spiritual] darkness, but have the light of [i.e., for his] life [i.e., followers of Jesus will not live in error and sin but in truth and righteousness]."

Verse ConceptsThe Truth Of The GospelSound DoctrineKnowing About God's Kingdomluck

Then you could know how reliable the information is that you have been told.

Verse ConceptsClaimsHorticultureMetaphorical VineyardsThe I Am's Of ChristFarmingboyfriends

[Jesus continued], "I am the real vine, and my Father is the owner of the vineyard.

Verse ConceptsBeing AloneGrandmothers

[We all love you] because of the truth which continues to live in our hearts and will be with us forever.

Verse ConceptsProblem SolvingThe Act Of OpeningPrayer, As Asking GodAskingAsking For HelpKnockingFinding ThingsGod Answers PrayerGod Giving FreelyGivingPraying For OthersMissing Someonemathseekinganswerstransition

"Ask [God for something] and it will be given to you; look [to God for something] and you will find it; knock [on the door of opportunity] and it will be opened up to you.

Verse ConceptsUnidentified AngelsGabriel The AngelMonthNazarethMonth 6Angels Going At God's BiddingGod Sending ProphetsMonthsNativity of Jesus Christgabriel

Now in the sixth month [of Elizabeth's pregnancy] the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the Galilean town of Nazareth,

Verse ConceptsKnowing God, Nature OfPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristRabbiSignsSigns Of The TimesJesus As Our TeacherGod With ChristSigns Performed By ChristDuring One NightOther People Of GodSpecial Revelation

This man went to Jesus one night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we [i.e., speaking of himself and other Jewish leaders] know that you are a Teacher sent from God, for no one could perform these [miraculous] signs that you are doing unless God were with Him."

Verse ConceptsAbility, Of God To SaveGod, Fatherhood OfAffluenceBlessedGenerosity, God'sPraiseParticipation, In ChristPraise, Reasons ForPresent, TheSeeking Things AboveThat Which Is SpiritualBelonging To HeavenBlessed By ChristRelationship Of Father And SonBless The Lord!Church Distinct From IsraelMillionaire MentalitySpiritualSpiritual crownsTrinityBeing Thankful For BlessingsUnconditional LoveBlessings From GodBlessing Others

May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised, for He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in [fellowship with] Christ. [Note: The term "heavenly realms" is used somewhat differently throughout this book. Here it refers to Christians as part of the church on earth].

Verse ConceptsAge, Glories OfConsciences, Description OfCommunicationOld Age, Attainment OfStandingAccusations, Source OfIsolated PersonsLeaving

And when they heard [what He had said], they [all] left, one at a time, beginning with the oldest men. So, Jesus was left alone with the woman [still standing] there where she was.

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombIncarnationMothers, Examples OfOne FleshProphecies Concerning ChristEngagementConceptionCalendarsThe Holy Spirit Giving LifeAbsence Of SexMiraculous BirthsNativity of Jesus ChristJesus BirthRelationships With BoyfriendHaving A Babyghostsbabyvirginity

Now the birth of Christ happened this way: When His mother Mary was engaged to marry Joseph, [but] before they had a sexual relationship, she was discovered to be pregnant by [the power of] the Holy Spirit.

Verse ConceptsCounterfeitsFalse Doctrines, Christian Attitude OfBeing DeceivedSpiritual DiscernmentListeningOrthodoxy, In NtReadingReceptivenessSeductionSpiritsSpiritual Warfare, Enemies InTestingNecromancySpirit BeingsFalse PeopleOther People Of GodTesting Other ThingsTesting SpiritsSpirit Of AntichristProblem PeopleProphecyFriendsFake FriendsBelieving In YourselfTestsWeather In The Last Daysprophetsexamstrying

Loved ones, do not believe [the message of] every spirit [i.e., every person claiming to be a teacher], but test the spirits [i.e., require proof that they and their message are genuine] to see whether they represent God [or not], because many false prophets have begun circulating throughout the world.

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtAfrican AmericansequalityBeing FairRacial EqualityServant, BondMenParticipation, In ChristRelationshipsStatusUnity, God's Goal OfWomenLibertyBigotryRacismOne ChurchSlavesNo DistinctionsFamily SolidarityInterracial MarriageGentilesJewsslaveryIdentity In ChristRacefreemovement

[In this relationship] there is to be no [distinction between] Jews or Greeks [i.e., Gentiles], slaves or free persons, men or women; for all of you are united into one [body] because of your relationship with Christ Jesus.

Verse ConceptsLawyersInheritance, SpiritualSeeking LifeTesting ChristDoing God's WorksTests

Just then a certain teacher of the law of Moses stood up and [attempted to] test Jesus, saying, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit [never ending] life?"

Verse ConceptsBeing Born In SinThe Light Of ChristContemporary Witness To ChristWho Is John The Baptist?Light

He himself was not that Light, but came [only] to testify concerning that Light.

Verse ConceptsCriticism, amongst believersConfrontationBlamediscipline, divineRebukeRelationshipsReproofSecrecyConflict ResolutionActing AlonePaying Attention To PeopleReproving PeopleWronging Other PeopleProblem PeopleErrorForgiving YourselfForgiving Others Who Hurt YouSibling Love

"And if your brother sins against you, go and show him where he wronged you, [but] keep it between just the two of you. If he listens to you [i.e., accepts your reasoning and repents], you have won your brother [back].

Verse ConceptsFutureGospel, Essence OfLast ThingsAngel, AnnouncementsChrist And HeavenChrist Coming AgainGoing To Heaven

and said, "You men from Galilee, why are you standing there looking up at the sky? This Jesus who was received up from your presence into the sky will return in the same way you saw Him go there."

Verse ConceptsFaith, As Basis Of SalvationClaimsProfitsWork, And RedemptionFaith That WorksUseless ReligionThings Which Cannot SaveWorks Of Faith

What good is it, my brothers [and sisters], if a person says he has faith but does not have [good] deeds? Can such faith save him?

Verse ConceptsAtonementAccepting ChristCoolAfrican AmericansGod, The CreatorSin, Deliverance From GodChrist JudgingNot JudgingOnly Son Of GodGod Sending OthersNo CondemnationThe WorldJudging Others Actionscondemnation

For God did not send His Son into the world to be its judge [i.e., to condemn it], but [rather] so that the people of the world could be saved [from condemnation] though Him.

Verse ConceptsBaptism, significance ofBeing Born AgainMortificationSacramentsPutting Off The Old ManDead To SinBaptised Into ChristBaptism

Or, do you not know that all of us who were immersed into Christ Jesus were immersed into His death?

Verse ConceptsAbuse, Of Spiritual ThingsGrowth In GraceContinual SinContinuing In SinLiving In SinGraceGod's GraceAbusePersistenceMercy And Grace

What shall we say, then? Should we continue sinning so that more of God's unearned favor will [have to] be shown?

Verse ConceptsAcceptance, divineTruthAcceptance, Of WorshipWorship, Of God AloneProphecies Said By JesusThat Which Is SpiritualGod Searching For PeoplePerforming The TruthNowHow To Worship GodThe FatherWorshiping God

But the time will come, and is now [actually] here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [i.e., from the heart] and truth [i.e., according to God's revealed will], for these are the people whom the Father seeks to be His worshipers.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTCaesarProclamationsRankTaxationProphecies Concerning ChristArmies, RomanRoman EmperorsThe King's Orderstaxes

Now it happened in those days that a decree was sent out from Caesar Augustus [the Emperor of the Roman Empire] requiring [people from] the whole empire to be registered [i.e., for taxation purposes].

Verse ConceptsAmazingThe Future AgeDeath Approachingsurprises

"Do not be surprised at this: The time is coming when all those who are in their graves will hear His voice

Verse ConceptsBecoming A ChristianNot JudgingJudgmentsHindrancesReciprocityJudgingTreating OthersOvercoming ObstaclesJudgementJudging Others Actions

"Do not pass [condemning] judgment [on other people] so that you do not receive such judgment [on yourselves].

Verse ConceptsThe World Without GodLanguageThe WorldListening To GodPerspective

These [false teachers] are part of the world, so [naturally] they speak [a message endorsed] by the world and the world listens to them.

Verse ConceptsCowardiceJews, TheKeysSundayPeace, Human Destruction OfSabbath, In NtMiracles Of ChristResurrection Of Christ, AppearancesFear, Of PersecutionThe First Day Of The WeekShutting DoorsEvenings For Jesus And His DisciplesFear Of EnemiesPraying Behind Closed DoorsPeace To You

So, when it was evening on that day, [which was] the first day of the week [i.e., Sunday] and the doors [of someone's house], where the disciples were gathered, were closed [i.e., probably locked] for fear of the Jewish authorities, Jesus came and stood among them. [Note: Probably Jesus passed through the closed door miraculously]. He said to them, "May there be peace in your hearts."

Verse ConceptsDoubting God's WordSecond Coming Of ChristSelf DelusionFrom The BeginningThe Fact Of His ComingMaranathaScoffersa new beginningDadsPromisesDeath Of A FatherSigns Of The End TimesThe Second ComingEnd Timesaccomplishmentsgrandfathersmockers

"Why has the promise of a coming Messiah [not been fulfilled yet]? After all, since the time our ancestors died, everything has continued the same, even since the beginning of creation!"

Verse ConceptsPilgrimageVisitingFestivals ObservedIdentity In Christjerusalem

After these things Jesus went up to Jerusalem to [attend] a Jewish festival.

Verse ConceptsExistenceCompletionDemons, Christ's AuthorityChrist's Role In CreationGod, The CreatorGod, Uniqueness OfGod, Unity OfPower, HumanThe Existence Of ThingsJesus Christ, CreatorPower Of Christ, ShownAngels, DescriptionVisibilityInvisible ThingsChrist And HeavenPrincipalities And PowersRanks Of AngelsJesus Role In SalvationCreationGod's Creationeverythingprincipalities

For all things were created by Him; things in heaven and on earth; things visible and invisible, whether they are thrones [i.e., reigning beings], or lords, or rulers or authorities. [Note: "Authorities" here may refer to angelic beings]. All things were created by Him and for Him.

Verse ConceptsForeknowledgeAtonementSerpentsChrist, Types OfProphecies Said By JesusForeknowledge Of ChristIsrael In The WildernessChrist's Crucifixion Foretold

And [just] like Moses lifted up the snake [on the pole] in the wilderness [Num. 21:9], so the Son of man must be lifted up [on the cross]

Verse ConceptsDestructionGehennaPathways Of SinDamnationMany Seeking SalvationBroadnessNarrow ThingsEasy For PeopleHellGoing To Heavendistractions

"You should enter [God's kingdom] by means of the narrow door, for the wide door and the broad road are the ones that lead to [spiritual and physical] destruction. And many people will enter [that wide door].

Verse ConceptsConfusionLack Of InsightWombGod Is TruthfulDullnessMisunderstood TruthLimitations Of Old PeopleBirth Not Being PossibleImpossible For PeoplemomsJesus BirthStress And Hard Timesrebirth

Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born [again] after he is [already] old? He cannot enter his mother's womb a second time and be born, can he?"

Verse ConceptsAffection, Kinds OfConformityBehaviourGospel, Historical Foundation OfHand Of GodRight Hand Of GodHeart, Affections OfSpirituality, Principles OfNew Birth, Described AsRight SidesOur ResurrectionSocial dutiesPositive ThinkingEthicsseekingreality

If then you people have been raised up together with Christ [i.e., from your burial in immersion, See 2:12-13 with Rom. 6:4], pay attention to the things that are above [i.e., heavenly things], where Christ is seated at the right side of God.

Verse Conceptsethics, basis ofTheologyUnworldlinessHearing God's WordDeceiving OneselfOne's DeedsKeep The Commandments!DeceptionheroesCall To Action

But you should not deceive yourselves by just listening [to God's word] instead of doing what the word teaches.

Verse ConceptsTwo Sons

Then Jesus said, "A certain man had two sons.

Verse ConceptsAtonementExpiationAtonement, Made OnceAtonement, Reconciliation To God ByAtonement, in NTPeter, Preacher And TeacherSalvation, Necessity And Basis OfSatisfactionSin, God's Remedy ForSubstitutionTypesUnselfishnessPower Of Holy Spirit, Shown InEvildoersThe Holy Spirit Giving LifeComing To GodThe Effect Of Christ's DeathChrist AtoningChrist Would RiseThe Fact Of Christ's DeathDisunity

For Christ suffered once for people's sins [to be forgiven]. [It was the case of] a righteous Man suffering for unrighteous people, so that He could bring you [or, "us"] to God [for salvation]. [Though] He [i.e., Jesus] was put to death physically, He was brought back to life by the Holy Spirit [Note: Some translations say "in spirit"].

Verse ConceptsThe Act Of OpeningKnockingFinding ThingsGod Answers PrayerAccess

For every person who asks will [certainly] receive; and the one who looks will [certainly] find; and to the person who knocks, the door will [certainly] be opened.

Verse ConceptsJesus Statements About The SpiritMetaphorsPresent, TheSending Of The Holy SpiritAbsenceAfflictions, Consolation DuringComfort, Of GodThe ComforterThe Holy Spirit As CounsellorAdvantagesLeavingChrist Telling The TruthChrist SendingUseful ThingsTelling The Truth

Yet I am telling you the truth: It will be helpful to you for me to go away. For unless I go, the Helper [i.e., the Holy Spirit] will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you.

Verse ConceptsBeing A Lightdisciples, characteristics ofDecayResponsibility, For God's WorldSaltSanctification, Means And ResultsTastePersonal ContactSending Things AwayTastelessnessRestoring ThingsTastelessSournessMoral Decay

"You people are [like] salt on the earth. But if salt loses its flavoring ability, how will it ever get it back again? From then on it would be good for nothing except to be thrown out onto the roadway and walked on by people. [Note: This was mined salt which, when losing its "saltiness" due to exposure to the sun or rain, was simply disposed of by being dumped onto the roadway where people walked].

Verse ConceptsPraying QuietlyBaptism Of The Holy SpiritAttitudes Of PrayerfulnessSuffering, Encouragements InWeakness, SpiritualHoly Spirit, Personhood OfHoly Spirit, Activities OfAnswered PromisesInfirmitiesThe Holy Spirit As CounsellorWithout SpeechEating DisordersPrayer LanguageGod's InterventionWeaknessPrayinghelpFinding Comfort In The Spirit

And in the same way, the Holy Spirit helps [us in] our weakness; for we do not know what we ought to pray for [Note: Some translators understand this as "how to pray"]. But the Holy Spirit goes to God on our behalf with groanings [in our hearts] that are not expressed [in words].

Verse ConceptsLeavingDisciples' Movements

(Now Jesus' disciples had gone away to town to buy some food).

Verse ConceptsLord's Day, TheSundayStonesThe First Day Of The WeekThe Act Of OpeningOpening PitsJesus TombDarkness Of NightThose Who Rose EarlyPerspective

Now early [in the morning], while it was still dark on the first day of the week [i.e., Sunday], Mary from Magdala went to the [cave-like] tomb and saw the stone [had been] removed from [the entrance of] the tomb.

Verse ConceptsUnbelief, And Life Of FaithWagesLittle FoodNo FoodGrace Being SufficientWorth

Philip answered Him, "Not even two hundred coins' worth of bread would be enough to feed them if everyone ate only a little bit." [Note: The amount here indicated was two hundred days of a farm laborer's pay, or about $14,000 in 1994].

Verse ConceptsBanquets, Examples OfGuestsHomeHospitality, Examples OfPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristHospitality Towards ChristWatching To EntrapOn The SabbathReceiving Jesus As A Guest

And it happened on a Sabbath day, when Jesus went to the house of one of the leading Pharisees for a meal, that they [i.e., probably other Pharisees who were also guests] were watching Him closely.

Verse ConceptsCustomReadingHabitsLiteracySabbath, In NtSynagogueWorship, Times ForReading The ScripturesOn The SabbathGoing To Churchculture

Jesus then went to Nazareth where He had been brought up. He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day, according to His custom, and stood up to read [the Scriptures].

Verse ConceptsAttending Churchelders, in the churchBishops, DutiesIslandsLeaders, SpiritualOfficersOrdinationPaul, Life OfOrderliness In Corporate WorshipOrder In Pastoral CareChurch GovernmentDiscipline Of The ChurchChurch OrderAdministrationPutting In OrderMan Appointing

The reason I left you in Crete [Note: This was an island in the Mediterranean Sea off the southern coast of Greece] was so you could set in order the things that were lacking and appoint elders in every city [i.e., where there was a church], as I directed you.

Verse Conceptsethics, basis ofSubmissionJesus Christ, Relation To FatherJesus Christ, Son Of GodChrist's Relationship To GodChrist Telling The TruthTruly TrulyInteraction Of Father And SonSubject To GodThe Father's Activity Regarding Christ

So, Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I tell you, the Son [of God] cannot do anything on His own [i.e., independently of the Father]; but [He does] what He sees His Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son also does as well.

Verse ConceptsWise MenHistoryBethlehemProphecies Concerning ChristOut Of The EastBabies As Prophetic SignsKings of judahNativity of Jesus ChristJesus Birthspringtimeepiphany

Now Jesus was born in Bethlehem [a small town] in Judea during the time when Herod [the Great] was king [of Judea]. About that time some astrologer/sages from the east [i.e., Persia] came to Jerusalem, saying,

Verse ConceptsStudying The BibleExposition Of The ScripturesNot MeInspirationThe scripturesProphecyProphecies concerningSelf WorthStudyingThe Word Of GodStaying Strong And Not Giving UpSelf EsteemThe BibleReading The BibleNot Being AloneScriptureimaginationrecognitionknots

Above all, [you should realize] that no prophecy of Scripture originates from a person's own initiative [Note: This passage is discussing the source of Scripture, not the understanding of it].

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins OfAnticipationJesus PrayingPraying For OthersPrayingfreemasonry

"I am not praying for these [apostles] only, but also for [all of] those who believe in me through their message.

Verse ConceptsGiftsIgnorance, Of ChristGifts From God, SpiritualBeverages, FigurativeAnswered PromisesSalvation, As A GiftAsking For HelpMan Providing WaterMetaphorical SpringsLife Through ChristGod Giving His SonWho He Might BeKnowing About God's Kingdomthe Gifts of God

Jesus answered her, "If you [only] knew the [real] gift of God, and who it is that said to you, '[Please], give me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofDuring One Night

The brothers [then] immediately sent Paul and Silas away at night to Berea [i.e., a town in Macedonia]. When they got there they went into the Jewish synagogue.

Verse Conceptsdemons, Kinds ofDemons, Christ's AuthorityThe Present AgeDeath Of God's PeopleEvil Angelsboyfriendsprincipalities

For I am convinced that neither death, nor [the trials of] life, nor [evil] angels, nor [evil] rulers, nor present or future [circumstances], nor [evil] powers,

Verse ConceptsBeginningFirst ActionsChrist TeachingBeginning To TeachIdentity In Christ

[Dear] Theophilus, in my former letter [i.e., the Gospel of Luke] I wrote to you concerning what all Jesus did and taught since the beginning [of His ministry],

Verse ConceptsAfflicted SaintsDeliverance, Response ToSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfWarningFinding PeopleChrist In The TempleHealth AchievedWorse

Later on Jesus found the man in the Temple, and said to him, "Look, you have been made well; stop sinning or else something worse [i.e., than the handicap you had] will happen to you."

Verse ConceptsGrace Be To YouPeace To YouPeace And ComfortMercy And Grace

May [God's] unearned favor be yours, [along with] peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse ConceptsAnxietyAll Things Being PossibleComfortingBattlesAdversitySafetyTemptation, Universality OfPeople OpposedGod For UsGod Being With UsGod Being With You

What then should we conclude from this? [Just this]: If God is on our side, who can [successfully] oppose us?

Verse ConceptsForeknowledgeBeing A ServantAssurance, nature ofGod's attitude towards peopleGod, Purpose OfHeart, DivineLord's SupperDestinyChrist, Character OfLove Of Jesus, To The SaintsLove Of Jesus, Examples OfFriendship, Examples OfForeknowledge Of ChristChrist Knowing About HimselfChrist's LoveThe FatherTimes Of The Christ

Now it was before the Passover Festival [was to begin] and Jesus knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world and return to the Father. Those [living] in the world, whom He had loved, and who were His own [disciples], He continued to love [dearly] to the very end [i.e., of His life on earth].

Verse ConceptsBaptism, practice ofeternal life, nature ofBeing Born AgainGod, The CreatorNewnessSalvation, Nature OfChristian, The WalkGlory Of GodSpiritual Life, Described ByNew Birth, Described AsNew LifeLife With ChristFigurative BurialsGod Raising ChristThe FatherMeaning Of The Risen LifeBaptizing InfantsThe ResurrectionDeath ofBaptismDeath Of A FatherJesus Deathrebirth

Therefore, we were buried with Him through [our] immersion [in water] into [a relationship with] His death, so that, just like Christ was raised up from the dead through the glorious power of the Father, so we also can [be raised up from the water to] live a new life.

Verse ConceptsCensusActing For OneselfNativity of Jesus ChristJesus Birth

And everyone went to register in his own home town.

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Of BelieversUseless LabourSufferingexperience

Did you suffer so many things [for the faith] all for nothing? [That is], if it really was for nothing?

Verse ConceptsAttitudes, to other peopleGuestsHospitality, Examples OfProperty, HousesHospitality Towards ChristWelcoming ChristReceiving Jesus As A Guestvacation

Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village [i.e., Bethany. See John 11:1], and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.

Verse ConceptsWhat Christian Should Do AlwaysCommitment, to Jesus Christethics, and graceGrowthFearProgressTremblingObedience To GodGone AwayObeying The GospelSaving OneselfWorks Of FaithIn Men's PresenceFear God!ObedienceAbsenceExerciseWorrying About The FutureHard Work And Perseveranceobeyingreverence

So then, my dear ones, just as you people were always obedient [to my teaching] when I was there with you, so now, in my absence [also], be [obedient] all the more. [Continue to] complete your own salvation [i.e., by living faithfully to the end. See Rom. 13:11] with fear and trembling [i.e., with a reverent and submissive spirit],

Verse ConceptsCommunicationHeart, Fallen And RedeemedPainSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfConviction Of SinThe ComforterProofsThe Final JudgementGod Doing RightDoing RightCondemnation Of The WickedConvictionGuilt

And when He does come, He will bring conviction to the world regarding sin [i.e., exposing it and producing guilt], regarding what is right [i.e., upholding godly standards], and regarding judgment [i.e., showing that sin condemns].

Verse ConceptsFootstoolsSitting In FellowshipHolier Than ThougaysRespectTreating OthersBeing GayGoing To ChurchGiving BackBeing Differentdiscriminationpoopmanattentionpeople

Now if you people show special attention to the one wearing the fine clothing and say [to him], "You can sit here in this good seat," and to the poor person, "You stand over there," or "Sit on the floor by my feet,"

Verse ConceptsLoveEnvyAttitudes, to other peopleKindnessLove, Abuse OfPride, Evil OfArrogance, Rejection OfAvoiding JealousyThe Need For MercyReasons To Wait For MarriageSelf CenterednessPrideSelf LoveForgiving Others Who Hurt YouTrue LoveBeing PatientBoastingAttitudes Of LoveWaiting Till Marriagearrogancepatientlovingassertiveness

[Note: The following traits should be understood in the context of love for people]. Love is patient [with people], and is kind [to them]; love does not envy [what people are or have]; love does not boast [of being superior to others], it is not arrogant [in dealing with people].

Verse ConceptsHabitsJohn The BaptistTeachablenessChrist TeachingThe Disciples WordsDisciples Of John The BaptistEnd Of ActionsJesus PrayingPraying For OthersPrayingFinishing Strong

And it happened as Jesus finished praying at a certain place that one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us [how] to pray, just like John [the Immerser] taught his disciples."

Verse ConceptsRiddlesProphecies Said By JesusDestruction Of The TempleRebuilding The TempleThe First Templerebuilding

Jesus answered them, "[If you] destroy this Temple, I will raise it up in three days."

Verse ConceptsCrowdsTravelCrowds Around Jesus

Now large crowds were following Jesus and He turned [around] and said to them,

Verse ConceptsGoalsGod, Sovereignty OfGospel, Historical Foundation OfThe Christian RaceLife, Of FaithHeaven,  Redeemed CommunityMaturity, SpiritualRight Hand Of GodShameSittingThroneJesus Christ, Meekness OfHumility Of ChristNames And Titles For ChristChrist, Names ForChrist's JoyThe Soul Winners JoyHealthy MarriagesAdmirationSeeking Things AboveChrist The BeginningBeginning Of SalvationRight SidesHow Faith ComesGod EnduringperfectionismChrist As The Source Of Faith

We should fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and completer of the [or, "our"] faith. [Note: Jesus is here pictured as the one who completely fulfills the life of faith, or who provides us with the ability to live such a life]. [And] because He could look forward to joy, He endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right side of God's throne.

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodLambsLove, Nature OfShepherds, As Church LeaderNames And Titles For The ChristianBreakfastFeeding AnimalsChrist Knowing About PeopleThe Need To Love Christvulnerability

So, after they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you really love me more than these [other disciples do]?" Peter answered Him, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." [Note: Since two different Greek words for "love" are used in this conversation, some scholars see a distinction in their meaning. See Butler, Vol. II, pp. 453-457 for a discussion of these views]. Jesus replied to him, "[Then] feed my lambs."

Verse ConceptsSeeking SignsCuriosityJesus Christ, Temptation OfSigns Performed By ChristSeeking A Signefficiency

So, the Jews asked Him, "What [miraculous] sign will you show us, since you are doing these things [i.e., disrupting their merchandising activities]?"

Verse ConceptsBeginningHearingTouchWitnesses, To Jesus ChristJesus Christ, Eternity OfHearing ChristFrom The BeginningChrist's Lifea new beginningWitnessingevangelizing

We [apostles] proclaim to you [the truth about Jesus], who existed from the beginning [of time]. We have heard [Him] and seen [Him] with our [own] eyes. We looked at Him, and [even] touched Him with our hands. [See John 20:20]. [So, we proclaim that] He is the word of life [i.e., the life-giving Word]!

Verse ConceptsThreatsThreateningsJudged As Murderersdamascusmotheringbreath

With every breath [it seemed], Saul [expressed his desire to] threaten and murder the Lord's disciples and [even] went to the head priest

Verse ConceptsCrowdsCrowds Around JesusNot Knowing About ChristHealing Sickness

But the man who was healed did not know who it was, because Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there.

Verse ConceptsdesiresSodomySexual PerversionEvil PassionsGod Handing OverWomen Doing WrongExchanging Good For BadAffectionsexLove And RelationshipsWomen's RolesPassionChange And GrowthSame Sex Marriage

For this reason God allowed [or, abandoned] them to [practice] degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function [i.e., of sex] for what is against nature [i.e., lesbianism].

Verse ConceptsAgape LoveAbundanceMercyMercy And GraceBeing UniqueAbundant Mercy

May there be mercy toward you people, and may your peace and love increase.

Verse ConceptsCommunicationLawlessnessPeter, Preacher And TeacherPreaching, Content OfApprovalGod Bearing Witness To ChristSigns Performed By ChristDoing God's WorksSigns And Wonders Of The GospelMiracles

"You people of Israel, listen to this message: Jesus from Nazareth was a man whom God [demonstrated] His approval of by powerful deeds, miracles and [supernatural] signs which He accomplished through Jesus in your very presence --- and you all know this!

Verse ConceptsExamples Of Life In The SpiritSpirit Filled MenGuidance Of The Holy SpiritBeing Filled With The SpiritResisting Temptationghosts

Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River [i.e., where He had been immersed. See 3:21] and was led by the Holy Spirit [See Matt. 4:1] into the desert.

Verse ConceptsJesus Returning To The FatherSeeing The Risen ChristNot Seeing ChristThe Disciples WordsChrist's Short LifeShort Time Till The EndThe Father

Then some of Jesus' disciples said to one another, "What is this He is telling us: 'After a little while [longer] you will not see me. Then, a little while [later] you will see me again,' and 'Because I am going [back] to the Father'?" [See verse 10].

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithGuestsHospitality, Examples OfInvitationsMealsPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristTablesHospitality Towards ChristServing JesusEntering HousesReclining To EatReceiving Jesus As A GuestJesus Eating

Then one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have a meal with him. So, He went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the [dinner] table. [Note: Matt. 23:6].

Verse ConceptsColors, WhiteGod, Sovereignty OfEarth, Destruction OfSkyTheophanyWhiteHeaven, God's ThroneThe Universe DestroyedFleeing From GodNo RoomAutomobiles

Then I saw a great, white throne and Him who was seated on it [i.e., probably Christ]. Earth and heaven fled from His presence and they were not found anywhere [again].

Verse ConceptsThe Healed WalkingJesus HealingCarrying Other Loads

But he replied to them, "The same man who made me well said to me, 'Pick up your cot and walk.'"

Verse ConceptsNecessityMan's Needs

[Now to get to Galilee] it required that Jesus travel through Samaria [Note: Samaria was the next country north of Judea].

Verse ConceptsHistorical Booksflexibility

Your Excellency Theophilus: Since so many people have undertaken the task of compiling a narrative of events that have happened among us,

Verse Conceptsevangelists, ministry ofMissionaries, Call OfCompanionshipMissionary Work, Examples OfSeventyTwo DisciplesPeople Going BeforeSeventiesChrist SendingMissionariesDiscipleshipgroups

Now after these things [happened] the Lord appointed seventy-two other disciples [Note: Some ancient manuscripts say "seventy." This group would have been in addition to the twelve. See Luke 9:1], and sent them two by two on ahead of Him into every town and locality that He planned to visit.

Verse ConceptsMultitudesSermon On The MountCrowds AvoidedSitting To TeachChrist SeeingChrist With His DisciplesWork EthicEthicscrusades

Seeing the large crowds, Jesus went up in a mountain [i.e., probably a hill near Capernaum] and when He sat down, His disciples came to Him.

Verse ConceptsBarrenness, Examples OfChildren, responsibilities to parentsChildlessnessInfertilityHaving A Babyluck

But they had no children, because Elizabeth was unable to bear offspring due to their both being very old.

Verse ConceptsDawnembalmingSundayOintmentSepulchresThe First Day Of The WeekDaybreakJesus TombAt DaybreakEarly Rising

Now at early dawn on the first day of the week [i.e., early Sunday morning], the women [See Mark 16:1] went to Jesus' grave site, taking the spices which they had prepared [for His burial].

Verse ConceptsMelchizedekPriesthood, In NtFaithful, Choose To RemainJesus Christ, PriesthoodChrist, The High PriestNames And Titles For ChristChrist, Names ForHolding FastStanding FirmChrist And Heavenempathy

Since then we [Christians] have [such] a great Head Priest, who has passed through the skies [i.e., ascended to heaven. See Acts 1:9], Jesus, the Son of God, we should remain true to our profession [of faith in Him].


Judah had sons named Perez and Zarah, [whose mother was] Tamar. Perez had a son named Hezron; Hezron had a son named Aram;

Verse ConceptsRemindersStandingAcceptance, Of The GospelThe Gospel Preached

Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the good news which I preached to you. You received it; you are standing firm in it;

Verse ConceptsGospel, Descriptions OfPrisonersChrist Preaching

Now after John was turned over [i.e., to the authorities and imprisoned] Jesus went [back] to Galilee preaching the good news from God

Verse ConceptsConviction, Leading To RepentanceGoadsEmotions, Kinds OfHeart, Fallen And RedeemedPeter, The ApostleRegretRevival, PersonalSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfTeachablenessConviction Of SinDoing God's WorksThe Apostles In Action

Now when the people heard this message [of Peter and the other apostles, See verse 14], they were convicted [of its truth] in their hearts and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do [about our condemned condition]?"

Verse ConceptsOthers SummoningA Good Husband

Jesus replied to her, "Go call your husband and [then] come here."

Verse ConceptsPower Through GodJesus Christ, Ascension OfTruly TrulyGreatness Of DisciplesThe FatherWorks Of Faith

Truly, truly, I tell you, the person who believes in me will perform the deeds that I do also; and he will perform even greater deeds than these, because I am going to the Father. [Note: The "greater deeds" are probably evangelizing the world].

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Examples OfMartyrdom, Examples OfRich, TheKilling The InnocentCondemning The InnocentThe Righteous Perishingcondemnation

You have condemned and murdered the righteous man [i.e., the innocent person, See verse 4] and he does not [even] resist you.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritExorcismsMiraculous SignsInfirmitiesApostles, Miraculous PowerApostles, Given Miraculous PowerPeople Casting Out DemonsIn The Name Of ChristSigns And Wonders Of The GospelMan's Authority Over The DevilLanguageDemonsCasting Out Demons

And these [miraculous] signs will attend [the conversion of] those who believe. [Note: This refers to the supernatural miracles performed by the apostles and their associates during the apostolic age. See verse

Verse ConceptsequalityHeadshipImage Of GodLikenessEquality With GodRevelation, In NtGod's Glory In Jesus ChristGraspingDivineDivinityGodheadSelf WorthSelf EsteemBeing YourselfBeing DifferentSelf ImageBeing Uniqueautonomy

He existed in the form of God [i.e., He shared God's very nature], but did not consider [remaining] equal with God something [to continue] to hold onto.

Verse Conceptsevil, believers' responses toDuties To EnemiesHearing ChristDo Good!Love Your Neighbour!EnemiesForgiving Others Who Hurt You

But I tell you people who are listening [to me], love your enemies and do good things to those who hate you.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersProphecy, In NtSonsPouringVisionsEnd Of The AgesHope For Old PeopleVisions From GodProphesying In The Churchend times prophecyEnd Of Days

God said that 'in the last days [of the Jewish nation?] I will pour out My Holy Spirit upon all people [i.e., both Jews and Gentiles], and your sons and daughters will speak out [in prophecies] and your young men will see [supernatural] visions, and your old men will have [supernatural] dreams.

Verse ConceptsGod Sending ProphetsGodly Man

There was a man sent from God whose name was John [the Immerser].

Verse ConceptsBlackDepravity Of ManLove, Nature OfMorality, And RedemptionWalking In DarknessSin, Love OfThe Light Of ChristDarkness Of EvilChrist JudgingHiding SinsLoving EvilReasons Why The World Hates ChristiansDarknessLightSpiritual DarknessJudgementcondemnationlovers

Now this is [how God's] judgment [works]: The Light [See 1:5-9] has come into the world, but people loved darkness [i.e., sin] rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil.

Verse ConceptsDeath, Of BelieversFutureArchangelsLast ThingsMichael The ArchangelResurrection, Of BelieversResurrection, Of The DeadShoutingAngels, DescriptionAngels, Important EventsGod Going DownShout Of GodChrist And HeavenDeath Of God's PeopleOur ResurrectionTrumpets At The EndFirst ResurrectionRisingThe Second ComingThe Rapture

For the Lord Himself [i.e., Jesus] will come down from heaven with a commanding shout [Note: This probably refers to Jesus' voice. See John 5:25, 28], [and] with the archangel's voice [i.e., Michael. See Jude 9] and with the sound of God's trumpet; [at this] the dead in [fellowship with] Christ will rise [from the dead] first.

Verse ConceptsDays, LastThe Final Days Of Timeevil, origins ofWarnings Against Apostasydemons, Kinds ofDeceivers, Of ChristiansHeresiesLast DaysManipulationSeductionSpiritual Warfare, Enemies InSuperstitionInsensitivityTeachers, Of False DoctrinesNames And Titles For The Holy SpiritSeducersNecromancyThe FaithMisteachingTaught By The SpiritDeception In The End TimesLast HourSigns Of The Timesend times prophecyDemonsStrong DelusionDeceptiondoctrineSatan Opposing God's WordFalling Away From GodDemonic Influence

Now the Holy Spirit specifically says that in later times [Note: "Later times" in the New Testament usually refers to the period following the first coming of Christ and the establishment of the church], some people will fall away from the faith [i.e., the true teaching of Christianity]. They will pay attention to deceitful spirits [i.e., lying people] and the teaching of evil spirits.

Verse ConceptsGospel, Confirmation OfRighteousness, As FaithImputed RighteousnessWitness To The GospelWithout The LawWritten In The ProphetsGrace Verse LawWitnessing

But now [i.e., under the Gospel age], a way of being considered right with God apart from [any] law has been made known. [The writings of] the law [i.e., the Pentateuch] and the prophets bear witness to this.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of PossessionsGenerosity, HumanAbundant LifeBad LeadershipEquality In PaymentGiving To OthersBeing BlessedGod, The ProviderProfitsStewardshipPressingPeople ShakingPlenty Through GodGood ReboundingRight MeasuresEconomicsGivingTreating OthersGiving Backmeasurement

Give [to others] and you will have [things] given to you. People will pour into your lap a full measure [of goods]; it will be pressed down, shaken together and running over [the edges]. Because the standard you use in giving [to others] will be the standard used [by them or God] in giving back to you."

Verse ConceptsLoveMusical Instruments, types ofFilling PeopleSpiritual Gifts, Importance Of LoveMusical Instruments, Made OfBellsBrassCymbalsMere TalkLanguageFaith Hope And LoveHope And Lovedrums

If I have the ability to speak in the languages of human beings and angels [Note: Perhaps the idea is supernaturally and eloquently], but do not have love [for people], I have become [no more than] a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

Verse ConceptsPrayer MeetingsWhen To Pray

There was a whole crowd of people praying outside because it was the time for burning the incense offering.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritGiftsThe Holy Spirit Described As God's GiftChrist's OrdersThe Father

[One day, as He was] gathered with these apostles, He urged them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there until they received what the Father had promised them. (Jesus had previously discussed this with them). [See Luke 24:49].

Verse ConceptsBacksliding, Christian ExamplesWarnings Against ApostasyDisappointments, Examples OfDesertionRashnessInstabilityGod's Call, ResultsShallownessThe Purity Of The GospelDifferent TeachingsConsider Your Call To SalvationThe Grace Of Christsurprises

I am astonished that you people are so quickly abandoning God [i.e., by rejecting His truth], who called you [to Himself] through the unearned favor bestowed [on us] by Christ. [You are turning] to a different "gospel,"

Verse ConceptsJudgesArbitrationChrist JudgingDecision Making

But He said to him, "Man, who appointed me to judge or [decide on how] to divide [the property] between you two?"

Verse ConceptsAtonementExpiationHoliness, Believers' Growth InPropitiationSin, God's Remedy ForPurgingAll PeopleChrist AtoningSacrificesSacrificeReconciliationThe WorldThe Blood Of Jesus

And He is the One who provides a "covering over" [or atonement] for our sins [See Heb. 2:17; Dan. 9:24; II Chron. 29:24], and not for ours [who are already Christians] only, but also for the sins of the people of the whole world.

Verse ConceptsUnidentified AngelsGabriel The AngelSubdivisionsPriests In Actiondivisionactingorder

Now it happened that when Zacharias' turn came in his division,

Verse ConceptsAfrican AmericansDoctrine, CommunicatedTeachersTetrarchChristian TeachersAnonymityRulers Of A FourthMissionaries

Now in the church at Antioch there were [these] prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Symeon, called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen, the foster-brother of Herod the Tetrarch [i.e., governor of Galilee], and Saul.

Verse ConceptsBreaking Of BreadCommemorationDoubt, Dealing WithCeremoniesBody Of Christ, SymbolizedLord's SupperSacramentsMemorialEating Christ's BodyRemembering ChristJesus As FoodThanking God For FoodThe Lord's SupperBreadcommunionremembrance

Then He took a [small] loaf of bread, and after He had given thanks to God, He broke it and gave [pieces] to His apostles, and said, "This is [i.e., represents] my [physical] body which is [to be] given for you; continue to do this [i.e., eat it regularly] to remember me by."

Verse ConceptsBeing A Man Of GodHuman NatureTemptation, Sources OfGod Is HolyBeing TemptedTemptationResisting TemptationTeststrailsoverworking

No one should say when he is tempted, "God is tempting me," because God cannot be tempted by evil and He does not tempt anyone.

Verse ConceptsChildren In The FaithChrist Is My LordGrace Be To YouThe FatherMercy And Grace

[It is being sent] to Timothy, my dearly loved son. May you have unearned favor, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

Verse ConceptsAn Innumerable NumberStarsSeashoresOnly One PersonSand And Gravel

Therefore, from one man [Abraham], who was as good as dead [i.e., because of having a sterile wife], were born descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the [grains of] sand on the seashore.

Verse ConceptsShortage Of WineNo FoodFake Friends

Now when they had run out of wine, Jesus' mother said to Him, "They do not have any more wine [left]."

Verse ConceptsTalentsRich, TheLikeningEntrustingLikening ThingsPropertyGifts And Talentsmathlent

"For the kingdom of heaven is similar to a man who planned to go on a trip to a distant country, so called his servants and entrusted to each of them a large sum of money [Note: The narrative that follows suggests that the man was turning over some of his assets to financial managers to invest for him].

Verse ConceptsFellowship, With GodIntimacyKnowledge, Of Jesus ChristUnity, God's Goal OfChurch, Unity OfCommunion Of SaintsHarmonyDivine MessengerOne ChurchValidly Like GodBelieve In Christ!Father And Son In One AnotherGod Sending OthersRelationship Of Father And SonGodheadUnityGod Being With UsIdentity In Christ

[I pray] that all of them may be one, just as you, Father, are [one] in [fellowship with] me, and I [am one] in [fellowship with] you, so that they also may be [one] in [fellowship with] us in order that the world may [see it and] believe that you sent me.


Aram had a son named Amminadab; Amminadab had a son named Nahshon; Nahshon had a son named Salmon;

Verse ConceptsListeningPopularityPopularity Of ChristCrowds Around JesusPressingHearing God's Wordlakes

Now it happened while Jesus was standing on the shore of Lake Genneseret [i.e., Lake Galilee] that the crowd was pushing closer to Him to hear God's message.

Verse ConceptsCounterfeitsSpiritual MalnutritionForeknowledgeFalse TeachingsFalse Teachers, Characteristics OfAtonementenemies, of believersFalse Doctrine, Dangers OfDestructiondenial of Jesus ChristDenying ChristBuying and sellingLove FeastMarketsOpinionsRansomSecrecySeductionToleranceHeresySatan, Power OfDestroying OneselfMisteachingFalse PeopleFalse Religious SystemProphecyDenying God And His PowerUnbelief Toward Christ

But just as there were false prophets among the people before, there will also be false teachers among you [Christians]. They will privately teach harmful doctrines that destroy people [spiritually], by even denying [that Jesus is] the Master, [and thereby] destroying themselves quickly.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Family And DescendantsCovenant, God's with DavidKingship, DivineMessiahAbraham, New Testament ReferencesJesus As Son Of DavidBooks Of ProphecyDavidic CovenantLion Of The Tribe Of JudahThrone Of DavidDescendants ofNativity of Jesus ChristJesus Birth

[This is] a record of the family background of Jesus Christ, the descendant of David, who was the descendant of Abraham. [Note: The following is an incomplete lineage through Jesus' step-father Joseph].

Verse ConceptsChristiansBelieversLove, For One AnotherParticipation, In ChristReceptivenessUnity, God's Goal OfUnity, Of God's PeopleUnity Among BelieversCommunismOne ChurchCommunitySharing Material ThingsAgreeing With One AnotherPropertySharingpossessionsgroupsmindsetLove For The Church

So, the large number of believers were united in heart and soul [i.e., mind and spirit] and not one of them said that anything he owned [really] belonged to him, but they shared all things in common.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual DiscernmentInsightProphecy, In NtAwarenessSpiritual PerceptionJesus The Prophet

[Then] the woman said to Jesus, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.

Verse ConceptsUrgencyRepentanceRepent Lest You Die

No, I tell you; but unless you repent [i.e., change your hearts and lives], you [too] will all be destroyed just as they were.

Verse ConceptsBeing FirstDisease

For an angel of the Lord came down to the pool [from heaven] at certain times and stirred up the water. Then the first person to enter the pool after the water became choppy was healed from whatever disease he had."}}

Verse ConceptsTrouble, Causes Ofgabrieloverwhelmed

Zacharias became disturbed when he saw the angel and was gripped by fear.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with DavidMessianic AgeQuestionsRestoring NationsQuestioning ChristNowTime Of RestorationSalvation For IsraelRestoration Of All Things

When the apostles had come together, they asked [Jesus], "Lord, are you ready to restore the kingdom [of God] to [the nation of] Israel [at this time]?"

Verse ConceptsAtonementGiving, Of OneselfBeing A ServantAtonement, in NTMission, Of Jesus ChristRansomRedemption, In NtRenunciationSin, God's Remedy ForSubstitutionTypesUnselfishnessValuesMany Seeking SalvationThe Effect Of Christ's DeathMinistry Of The Son Of ManServantsRedemptionministering

For the Son of man did not come to be served [by others] but to be the servant [of others], and to sacrifice His life as a ransom price for many people [i.e., to purchase them back from Satan]."

Verse Conceptsevil, victory overGod, Purpose OfLordship, Of Jesus ChristPreaching, Content OfVictory, As An Act Of GodExaltation Of ChristPreeminence Of ChristPreaching ChristChrist Is LordChrist Was Killed

Therefore, let all those who make up the household of Israel [i.e., God's people] know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ."

Verse ConceptsAbiding In ChristFellowship With ChristPrayer, God's Promises ConcerningResponseAnswered PromisesAsking In Jesus NameAbiding With GodReceiving God's WordGod Answers PrayerMemorizing Scripturefirefighters

If you remain in [fellowship with] me and my teaching remains in your hearts, [you can] ask for whatever you want, and it will be done for you.

Verse ConceptsChrist TeachingOn The Sabbath

Now Jesus was teaching in one of the [Jewish] synagogues on the Sabbath day.

Verse ConceptsGod, Unity OfMonotheismOne GodUnity, God's Goal OfGod Is OneGreat ThingsPay Attention To God!heroes

And Jesus answered, "The foremost one is this [Deut. 6:4-5], 'Hear this, you Israelites, the Lord our God is the only Lord,

Verse ConceptsReceptivenessNot ReceivingMoney Management

For that [doubting] person should not think that he will receive anything from the Lord [through prayer],

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins OfIndividualismHumilityModestyAttention SeekersPresumptionPride, Evil OfSelf ConfidenceSelf DisciplineSelf RespectThoughtOverestimationMaintaining FaithDo Not Be ProudThe Grace Given To MenElectSelf WorthSelf EsteemBelieving In YourselfConfidence And Self EsteemSelf ImageefficiencymeasurementGod As The Source Of Faith

And because of God's unearned favor shown to me [i.e., in appointing me to be an apostle], I am telling every person among you not to think he is more important than he really is. Instead, he should have a sensible estimate [of his gifts] in harmony with the degree of faith God has given to each person.

Verse ConceptsProphecy, Fulfilment Of OtScripture, Purpose OfTypesChrist's Fulfilment Of ProphecyChrist And The ScripturesScriptures FulfilledWritten In The ProphetsWritten In The LawThe Bible Being About JesusProphecythe Law of mosesProphecies concerningEverything Happening For A Reasonprophetsfulfillment

Then Jesus said to the apostles, "These are the words that I told you while I was still with you, [when I said] that everything written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the psalms about me needed to be fulfilled."

Verse ConceptsProperty

Now a certain married couple named Ananias and Sapphira sold a piece of property

Verse ConceptsDawnGood FriendsThe First Day Of The WeekSundaySabbath, In NtFriendship, Examples OfDaybreakJesus TombAt DaybreakSabbath ObservedEarly RisingA New DayThe Empty Tomb Testifying His Resurrection

Now as the Sabbath day ended and the first day of the week [i.e., Sunday] approached [Note: See Mark 16:1-2 for the exact timing], Mary from Magdala and the other Mary [i.e., Jesus' mother. See Matt. 27:56] went to look at the grave site.

Verse ConceptsKingdom Of God, Characteristics OfWorldlinessHanding Over ChristKingdom Of GodJewsServant Leadership

Jesus answered him, "My kingdom does not belong to this world. If it did, then my servants [i.e., disciples] would fight to keep me from being turned over to the Jews. But now my kingdom does not belong here." [i.e., Jesus' kingdom was not based on physical, but spiritual principles].

Verse ConceptsAnointing, Social CustomembalmingHerbs And SpicesOintmentPerfumeSabbath, In NtThe First Day Of The WeekSabbath Observed

Now when the Sabbath day was over [i.e., after sunset on Saturday evening], Mary from Magdala; Mary the mother of James [i.e., the "other Mary" of Matt. 28:1, who was probably Jesus' mother. See Matt. 27:56]; and Salome [i.e., the mother of James and John and wife of Zebedee. See Matt. 27:56], bought spices [i.e., consisting of aloes and other aromatic perfumes] in order to apply them to His body [i.e., as a means of embalming].

Verse ConceptsGod's Activity In Human LifeGod Sustaining CreationConsciousnessGod, The ProviderLife, HumanAwarenessGod, Presence OfExistence Through GodKept Alive By GodGod Sustaining HumanityGeneral Revelationnatural LifeMoving OnLiveMoving To A New Placemovement

For in [the strength of] God we [all] live, move around and have our [personal] identity, just as a certain one of your [Athenian] poets [once] said, 'For we too are His children.'

Verse ConceptsLonelinessFive PeopleThey Committed ImmoralityBeing A Woman Of GodMan And WomanA Good Husband

because you have had five husbands, and the man you are now living with is not [really] your husband. So, you have told the truth."

Verse ConceptsThe Completion Of RedemptionCompletionGospel, Essence OfGospel, Historical Foundation OfSpirit, Nature OfWork, And RedemptionVictoryThe Fact Of Christ's DeathIntermediate StateThe CrossJesus DeathFinishing Strongghostsfinishing

After drinking some of the sour wine, Jesus said, "It is completed," [i.e., His work of dying for the sins of mankind] and gave up His spirit [i.e., to God. See Luke 23:46].

Verse ConceptsAndrew

[Then] one of His disciples, named Andrew, [who was] Simon Peter's brother, said to Him,

Verse ConceptsFutilityHeatMoney, Attitudes ToPlantsStrength, HumanThe SunWeather, As God's JudgmentGrass WitheredHot WeatherScorchingNo Beauty

For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass [so that] its flower [blossoms] fall off, and its beautiful appearance is destroyed. In the same way, the wealthy person will fade away as he goes about his business [affairs].

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, LinearTwo Disciples

Then, on that same day, two disciples [See Mark 16:12] were [walking along], going to a village named Emmaus, which was about seven miles [northwest] of Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsSwordsTeachersProphecies Said By JesusThinking ArightPeace Made Through ChristNo PeacePeaceConflictFamily ConflictTaking Care Of The Earthdivision

Do not think that I came to bring [only] peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace [only] but [also] a sword [of division. See Luke 12:51].

Verse ConceptsAbolitionFreedom from the LawFolly, Examples OfGallowsAtonementDeath penaltyHangingHumiliationLegalismPunishment, Legal Aspects OfRedemption, In NtSin, God's Remedy ForSubstitutionTypesChristian Liberty Is Freedom FromThe Curse Of The LawPeople Hung To DeathRedemptionReligious FreedomThe Crosslawcursesredeemed

Christ bought us back from the curse [caused by our not obeying all the requirements] of the law of Moses; He became a curse for us [by dying on the cross], for it is written [Deut. 21:23], "Every one who hangs on a tree [i.e., a cross] is cursed [i.e., cut off from God]."

Verse ConceptsDivinity Of ChristGod With ChristIn The Beginninga new beginning

This Word existed with God from the beginning [of time].

Verse ConceptsAdulterersAdultery and DivorceLaw, Ten CommandmentsAvoid AdulteryAdultery In The Church

"You have heard what was said [Exodus 20:14], 'You must not be sexually unfaithful to your mate.'

Verse ConceptsMinisters, Way They Should TeachAvoiding Deceitmotives

For our appeal [to you was] not based on error, or impure [motives], or deception.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadCarrying Dead Bodies

Then young men wrapped up his body and took him out and buried him.

Verse ConceptsAbility, Of God To SaveGod, All knowingFaith, Nature Ofethics, and graceelection, to salvationElection, Results InGod, Unity OfHoliness, Believers' Growth InGod's ForeknowledgeRevelation, Responses ToSanctification, Nature And BasisSprinklingAbundance, SpiritualObedience To GodPredestination, Of EventsForeordained PlansOrderliness In SalvationThe Trinity In SalvationThe Holy Spirit, And SanctificationSprinkling BloodGod In Three PersonsGrace Be To YouThe FatherThe Blood Of JesusSanctificationIdentity In Christ

These people have been [specially] selected, and [their acceptance was] pre-planned by God the Father, and they were set apart through [the work of] the Holy Spirit. This resulted in their obedience and sprinkling [Note: This is a figurative reference to the Old Testament practice of cleansing, See Exodus 24:7-8] by the blood of Jesus Christ. May God's unearned favor and peace be continually upon you.

Verse ConceptsPlaguesWatchfulness, Of LeadersAdding To GodBooks Of ProphecyProphecyPunishmentPunishmentsProphecies concerning

I testify to every person who hears the words of the prophecy of this book [Note: This is probably Jesus speaking, but could possibly be John]. If anyone adds to these words, God will add to him the calamities described in this book.

Verse ConceptsBeing FirstQuestioning ChristAnsweringFulfilling The LawGreat ThingsMoralityimportance

Then one of the experts in the law of Moses [Note: Matt. 22:34 identifies him as being a Pharisee also], came and heard Jesus and the Sadducees discussing together [i.e., the subject of the resurrection], and knowing that Jesus had refuted the Sadducees successfully, asked Him, "Which commandment is foremost, above all the others?"

Verse ConceptsGrowthResponseMissionary WorkGrowth In ProclamationBeginning Of SalvationFruitful LabourThe Truth Of The GospelThe Gospel WorldwideThe Grace Of GodUnderstanding God's WordGod's GraceGrowingSpreading The GospelChange And Growth

came to you. This Gospel is [now] also producing fruit all over the world [i.e., throughout the Roman Empire] and growing [in its influence], just as it is doing among you people also, since the day you [first] heard and understood God's unearned favor in [all its] truth.

Verse ConceptsJesus Statements About The SpiritSpiritual Malnutritioneternal life, nature ofGospel, Descriptions OfGrace, And Holy SpiritProfitsRegenerationThe Holy Spirit, And PreachingThe Holy Spirit, And RegenerationThe Holy Spirit, And ScriptureThe Holy Spirit Giving LifeThat Which Is SpiritualLife In A Material WorldSpiritual lifeValueThe Power Of Wordsefficiency

It is the Holy Spirit who [Note: The Greek word here is "that" instead of "who"] gives life [i.e., understanding the spiritual nature of Jesus' teaching can produce spiritual life]; the flesh is of no value [i.e., understanding Jesus' teaching only in a physical sense makes it worthless]. The words I have spoken to you are [from the] Holy Spirit and [they give] life.

Verse ConceptsWisdom, Source Of HumanSpiritual FoundationsStones For ProtectionHearing ChristDoing God's WorksThe Work Of The Wise

"Every person therefore, who hears these words of mine and obeys them will be like the sensible person who built his house on a [foundation of] rock.

Verse ConceptsdiseasesdisabilitiesChronic AilmentsFrom BirthBlindnessJesus Birth

As Jesus was walking along He saw a man [who had been] blind from birth.

Verse ConceptsDeath, Of BelieversFutureGarden Of Eden, Theeternal life, experience ofLand, Spiritual Aspects OfParadiseRest, EternalConsciousness Following DeathDeath Of The Saints, Examples OfReceived OutcastsChrist Telling The TruthTodayChrist With People In SpiritTaken To HeavenConsciousness After DeathIntermediate StateThe Crossthieves

Then Jesus said to him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise [Note: This is a place in God's presence, referred to as "the third heaven" (II Cor. 12:2-4), and where overcomers will be able to eat from "the tree of life" (Rev. 2:7)]."

Verse ConceptsKingdom Of God, Entry IntoExclusionTransient BodyLimitations Of The BodyNo DecayPeople Are Corruptiblecorruption

Now this is what I am saying, brothers; flesh and blood [i.e., physical bodies] cannot possess the kingdom of God [i.e., the heavenly realm]; neither can [bodies that] decay possess [a place] which does not decay.

Verse ConceptsFaith, As A Body Of BeliefsTraditionsLord's SupperBetrayal, Of ChristHanding Over ChristBreadNever Giving Up

For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you: On the night the Lord Jesus was turned over [to the Jewish authorities] He took bread,

Verse Conceptseternal life, nature ofThe New NatureWellsHoly Spirit, Types OfThe Water Of LifeThe Holy Spirit Described As WaterNeverDrinking WaterMetaphorical SpringsPlenty Through ChristGod Giving His SpiritLiving WaterWater, As A Symbol Of LifeWells, Figurative UseEternal lifeEverlastingeternity

but whoever drinks the water I give him will never get thirsty [again]. For the water I will give him will become in him [i.e., in his spirit] a spring of water, bubbling up and producing never ending life." [See John 7:38].

Verse ConceptsMultitudesGentiles, In NtCrowdsAn Innumerable NumberBranches, Types OfAudiencesLanguagesNationalismRobesStandingWhiteGlorified SaintsMany In The ChurchWhite And Bright ClothesWhite ClothsAll LanguagesThe Gospel To The NationsEvangelism During The TribulationGreat White Throne JudgmentLanguageColorRaceculture

After seeing [all] these things, I looked and there [I saw] a huge crowd, which no one could count, from every nation, and tribe, and race, and language group standing in front of the throne [of God] and in front of the Lamb. They were dressed in white robes and had palm tree branches in their hands.

Verse ConceptsShepherds, As Church LeaderShepherds, As OccupationsStealingChrist, Names ForSheepfoldsChrist Telling The TruthTruly Trulythievesjumping

"Truly, truly, I tell you, the person who does not enter the sheep corral through the gate, but climbs over another way [i.e., over the fence], is a thief and a robber. [Note: "Thief" suggests quiet subtlety, while "robber" suggests open aggression].

Verse ConceptsFindingRoadsflexibility

Then, while Apollos was [still] at Corinth, Paul traveled through the [western] districts and came to Ephesus where he found some disciples.

Verse ConceptsLove Your Neighbour!NeighboursLoving Your Enemies

"You have heard what was said [Lev. 19:18], 'You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'

Verse ConceptsFutilityemptinessGoldMarketsRiches, Nature OfRiches, Description OfPossessions DecayingTransient WealthUseless EndeavourPeople Are CorruptibleMoney's Deficienciesfearlessliberationredeemed

You [should] know that you were bought back [from Satan], from your useless way of life, inherited from your forefathers, not with such perishable things as silver and gold,

Verse ConceptsForeheads666Faithfulness, To Godevil, victory overdefianceBeheadingThe BeastJudgesJudgment SeatPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSelf SacrificeThe Immortal SoulMartyrdom, Methods OfSufferings RewardedRemoving HeadsCosmic CreaturesBelievers JudgingMarks On PeopleAuthority Of DisciplesAvoiding IdolatrySubsequent Witness To ChristWorshipping The DevilMark Of The BeastHow First Resurrection Is Spread OutSigns Of The Timesend times prophecyMartyrdom

Then I saw thrones, with individuals sitting on them who had been given [authority] to judge. And I [also] saw the souls of those who had been decapitated because they had testified about Jesus and [had proclaimed] the message of God. [They are] the ones who had refused to worship the beast or his statue, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And these ones lived again and ruled with Christ for a thousand years.

Verse Conceptsethics, personalResponsibility, For God's WorldSexualitySubmissionUnbelieversUnbelief, As Response To GodWives, Duties OfAbusive MarriagesCurbing SpeechWivesChristian ConductHusband And WifeGodly WomanLoving Your WifeWifeLove MarriageBeauty And Self WorthA Good HusbandspousebehaviorreverenceHope For Unbelievers

In the same way [that Jesus was submissive], you wives should submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, even though they may not obey the [Gospel] message [they have heard] they may, without your talking [to them about it],

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceCondemnation Of The WickedEscaping From GodJudgmentsJudgementJudging Others Actionspractice

But consider this, you people who judge others for practicing the same things you [yourselves] practice; do you think you will escape God's judgment [for this]?

Verse ConceptsCongregationChristiansTeachersChristian TeachersNames And Titles For The ChristianAntioch in SyriaChurch, Examples OfNew Birth, Evidenced ByOne YearTeaching In The ChurchFirst Among The GentilesCalledThe churchDiscipleshipGoing To ChurchchristianityencouraginggroupschristChristians Are Called Disciples

and when he found him, he brought him [back] to Antioch. So, for an entire year Saul and Barnabas gathered the church together and taught many people. [It was] here in Antioch that the disciples were first [divinely] called Christians.

Verse ConceptsCustomIncensePriests, Tasks In Nt Times

to perform his customary duties as a priest before God, he drew the responsibility [that day] of entering the Temple of the Lord to burn the incense offering. [Note: This was done on a golden Altar in the Temple by a priest twice a day].

Verse ConceptsChrist Going DownChrist And HeavenMinistry Of The Son Of ManGoing To Heaven

And no one has gone up to heaven except the One who has come down from heaven, [even] the Son of man. {{Most translations do not contain the added words "who is in heaven"}}.

Verse ConceptsEntering Life

And again, this [is recorded, Psa. 95:11], "They will not enter a state of rest with me."

Verse ConceptsExclusivenessAskingJews, TheRacial PrejudiceLonelinessOutsidersSamaritansDisfellowshipDiscourtesyOutcastsMan Providing WaterJews Separate From GentilesNo Dealings

Therefore, the Samaritan woman asked Him, "Why is it that you, being a Jew, would ask a Samaritan woman [like me] for a drink?" (For Jews do not have any fellowship with Samaritans). [Note: The reason for this stemmed from longstanding religious, cultural and ethnic prejudices].

Verse ConceptsPassover lambBody Of Christ, SymbolizedLord's SupperSacramentsThanksgiving Before MealsBreaking Of BreadAt The Same TimeOther References To The DisciplesThanking God For FoodThe Lord's SupperBreadcommunionJesus Eating

And as they were eating, Jesus took a [small] loaf of bread, asked God's blessing on it, then broke it and gave pieces to His disciples and said, "Take some and eat it; this is [i.e., represents] my [physical] body."

Verse ConceptsIndividuals going homeTelling Of Jesus

After Jesus returned to Capernaum several days later, it became known that He was [back] at home [i.e., possibly at the house of Peter and Andrew, where He was staying. See 1:29].

Verse ConceptsJesus As Son Of ManChrist EnquiringWho Is Jesus?Ministry Of The Son Of Man

Now when Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, "Who are people saying that the Son of man is?"

Verse ConceptsCovetousnessInheritanceSiblingsFamily ProblemsResolving Conflict

Then someone out of the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the [family] inheritance with me."

Verse ConceptsAbyssHeaven And AngelsChainsIron ChainsKeysAngelsOthers Going DownBreaking Chains

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key to the pit and a huge chain in his hand.

Verse ConceptsOrigins Of Spiritual LifeLife Through FaithSaved By FaithOnly Son Of GodEternal lifeEverlastingeternity

so that whoever believes in Him would have never ending life." [Note: Some translations extend Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus through verse 21].

Verse ConceptsdiseasesSick Individualsoverworkinglazarus

Now a certain man named Lazarus, from Bethany, became sick. Bethany was the town where Mary and her sister Martha lived. [See 11:18].

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofBeing Born AgainGod, Power OfPower, HumanSacramentsNew Birth, Described AsPower Of God, ShownFigurative BurialsBaptised Into ChristBelief In GodOur ResurrectionBurying placesBaptismWorking For GodRosesJesus DeathWorking For The Lordenergyassertivenessefficiency

[This happened when you were] buried with Christ in [the act of] immersion, from which you were also raised up with Him through [your] faith in the accomplishment of God, who raised Him up from the dead.

Verse ConceptsReadingLiteracyMysteryUnderstandingThe Mystery Of ChristProper UnderstandingReading The Biblesecrets

So, when you read this you will be able to understand my insight into the secret plan of Christ,

Verse ConceptsJudaismLaw, Purpose OfLegalismStumblingFound GuiltyAll Sins Being EqualBreaking The Ten CommandmentsGuiltBreaking Chains

For, whoever observes the entire law [of God] and yet breaks one requirement [of it], becomes guilty of [breaking] all of it.

Verse Conceptsrebirth

So, do not be surprised that I have said to you, 'You must be born from above." [See note on verse 3].

Verse ConceptsCripplesPunishment, By GodSelf DenialGehennaEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleNot Maintaining LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsMissing The Markcutting

And if your hand becomes the occasion for falling away [from God], cut it off; it would be better for you to enter [never ending] life disabled, rather than keeping both hands and going to hell, into the fire that cannot be put out [i.e., all because it caused you to fall away from God]. {{Verse

Verse ConceptsequalityChristiansBelieversDeficient FaithChrist's Own GlorygaysRespectTreating OthersBeing GayRespecting AuthorityChristians Being Called Brothers

My brothers, do not hold [views regarding] the faith of our glorious Lord Jesus Christ [i.e., as tenets of Christianity] which show favoritism toward [certain] persons.

Verse ConceptsImperfection, Influence OfMortalityMan As GrassEnjoying ShameWealthy PeoplePrideBeing HumbleHumility And PrideMoney Managementhumbletrails

And the wealthy person [should be happy] that he is humbled [by God], because he will pass away like a flower [blossoming] from grass.

Verse ConceptsCouncil of JerusalemAbraham, Family And DescendantsExclusivenessBarnabasHeresiesDenominationsMisteachingNecessity Of CircumcisionSalvation By Other Things

Certain men [i.e., believers, see verse 5] came down from Judea [to Antioch of Syria] and began teaching the brothers this: You cannot be saved unless you are circumcised according to the custom [required] by Moses.

Verse ConceptseagernessBowingKneelingChrist, Names ForParticular JourneysIndividuals RunningSetting OutSeeking LifeGood PeopleActivity BegunDoing God's Works

As Jesus was leaving to go on His way, a man ran to Him and kneeled down in front of Him and asked, "Good Teacher, what should I do in order to possess never ending life?"

Verse ConceptsChrist's Role In CreationCommunicationIgnorance, Of ChristSuffering, Of Jesus ChristJesus Christ, CreatorNot Knowing About ChristThe End Of The WorldThe World

[Actually] He was in the world [already], for the world came into being through Him, but the world did not acknowledge Him.

Verse ConceptsNot Believing The GospelDoubting GodUnhearingpreachingCall To Action

[But] how can they appeal to Him if they have not [first] believed in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have not [first] heard [about Him]? And how can they hear [about Him] if there is no preacher?

Verse ConceptsSinnersTax CollectorsDrawing Near To ChristHearing Christtaxes

Now the tax collectors and worldly people were all gathering around Jesus to listen to Him.

Verse ConceptsAll Things Being PossiblePrayer, God's Promises ConcerningBelievingAnswered PromisesAsking In Jesus NameHaving FaithEverything Happening For A ReasonPrayingbelief

Therefore I tell you, whatever things you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received them, and you will have every one of them.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, God's Promises OfPrayer, And God's WillPeople VisitingGod's Will Be Doneprospering

I am always requesting that somehow, by God's will, I may now eventually be able to visit you.

Verse ConceptsEggsScorpions

Or, if he asks [him] for an egg, will give him a scorpion [instead]? [Note: While at rest a scorpion rolls up in a ball that resembles an egg].

Verse ConceptsDeaconsAttending ChurchApostles, Function In Early ChurchLettersOfficersOverseersPaul, Apostle To GentilesRankSaintsServanthood, In Life Of BelieversShepherds, As Church LeaderUnion With Christ, Significance OfChurch, Examples OfAll Believers Are SaintsUs In GodAnxiety And DepressionServant Leadership

[This letter is from] Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus, [and is being sent] to all the saints [i.e., God's holy people] who are at Philippi [Note: This is a town in present-day northeastern Greece, and the first place in Europe where Paul established Christianity], along with the overseers [Note: These men were also called elders, shepherds or pastors] and deacons.

Verse ConceptsLampsTypesVirginProphecies Said By JesusLikeningTen PeopleLikening ThingsParables Of The Kingdom

"Then the kingdom of heaven will be similar to ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went out to meet the [bride and] groom. [Note: The picture here is that of a newly married couple returning from a festive reception to the groom's home where they continued celebrating and were welcomed by a late evening wedding party]

Verse ConceptsRest, EternalWalkingWorthinessWhite And Bright ClothesClothed With RighteousnessWhite ClothsClean ClothesFew PeopleFew In The KingdomWorthy PeopleThe Environment

"But you have a few people [there] in Sardis who have not [spiritually] polluted their clothing, and they will walk with me in [robes of] white [i.e., probably now on earth as well as in heaven], for they are worthy.


which He lavished on us. [He used] wisdom and understanding,

Verse ConceptsAssuranceDoubt, Dealing WithKnowledge, Of Jesus ChristScripture, Purpose OfBibleEternal SecuritySelf KnowledgeKnowing I Am SavedLife Through FaithWriting LettersBelieving On The Name Of ChristEternal lifePositive ThinkingBelieving In YourselfChild Of Godeternity

I have written these things to you people, who believe in the name [i.e., in the person and work] of the Son of God, so that you can have assurance that you have [the hope of] never ending life. [See Titus 1:2; 3:7; Mark 10:30].

Verse ConceptsGesturesWiping DustPeople Abandoning PeopleGod's Blessings Are NearKnowing About God's Kingdom

We are wiping off even the dust of your city that has stuck to our feet [in protest] against you. Yet you should know this, that the kingdom of God has come near [to you].'

Verse ConceptsGod's Mercy, Example OfPassing Through

So, Jesus [finally] entered Jericho and was traveling through it.

Verse ConceptsFellowship, In The GospelApostles, Function In Early ChurchGospel, Confirmation OfGospel, Transmission OfWhat Heaven Will Be LikeHistoryHeaven,  Redeemed CommunityParticipation, In ChristReinstatementWitnesses, To Jesus ChristGlorified SaintsPartakersContemporary Witness To ChristThe Elderlyelders

So, the elders in the various places where you live, are to receive the following exhortation. (I too, am an elder and have witnessed the sufferings of Christ, and am also assured of partaking of the glorious [salvation, 1:5] that will someday be revealed).

Verse ConceptsLife, EverlastingLife Is In ChristEternal lifeeternitytestimony

And this is the testimony [of God]: He gave to us [the hope of] never ending life, and this life is [available through fellowship] in His Son.

Verse ConceptsElevenDisciples' Movements

But the eleven disciples [i.e., apostles] went to the mountain in Galilee where Jesus had ordered them to go.

Verse ConceptsAlive, Description OfAssurance, basis ofHistoryKingdom Of God, Coming OfPersuasionProof, As EvidenceThe Number FortyJesus Christ, ResurrectionInfallible ProofsForty DaysMore Than One MonthThe Witness Of ChristProofsDuring The DayChrist Is RisenPassion

Now, following His death on the cross [and resurrection], Jesus appeared alive [to His apostles] for forty days, and demonstrated by many convincing proofs [that He had been raised bodily from the dead]. [During that time] He also spoke to them about the [coming] kingdom of God.

Verse ConceptsChristmasAlcoholJudging OthersSabbath, In NtNot JudgingFood PermittedThe Sabbath And ChristFestivals Observednot celebrating christmasHolier Than ThouNew Age BeliefsRespectCelebrationA New DayJudgement DayEating MeatThe MoonJudgementRespecting Your Bodymancelebratingreality

So, do not allow anyone to judge [i.e., condemn] you for what you eat, or what you drink, or regarding [your non-observance of] a [yearly] festival, or a [monthly] "new moon" observance, or a [weekly] Sabbath day.

Verse ConceptsEyes, Used In PropheciesClouds And Jesus ChristBeing A WitnessGospel, Essence OfInjustice, Hated By GodRegretSeeing GodSpearsSorrowSecond Coming Of ChristEternal JudgmentSeeing The Risen ChristAmenMourning The Death Of ChristMaranathaAccompanying The Second ComingCloud of gloryBreakupsThe Second ComingcloudsFlat Earth

Look, He [i.e., Jesus] is coming with [i.e., "on"] the clouds! And [then] every eye will see Him, including those who pierced Him, and all the peoples of the earth will grieve because of Him [i.e., because of how they had treated Him]. So it will be. May it be so.

Verse ConceptsChurchProgressPredestination, Spiritual EventsChurch, IncreasingHuman FavourAdditionsMany In The ChurchAdding PeopleSymbols of the Holy SpiritBeing SavedFavorHaving A Good DayGoing To Churchgroups

praising God and enjoying favor with all the people [of the area]. And every day the Lord added to their number [i.e., to the church] those who were being saved [i.e., upon their obedience to the Gospel].

Verse ConceptsAdoption, Results OfAdoption, Assurance OfAdoption, descriptions ofAbbaBeing A KidBeing AfraidIntimacyLanguagesOrigins Of Spiritual LifePrayer, As A Relationship With GodSlavery, SpiritualTimidityIndwelling Of The Holy SpiritNames And Titles For The Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit, And PrayerThe Holy Spirit In The ChurchAdoptionFreed From FearSubject To EvilConvictionslaveryFreedomAdoption Is By God's GracesonshipOvercoming Fear With Faith

For you did not receive the Holy Spirit, to enslave you again to fear, [Note: Some translators take "Holy Spirit" here to be "spirit," making the verse say "you did not receive the spirit of slavery"], but you received the Holy Spirit [who produces] sonship, so we can call out, "Abba", [which means] "Father."

Verse ConceptsJohn The BaptistChrist's BaptismIn The Jordan

And it happened at that time that Jesus went from Nazareth, in Galilee [i.e., south to Judea], where He was immersed by John in the Jordan River.

Verse ConceptsGod, Activity OfAdoption, nature ofAggressionBeing ChosenGod, Purpose OfGod, Sovereignty OfHistoryPlansPredestined PeoplePredestined PlansStrength, DivineAuthority, Belonging To GodForeordained PlansGod Works His WillGod's CounselPurposeInheritanceGod's PlanAdoption Is By God's GraceUnconditional LoveGods PlanLife Purpose

It is in [fellowship with] Christ that we [Jewish Christians] also were selected as [God's] inheritance [i.e., to receive His never ending blessings], having been predetermined according to the plan of God, who works out everything in harmony with what He wants.

Verse ConceptsApollosSchismsLike MenOpportunityactingfollowing

For when one of you says, "I am a follower of Paul," and another says, "I am a follower of Apollos," are you not [acting like worldly] people?

Verse ConceptsWithheld KnowledgePeople's Inability To UnderstandUnable To UnderstandTelling The Truth

"I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear [to hear] them at present.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritBaptism, in the GospelsSending Of The Holy SpiritSandalsThe Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit,Preeminence Of ChristShoesUnworthinessThe Holy Spirit, And SanctificationPromises Of The Holy SpiritWater For BaptismFire Of The SpiritSigns Of RepentanceSymbols of the Holy SpiritBaptism

"I certainly am immersing you in water following [your] repentance, but the One who follows my [ministry], whose sandals I do not deserve to remove [as His slave], will immerse you people with the Holy Spirit and with fire [i.e., the punishment in hell. See verses

Verse ConceptsBeginningNoahThirtySonsChrist, Names ForBeginning To TeachAgemanhoodevangelising

And Jesus was about thirty years old when He began to teach. (It was assumed that) He was the son of Joseph, who was the [legal] son of Heli [Note: A lineage through Jesus' mother Mary follows:]

Verse ConceptsFaith, As A Body Of BeliefsDoctrine, CommunicatedBody Of Christ, Physical BodyGospel, Historical Foundation OfHeraldIncarnationDivinity Of ChristMysteryOrthodoxy, In NtUnion With Christ, Nature OfAngels, Ministry To ChristManifesting (making Something Clear)The Mystery Of ChristChrist's NatureGod VindicatesQuestioning GodGodheadepiphanyvindicationpiety

And without question the revealed secret of godly living is great. [It is this]: He [i.e., Christ, or God], who appeared in a fleshly body [was] vindicated [of false charges] by the Holy Spirit; [He was] seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed in throughout the world [and finally] was taken up into glory [i.e., heaven].

Verse ConceptsAdversityNakednessPersecution, Forms OfLove Of Jesus, To The SaintsDistressPromised VictoryAgape LoveNaked In PovertyHelp In ShortageAttempting To Kill MeGod's Love In ChristPersecutionOvercoming Hard TimesStaying Strong During Hard TimesHardshipGetting Through Hard TimesPatience In Hard Timeshungertrailsprincipalities

Who [i.e., what] can separate us from Christ's love [for us]? [i.e., what unfortunate circumstance of life might suggest that Christ does not love us?] Would [it be] trouble? Or distress? Or persecution? Or inadequate food? Or inadequate clothing? Or danger? Or [even] death?

Verse ConceptsExaltation Of ChristTypes Of ChristNamesAll Authority Has Been Given To JesusNever Giving Up

Therefore, God also exalted Him to the highest position and gave Him the name [i.e., "Lord." See verse 11], which is superior to every [other] name.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritMission, Of The ChurchMissionaries, Support ForPower, HumanStrength, SpiritualWaitingThe Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit,Power Of The Holy SpiritThe Power Of GodPromises Of The Holy SpiritStaying PutPower Through The SpiritGod On HighClothed With Good ThingsRelationship Of Father And Sonempowerment

And look, I [am going to] send upon you apostles what my Father promised [i.e., the Holy Spirit. See John 14:26]; but you should wait in the city [of Jerusalem] until you are clothed with power from above." [Note: This promise was fulfilled when the apostles were immersed in the Holy Spirit. See Acts 1:4 - 2:4].

Verse ConceptsGod, Fatherhood OfClothingJesus Christ, Ascension OfNames And Titles For The ChristianBrotherhoodAdmirationClinging To PeopleJesus Returning To The FatherRelationship Of Father And SonYou Are Our GodChrist Our BrotherChristians Being Called Brothers

Jesus said to her, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not ascended to the Father yet [Note: Apparently Jesus was discouraging Mary from embracing Him in worship as was done in Matt. 28:9, and thereby causing a delay of when the rest of the disciples would learn of His resurrection], but go to my brothers and tell them [I said] 'I am [about] to ascend to my Father and to your Father, and to my God and your God.'"

Verse ConceptsArrestingGod, Purpose OfLooking HeavenwardChrist SeeingRelationship Of Father And SonTimes Of The ChristThe Father's Activity Regarding Christ

After saying these things, Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, the time has come; honor your Son so that your Son may honor you.

Verse Conceptsevil, origins ofdesiresHuman NatureSin, Causes OfSpiritual Warfare, Enemies InControlling AngerOrigins Of SinWhy Do Others Do This?struggleWarPassionConflictFamily Conflictrumors

Where do conflicts and fights among you come from? Do they not come from your [desire for] pleasures which produces inner conflict?

Verse ConceptsBlood Of SacrificesAnti semitismDesecration

Now there were some there at that very time who told Jesus about some people from Galilee whose blood Pilate [the Roman governor] had mixed with their sacrifices [i.e., he had them murdered while they were offering their sacrifices].

Verse ConceptsLaw, Ten CommandmentsMurderChrist's Knowledge Of The ScripturesGod Speaking Of OldDo Not Murder

"You have heard what was said to the people in time's past [Exodus 20:13], 'You must not murder,' and whoever does will be subject to judgment.

Verse ConceptsEyes, Figurative UseLaw, OtEquality Of PunishmentBreaking TeethEyes HarmedJudicial PunishmentMan AvengingAn Eye For An EyeEyesForgiving Others Who Hurt You

"You have heard what was said [Exodus 21:24], 'Take an eye [from someone] if he takes yours, and take a tooth [from someone] if he takes yours.'

Verse ConceptsAntichristHourRebellion, Against GodAntichrist, Names ForThe PopeEnd Of The AgesKnowingEnemies Of GodSpirit Of AntichristDenial In End TimesLast HourThe World Rulerend times prophecyThe End Of The WorldEnd Of DaysSigns Of The End TimesEnd TimesPerspective

Dear children, it is [now] the last hour [i.e., the final period of God's dealing with people on earth], and since you have heard that an antichrist [i.e., a person who is against Christ] is coming, even now [you should be aware that] many antichrists have [already] come. This is [one way] we know that this is the last hour.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsReadingHoliness, As Set Apart For GodUnderstandingAbomination Of DesolationSacrilegeNamed Prophets Of The LordThis GenerationImage Of The BeastOlivet Discourseend times prophecymath

"Therefore, when you see that disgusting thing which causes total destruction [i.e., the Roman armies. See Luke 21:20], which Daniel the prophet spoke about [Dan. 9:27; 11:31; 12:11], standing in the sacred place [i.e., Jerusalem and especially the Temple area], (let the reader understand [what is meant by this]),

Verse ConceptsExploitationsCompassion, In ChristiansGiving To OthersBeing BlessedThe Benefits Of LaborAttitudes, to other peopleKindnessPoverty, Attitudes TowardsPoverty, Causes OfRememberingStewardshipWeakness, PhysicalPriorityIndustryRole ModelsDonationsRemembering ChristHelp The WeakThe Fact Of ToilGivingHard WorkSupportHelping Those In Needboyfriendshardwork

I have demonstrated before you a [good] example in all [these] things, so that you [too] will work hard to help those who are [physically] weak. [Also] remember the words of the Lord Jesus who Himself said, 'It is a greater blessing [for you] to give [to people's needs] than to receive [help yourselves].' "

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfFailureComplacencyWicked Described AsThe Insecurity Of The WickedHearing ChristThe Work Of FoolsDoing God's WorksSand And Gravel

And every person who hears these words of mine but does not obey them will be like the foolish person who built his house on [a foundation of] sand.

Verse ConceptsAffirmationsGuardiansHeaven And EarthLettersPensReliabilityScripture, Sufficiency OfGod Is UnchangeableUniverseThings Passing AwaySmall ThingsThe Universe DestroyedA Little BitAlphabetScriptures FulfilledThe World Being TemporaryTaking Care Of The Earthfeedbackfulfillment

For it is true when I say, not one little letter or even a portion of a letter will be removed from the law of Moses until everything is accomplished [that is required by them]. [When that happens, then] heaven and earth will pass away [i.e., be destroyed. See II Peter 3:12].

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDThe Final Days Of TimeElementsAstronomyLast JudgmentLast DaysLordship, Human And DivineStealingPassing AwayThings Passing AwayDestruction Of The WorldElements Of The UniverseThe Universe DestroyedFire Of JudgementRumblingThe Time UnknownThe Lord As A ThiefAccompanying The Second ComingSecond Comiing, Sudden And UnexpectedThe End Of The World

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief [i.e., unexpectedly]. At that time the heavens will pass away with a loud noise and the elements [Note: This refers either to the heavenly bodies or to the material components of the universe], will be dissolved with intense heat. And the earth and its works [i.e., its activities] will be burned up. [Note: Some translations render this phrase as it is in some ancient manuscripts, "will be disclosed," or "will be laid bare"].

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalBodyLiving For The MaterialNecessity Of Circumcision

So, you Gentiles by birth should remember what you once were. You are called "Uncircumcision" by those who are called "Circumcision" [i.e., the Jews], (which refers to a physical procedure performed by people).

Verse ConceptsGod, Love OfLove, Nature OfReliabilityAgape LoveNature Of GodUs In GodKnowing God's CharacterMental HealthGod's Love For UsLove And StrengthTrue LoveLoving EveryoneLove As A Fruit Of The SpiritGods LoveFathers LoveBeing LovedLiving For GodKnowing GodStrength And Loveloversloving

And we have known [with certainty] and have believed [with assurance] that God has truly loved us. God's [very nature] is love and the person who [continually] loves [Him and others] lives in [fellowship with] God [continually], and God [continually] lives in that person's heart.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, Examples OfLoyaltyMinistry, Qualifications ForSlaves Of God

You learned [this truth] from Epaphras, our dearly loved fellow-slave, who is a faithful minister of Christ [to you] on our behalf.

Verse ConceptsResurrection Of Christ, AppearancesChrist AppearingMaking Christ KnownChrist With His Discipleslakes

After these things happened Jesus showed Himself to His disciples again at Lake Tiberias. [Note: This was another name for Lake Galilee]. Here is the way He did it.

Verse ConceptsdiseasesMoving OnThose Loving GodMoving To A New Placemovement

Under these porticos a large number of sick, blind, crippled and deformed people were placed {{A few ancient authorities add "to wait for the water [of the pool] to become choppy.

Verse ConceptsGospel, Essence OfSolemn ChargesJudgesLast JudgmentThe Judgement InvolvesSecond Coming Of Christ, The PurposeEternal JudgmentChrist AppearingChrist JudgingLife And Deathepiphany

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge [both] those still alive and those who have already died, and in view of His appearing [i.e., at His second coming] and His kingdom [i.e., when it is revealed in its eternal splendor], I solemnly urge you:

Verse Conceptsdispersion, theGreetingsLettersMinistry, Qualifications ForSlavery, SpiritualTribes Of IsraelThe Church ScatteredTwelve TribesRelationship TroublesPatience In RelationshipsChristians Are Called Servants Of God

[This letter is from] James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, [who sends] greetings to the twelve tribes which are scattered throughout the world. [Note: This refers to Christians, probably of Jewish descent].

Verse ConceptsConformityBeing PreparedNightOrderliness In Personal DevotionSobrietyDrugs, Illegal NarcoticsSleep, Warnings AgainstAttitudes While Waiting For Second Comingawakeningothers

So then, we should not be [spiritually] asleep, like the rest [i.e., the unsaved world], but we should be alert and sober [i.e., in control of our senses].

Verse ConceptsDarkness, Deliverance Fromequipping, spiritualenlightenmentDoubt, Dealing WithGuidance, Receiving God'sLight, SpiritualMorningScripture, Purpose OfStarsTheologyWatchfulness, Of BelieversChrist, Names ForSpiritual DawnShiningThe Morning StarLight And DarknessTaking HeedDaystarProphecyProphecies concerningLuciferattentionLight As A Symbol Of God's Word

And we have the message of the prophets [confirmed to us] as more certain [than ever]. So, you will do well to pay careful attention to it, as [you would] to a lamp in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts [Note: This probably refers to the beginning of the Gospel age, when people would become enlightened to its message].

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Jesus ChristEquality With GodPersecution, Nature OfChrist Would Be KilledRelationship Of Father And SonThe Sabbath And Christrelaxing

So, for this reason the Jews looked for more [opportunities] to kill Him, because He not only broke Sabbath day [restrictions], but also He had called God His own Father, [thereby] making Himself equal with God.

Verse ConceptsThe AccursedControlling PeopleThe Purity Of The GospelAngels Interacting With PeopleCursing The UngodlyFalse Apostles, Prophets And TeachersNew Age BeliefsEvangelismBeing Uniquepreachingevangelizingdoctrine

However, if we [apostles] or even an angel [claiming to be] from heaven were to preach any other "gospel" than the one we have [already] preached to you, let that person be cut off from God's [salvation].

Verse ConceptsFalse TeachingsFalse Teachers, Characteristics OfEarsGuidance, Need For God'sManipulationTeachingCultsApostasy, CauseEvil TimesRefusing To HearSound DoctrineDoctrines of the The Gospelphotographydoctrine

For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound teaching, but will assemble to themselves teachers who will satisfy what their "itching ears" want to hear.

Verse ConceptsDiscussionsUnintelligiblenessAre The Dead Raised?

So, they kept what He told them to themselves, discussing [only] among themselves what "rising again from the dead" meant.

Verse ConceptsCaesarGovernorsLeaders, PoliticalRankTetrarchRoman EmperorsRulers Of A FourthNamed Gentile Rulers

Now it was the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod was ruler of Galilee, his brother Philip was ruler of the regions of Ituraea and Trachonitus [Note: These two men were sons of Herod the Great (See Matt. 2:1) and ruled over provinces east of the Jordan River] and Lysanias was ruler of Abilene [Note: This was a province just north of the two previously mentioned ones].

Verse ConceptsNear The Time Generallymarketing

Now the Jewish Passover Festival was soon [to be held], so Jesus went up to Jerusalem [to attend it].

Verse ConceptsChristmasUnidentified AngelsGuardsMonotonyMan Keeping WatchShepherds, As OccupationsThose Who Kept StockShepherdsNativity of Jesus ChristJesus BirthWeather In The Last Days

Now there were [some] shepherds in that region who were living in the fields and guarding their flocks [of sheep] at night.

Verse ConceptsInferiorityFearTremblingWeakness, PhysicalFeeblenessIndividuals TremblingAnxiety And DepressionSicknessDepressionAnxiety And FearWeaknessBeing ScaredNervousness

And I was weak, apprehensive and fearful when I was [there] with you. [Note: This probably refers to Paul's sense of inadequacy in view of the task before him].

Verse ConceptsThe Source Of FruitKnowing Christ PersonallyUseful PeopleGrowingpetermeasurement

For if you people have a lot of these [qualities] they will keep you from being unproductive and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse ConceptsExplanationsCrowdsListeningPeter, The ApostleRevival, PersonalElevenPay Attention To People!uncertainty

But Peter [responded by] standing up with the eleven [other] apostles and, lifting up his voice, began to speak. He said, "People of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, listen to what I am saying so you will understand this situation.

Verse ConceptsAbility, Of The ChristianApologeticsFaith, As A Body Of BeliefsExhortation, Objects OfFalse Doctrines, Christian Attitude Ofencouragement, examples ofelders, in the churchdoctrine, Purpose ofTeachersNurtureOrthodoxy, In NtRebukeTeachingContradictingSound Doctrine

[He must] hold on firmly to the trustworthy message, which is according to [our] teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort people with sound teaching and to convince those who contradict it.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritBaptism, Features OfBaptism, practice ofThe Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit,Promises Of The Holy SpiritA Short TimeWater For BaptismShort Time For ActionChurch Distinct From IsraelBaptism

For [Jesus had said, Matt. 3:11], "John immersed you [men] in water but [this time] you will be immersed in the Holy Spirit, and [it will happen] in just a few more days."

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalGreeksNecessity Of CircumcisionNo Compulsion

But they did not even require that Titus, a Greek [i.e., a Gentile] who was with me, become circumcised.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Of The WillFate, And FatalismCalling upon GodLast DaysSalvation, Possible To All MenOther References To God's Name

And the time will come when every person who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved' [i.e., whoever appeals to God through obedient faith in Christ].

Verse ConceptsKingdom Of God, Entry IntoRiches, Believers AttitudesChrist SeeingBlessings Of The PoorChrist Speaking To DisciplesPeople Of The Kingdom

Then He looked at His disciples and said, "Those of you who have a [sense of personal] need are blessed, because the kingdom of God belongs to you.

Verse Conceptsevil, victory overevil, origins ofdefeatDivine PurposesBeginningMission, Of Jesus ChristSatan, Defeat OfSin, Causes OfSpiritual Warfare, Causes OfVictory, Over Spiritual ForcesPower Of Christ, ShownOrigins Of SinDestruction Of Satan's WorksFrom The BeginningRight Time For The DevilAll Have SinnedWhy God Did ThingsRebellion of Satan and Angelsrelaxing

[But] the person who continues to live a sinful life belongs to the devil, because the devil has continued to sin since the beginning [See Gen. 3]. For this is the reason that the Son of God came [into the world]; it was to destroy the works [i.e., the influence of] the devil [in people's lives].

Verse ConceptsAccepting ChristdecisionsLaw, Purpose OfLegalismSalvation, Necessity And Basis OfSelf Righteousness, And The GospelSin, Deliverance From GodUnion With Christ, Nature OfJustification Under The GospelJustification By FaithSalvation Not By WorksBenefits Of Faith In ChristJustified By WorksRighteous By FaithWorks Of The LawFree WillKeeping FaithBeing SavedJustificationBeing PositiveMoralityNot Being AlonelaweffortJustification Is Not By The LawJustification Is Not By Works

still we know that a person is not justified [i.e., made right with God] by [perfect obedience to] the law of Moses, but rather through faith in [the person and work of] Christ. [Knowing this] we have trusted in Christ Jesus [to save us], so that we might be made right with God by trusting in Him and not by [our compliance with] the requirements of the law of Moses. Because by such law-compliance no one can be made right with God.

Verse ConceptseagernessDrawing Near To ChristSeeking LifeDoing God's WorksDoing GoodEternal lifeeternityman

Then a rich, young man [See verse 22] came to Him and said, "Teacher, what good deed should I do in order to have never ending life?"

Verse ConceptsGod, Faithfulness OfFreedom, Through Jesus ChristFreedom, Abuse Of ChristianFirstbornExpiationAtonement, Remission Of Sins ByJesus As King Of KingsRulersSalvation, Nature OfWitnessing, Importance OfJesus Christ, Love OfJesus Christ, ResurrectionLibertyNames And Titles For ChristChrist, Names ForChrist The FirstbornThe Witness Of ChristChrist AtoningChrist Is RisenChrist's LoveWitnesses

[It is also] from Jesus Christ, who is the Faithful Witness [to the truth], the Firstborn from the dead [i.e., the first One raised never to die again], the Ruler of the kings of the world. May there be honor and power forever and ever to Christ, who loved us and released us from our sins by His blood [Note: Some manuscripts say "washed us" since the two words are spelled almost alike].

Verse ConceptsGrowth Of The ChurchFullness Of The KingdomIsrael HardenedDefeat Of God's People

Now if the Jews sinning meant blessings for [the rest of] the world, and their [spiritual] defection meant blessings for the Gentiles, how much more will their fullness [also produce blessings]! [Note: "Fullness" here may mean either a large or the complete number of Jews who will be saved, or become completely obedient to God].

Verse ConceptsAll Things Being PossibleFaith, And Blessings Of GodBelievingPossibilities For PeoplePossible For PeopleBelieving In Yourselfbeliefpossibilitiesimpossible

And Jesus said to him, "'If you can.' [Note: By repeating the man's words Jesus seems to be saying, "You mean, if YOU can believe"]. Everything is possible to the person who believes [it can happen]."

Verse ConceptsAccepting ChristAvoiding Sinevil, warnings againsteternal life, gift ofBehaviourJustification, Necessity OfKnowledge, Of SinLaw, And GospelLegalismSelf Righteousness, And The GospelSalvation Not By WorksSelf KnowledgeJustified By WorksWorks Of The LawJustificationlawdeedsJustification Is Not By The LawJustification Is Not By Works

This is because no human being can be considered right with God by [obeying] the requirements of a law. [Note: It is difficult to determine the exact sense in which "law" is used in these verses. It may be law generally, or the law of Moses specifically. See Bruce, pages 52-58]. For the knowledge of what sin is comes from the law of Moses.

Verse ConceptsMagical Arts, Practice Ofdemons, Kinds ofMastersMoney, Uses OfPredictionsDivinationFortunetellingNecromancyWhere To PraySorceryThe Futuremagicpsychics

At a later time, when we were going to that [same] place of prayer, we met a certain young woman who was dominated by an [evil] spirit, [claiming to be] able to tell people's fortunes. This [claimed] power was the source of considerable income for the girl's slave-owner.

Verse ConceptsAttending Churchelders, in the churchOfficersChurch GovernmentChurch, Examples Ofeldersgoodbyes

And from Miletus Paul sent to Ephesus, requesting that the elders of the church [there] come to him.

Verse ConceptsMetaphysicsMysteryPeople TransformedNot DyingDeath Of The RighteousPeople Who Didn't DieDying

Look, I am telling you a secret truth: We will not all die, but we will all be changed [i.e., physically and spiritually]

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritGiftsPreaching, Importance OfSpiritual UnderstandingWhile Still Speakingghosts

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit descended upon all those who were listening to this message [i.e., Cornelius and his household].


but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. [Note: This was located on a slope just east of Jerusalem].

Verse ConceptsAttending ChurchAmenRulersWitnessing, Importance OfNames And Titles For ChristChrist, Names ForChrist The BeginningThe Witness Of ChristWriting Letterslukewarm

"Write [this] to the angel of the church at Laodicia: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the source [or, ruler] of God's creation [See John 1:3; Heb. 1:1-2]:

Verse ConceptsSinglenessVirginRemarriageGood ActivityUnmarriedRelationship TroublesStaying PositiveSex Before MarriageSame Sex MarriageNot Being AloneBeing Singlemarraige

Now to those people who are not married [Note: This probably refers to all unmarried people, and not just to widowers, as some think], or who are widows, I say it is [a] good [idea] for them to remain like me [i.e., single. See verse

Verse ConceptsJohn's BaptismJohn The BaptistWater For BaptismBaptised By JohnBaptism

John [the Immerser] was also immersing people in Aenon, near Salem [Note: These locations are thought to have been in northeastern Judea, near the Jordan River], because there was a lot of water there; so people were coming to be immersed.

Verse ConceptsInward FireThe Universe DestroyedFire Of Christdivision

"I have come to bring fire to the earth. [Note: This means division within families. See verses 51-53] And how I wish that fire were already started [i.e., so I could complete my mission sooner]!

Verse ConceptsForgettingAbandonmentPraying LoudlyDesertionHourLanguagesLonelinessPrayer, Doubts AboutReceptivenessFeelings Of Rejection By GodSuffering, Nature OfDepression, CausesCrying To GodThe Cries Of Christ3 PmIndividuals ShoutingInterpreting LanguageGod Abandoning IndividualsFeelings Of AlienationSportsMotivation

Then about three in the afternoon Jesus called out in a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama, sabachthani? [Note: These words were spoken in the commonly used Aramaic language], which mean, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Verse ConceptsAnxietyBattlesLoveFearAssurance, By Faith In ChristBeing In LoveBeing AfraidLove, Nature OfAgape LoveFreed From FearPunishmentPunishmentsCasting Out FearGod's Love For UsTrue LoveGods LoveBeing LovedBeing ScaredOvercoming ObstaclesfearlesscatslovingOvercoming Fear With Faith

There is no [reason for] fear if one [really] loves, but a complete love removes fear [from us] because fear produces punishment [i.e., mental anxiety], and the person who is [always] afraid does not have a complete love.

Verse ConceptsHolidayLeisure, Nature And Purpose OfRest, PhysicalMan's FunctionFor The Sake Of ThingsThe Sabbath And ChristThe Sabbathrelaxing

And Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath day was made for man's [benefit], and not man for the Sabbath [day's benefit].

Verse ConceptsPriests, Types Of In Nt TimesServanthood, And Worship Of GodSubdivisionsNamed Gentile RulersTimes Of People

In the days of King Herod, of Judea, there was a certain priest named Zacharias of the "Abijah" division. He had a wife named Elizabeth who was a descendant of Aaron.

Verse ConceptsAtonementAccepting ChristForgiveness, DivineExpiationBlood Of SacrificesAtonement, Types OfRemission Of SinAtonement, in OTAnimal LifeSheddingPurgingClean ObjectsUnder The LawBloodThe Blood Of Jesuscleansing

And, according to the law of Moses, almost everything is [ceremonially] cleansed by blood, for there is no forgiveness [of sins] apart from the shedding of blood.

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingFaith, As A Body Of BeliefsChristiansTruthNames And Titles For The ChurchChurch, Titles OfMetaphorical PillarsPerforming The TruthThe Church UniversalFamily FirstSupportGoing To ChurchLiving For Godbehaviorvocation

so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to behave themselves in God's family, which is the church of the living God, the [supporting] column and foundation of the truth.

Verse ConceptsChrist's BaptismIn The JordanBaptismTrinity

Jesus then came from [the province of] Galilee to be immersed by John in the Jordan River.

Verse ConceptsHarvestPlansSowing And ReapingFruitful LabourHindering God's Work

And I want you to be aware, brothers, of how frequently I [had] planned to visit you (but was prevented from doing so until now). I wanted to come in order to bear some fruit [i.e., make additional converts] among you, just as I have done among the other Gentiles [i.e., unconverted people].

Verse ConceptsDeception, Forbidden By GodProfessingChrist Is LordCalling

And why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and [yet] not obey what I tell you to do?

Verse ConceptsRoadsSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfWater For BaptismChristian BaptismHindrancesBaptism

As they [i.e., Philip, the Ethiopian eunuch and his attendants] traveled along they came to a certain [body of] water. The [Ethiopian] eunuch said, "Look, here is [a body of] water, why can't I be immersed [right now]?" {{Verse

Verse ConceptsConfusionBeing Born AgainSpiritual Blindness, In UnbelieversInsightThe Sin NatureReceptivenessRevelation, Necessity OfRevelation, Responses ToSpiritualityUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfUnderstandingVeilsWasteWisdom, Source Of HumanAcceptance, Of The GospelThe Spirit Of ManResisting Holy SpiritAppraisalThat Which Is SpiritualDiscerning God's ThingsFoolishness Of GodLife In A Material WorldNot Understanding God's ThingsAtheism, Description OfSpiritualDiscernmentThe MindSpiritual Gifts

Now the natural person [Note: Since this person is contrasted with the spiritual person of verse 15, it is taken here to mean the person without the Holy Spirit] does not receive the things [i.e., truths] revealed by the Holy Spirit of God, because they are [considered] foolishness to him. And he cannot understand them because they must be discerned by using spiritual judgment [i.e., judgment aided by the Holy Spirit].

Verse ConceptsBabylon, Israel Exiled ToExile Of Judah To Babylon

Josiah had descendants named Jechoniah and his brothers, [near] the time when [the people of Judah] were taken away to Babylon.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, In Human Relationshipsethics, incentives towardsHerbs And SpicesJudaismLegalismMercy, HumanMind, Of ChristNeglectPharisees, Beliefs OfNeglecting God's ThingsNeglecting DutiesReligionSin, Nature OfUnforgivenessFormalityFinancial AdviceCumminSins Of OmissionFractions, One TenthTithesThe Need For MercyTithing ProduceHerbsHypocritesHypocrisypharisees

"It is too bad for you hypocritical experts in the law of Moses and [you] Pharisees! For you give a tenth of your mint, dill and cumin [i.e., small garden herbs used for seasoning or fragrance], and [yet] neglect the heavier responsibilities required by the law, [such as] justice, mercy and faith. You should have done these ["lighter"] things and not neglected to do the other ["heavier"] things [as well].

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgeLast JudgmentLast ThingsReadinessResponsibility, To GodThe Judgement InvolvesEternal JudgmentThe Final JudgementLife And DeathJudgement Day

But, they will have to answer to God, who will judge both those who are now alive and those who have already died, [for the way they have lived].

Verse ConceptsContradictingWho Is John The Baptist?Lightconfessingdenial

Then he declared openly, without denying it, "I am not the Christ [i.e., God's specially chosen one]."

Verse ConceptsGod, Love OfIntimacyMoses, Significance OfLove Towards ChristAmazement, Of Jesus ChristInteraction Of Father And SonLove Between Father And SonGod's Things RevealedThe Father's Activity Regarding Christ

For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him everything that He Himself does; and He will show Him [even] greater deeds [i.e., more extensive in scope] than these [i.e., than merely healing a crippled man], so that you people will be amazed.

Verse ConceptsSix Dayslazarus

So, six days before the Passover Festival [began], Jesus went to Bethany, where Lazarus lived. He was the man Jesus [had] raised from the dead.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyAstronomyLight, NaturalSecond Coming Of ChristWavesRoar Of NationsSigns In The SkySigns Of Christ's ReturnDarkening Sun Moon And StarsThe Sea Stirred UpWorry And StressSunHurricanesAnxiety And StressStress And Hard TimesEclipseSigns Of The End TimesSolar EclipseThe MoonWeather In The Last DaysalignmentThe Complexity Of Nature

"Then [Note: This event answers to the "immediately" of Matt. 24:29, and suggests the next major event on God's calendar] there will be [supernatural] signs [evident] in the sun and moon and stars. And on earth [there will be] distress among nations; they will be perplexed by the roaring of the ocean's churning waves. [Note: Probably this is figurative language for highly agitated conditions on earth].

Verse ConceptsMerchandiseRelationship Of Father And SonBusinessthievessalesmarketing

He said to those who were selling the pigeons, "Take these things out of here, and quit making my Father's house [i.e., the Temple] a merchandise mart."

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalDay 8ScholarsLess Than A Year OldTaking The Law To HeartJewszealots

[I was] circumcised eight days after I was born; [I am] from the nation of Israelites; from the tribe of Benjamin and of Hebrew ancestry [i.e., an outstanding Hebrew]. As far as the law of Moses is concerned, [I am] a Pharisee [i.e., a strict sect of the Jewish religion].

Verse ConceptsWindShipsBig ThingsSmall ThingsMarinersThe TongueDirectionStaying Strong During Hard Timessailing

Look, even though ships are huge and are driven by strong winds, still their direction can be governed by a very small rudder, wherever the pilot desires to sail.

Verse ConceptsenlightenmentReceiving An InheritanceRepentance, Nature OfSatan, Kingdom OfSpiritual Blindness, Removal OfSatan, Power OfClarityFrom Darkness To LightReceiving SightHealing Of The BlindBenefits Of Faith In ChristMan's Authority Over The DevilGod Will ForgiveDarknessForgiving YourselfSanctificationdominion

to open their eyes [to the truth] so they will turn from darkness to light and from the power [i.e., the influence] of Satan to God. [Then] they can receive the forgiveness of sins and the inheritance [of never ending life], along with [all] those who are set apart [for God] by trusting in Me.'

Verse ConceptsAssassinations, AttemptedPower, HumanStrength, SpiritualPower Of The Holy SpiritPower Through The SpiritTelling Of JesusSpreading The Gospelrumors

Then Jesus returned to Galilee with power from the Holy Spirit; and a report about Him spread through all the surrounding region.

Verse ConceptsWord Of GodScripture, Inerrancy OfMen As GodsThe Word Of GodThe Bible

If God called those people, to whom His message came, "gods" (and Scripture cannot be set aside),

Verse ConceptsBonesDocetismJesus Christ, ResurrectionInfallible ProofsThe Existence Of ChristChrist's Handsghostsscarsmyself

Look at my hands and my feet and realize that it is I, myself. Feel me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see that I have." {{Some ancient authorities omit verse

Verse ConceptsBecoming An AdultRestored In Jesus ChristPerfection, HumanProgressCharismatic IssuesMan's Conduct Towards GodSpiritual GrowthBeginning To TeachBelief In GodRepentance And ForgivenessWorks Of The LawDoctrines of the The GospelMoving OnSchoolMaturitymanhooddoctrineGod As The Object Of Faith

So, we should leave the basic principles of Christ's teaching and go on to maturity. [We should] not lay again a foundation of repentance [i.e., turning away] from deeds of death [i.e., acts that lead to spiritual death or that spring from a spiritually dead person], and of faith in God;

Verse ConceptsFamily SolidarityCeremoniesHourWorship, Times ForPrayer Meetings3 PmDisciples In The TempleWhen To PrayThe First TemplePrayingpartnership

Now Peter and John were going to the Temple at three o'clock one afternoon [Note: Jewish time calculations are employed here], during the regular [Jewish] prayer hour.

Verse ConceptsAccepting ChristAlpha And Omegaeternity, nature ofGod, The EternalGod, Titles And Names OfHistoryGod Is Self ExistentJesus Christ, Eternity OfNames And Titles For ChristThe I Am's Of ChristThe AlmightyGod, InfiniteThe Existence Of GodBeginning And EndGod Being Of OldThe Fact Of His Cominga new beginningThe End Of The WorldTrinityThe Second Comingrevelation

"I am the Alpha and the Omega" [Note: These are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and indicate "the beginning and the end" See 21:6], says the Lord God Almighty, who is [in the present], and who was [in the past] and who will come [in the future].

Verse ConceptsSeaCrossing To The Other SideRelationships And Datinglakes

After these things happened Jesus went across to the east side of Lake Galilee, also called Lake Tiberias. [Note: This lake also bore a name honoring the Roman Emperor Tiberias].

Verse ConceptsPassing OverEvenings For Jesus And His DisciplesCrossing To The Other SideThe Crosslakes

When evening came that day He said to the disciples, "Let us go over to the other side [i.e., the east side of Lake Galilee]."

Verse ConceptsForeknowledgeJesus Christ, Relation To FatherAbsenceChrist's Relationship To GodFarewellsForeknowledge Of ChristLove For GodDeparturesLeavingChrist Coming AgainRelationship Of Father And SonThe FatherThe Need To Love ChristPeace To YouRejoicing In God's WorksFathers Love

You heard me say to you, 'I am going away and I am returning to you.' If you [really] loved me, you would have been happy that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am.

Verse ConceptsBacksliding, Christian Examplesenemies, of believersSatan, As TempterSiftingApostasy, CauseSievingMen's OrdersSatanSatanic Hatred

"Simon, Simon [i.e., Peter], Satan has earnestly requested the right to sift you like wheat. [Note: Grain was sifted by using a sieve-like device in which grain and particles of dirt and straw were shaken together, allowing the grain to fall through while the dirt and straw remained. This was an allusion to the agitating trials Peter was soon to endure, and survive].

Verse ConceptsBattlesevil, victory overPower Through GoddefeatHeaven, Inheritance OfTemptation, ResistingTemptation, Universality OfVictory, Over Spiritual ForcesOvercomersSpiritual AdoptionOther People Of GodOvercomingThe WorldPerspective

[But], you people are [followers] of God, little children [i.e., dear ones], and you have overcome them [i.e., these false teachers] because He who is in your lives [i.e., the Holy Spirit, See 3:24] is greater [i.e., more powerful] than he who is in [i.e., dominates] the world [i.e., Satan. See II Cor. 4:4].

Verse ConceptsFightingevil, origins ofArchangelsAngels as God's servantsMichael The ArchangelSatan, Agents OfSatan, As The Enemy Of GodMilitaryCosmic CreaturesEvil AngelsRebellion of Satan and AngelsWarBattleThe RaptureWorld Opposed To God

Then there was a war in heaven. Michael [See Dan. 10:13; 12:1; Jude 9] and his angels waged war against the dragon [See verse 9]; and the dragon and his angels fought back.

Verse ConceptsCondemned Heartsevil, origins ofdesiresHeart, Fallen And RedeemedSexual Sin, Nature OfSexualitySin, Causes OfImpurityGod Handing OverIdolatryThey Committed ImmoralitysexDishonoring God

So, God allowed [or, abandoned] them to have the impure desires of their hearts, and to [practice] degrading behavior with their bodies among themselves.


For I was very happy when some of the brothers came and told me that you are being [faithful] to the truth [i.e., the word of God], and that you are living according to it, [as well].

Verse ConceptsAtonementGiving, Of OneselfAtonement, Redemption ByAudiencesAtonement, in NTLanguagesHeaven,  Redeemed CommunityMarketsNationalismRansomRedemption, In NtValuesWorthinessThe Act Of OpeningOpening DocumentsA New SongAll LanguagesBooks In ProphecyChrist Was KilledThe Gospel To The Nationsrevelationredeemed

And they sang a new song [which went like this]: "You deserve to take the book and break the seals on it, for you were killed and, with your blood, you purchased people for God from every tribe and language and race and nation,

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofCommitment, to Jesus ChristObeying JesusKnowing Christ PersonallyKeeping Christ's CommandsKnowing GodObeying Godcommandmentsobeying

And here is how we can be assured that we know Jesus [i.e., that we are saved]: [It is] by obeying what He commands us.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual FoodAccess To God, Through ChristWay, TheChrist And His SheepPenitentAdmission Into God's PresenceEntering LifeFeeding AnimalsGoing Out And Coming InBeing SavedThe Narrow Gate

I am the gate; if anyone enters [the corral] through me, he will be saved [i.e., from condemnation], and will find pasture [i.e., will receive spiritual nurturing].


Then Nicodemus asked Jesus, "How can these things happen?"

Verse ConceptsSodom And GomorrahUnbearable ThingsGod TroublingJudgement Day

I tell you, the people of Sodom will be shown more leniency on that day [i.e., the day of judgment] than that town will receive.

Verse ConceptsMilitaryArmies, RomanVolunteering

Now there was a certain man in Caesarea named Cornelius. He was [a military man] in charge of one hundred soldiers and belonged to the "battalion of Italy."

Verse ConceptsConversationWho Is The Doer?

So, the apostles began discussing among themselves which one of them would do such a thing.

Verse ConceptsDays, Description OfDays, LastThe Final Days Of TimeCompletionBirthrightsChrist's Role In CreationGod, Suffering OfGod, The CreatorHeirsInheritance, SpiritualSonsNames And Titles For ChristChrist, Names ForGod SpeakingAges Of TimeJesus Role In SalvationThe keyword of HebrewsEnd Of Days

[but] during these final days He has spoken to us through His Son [Note: This period refers to the Christian age (See Acts 2:14-36)], whom He appointed to be heir of all things [and] through whom He created the universe. [See John 1:3; Col. 1:16].

Verse ConceptsJohn The BaptistThe Act Of OpeningOpening HeavenBaptised By JohnChrist's BaptismJesus PrayingBaptismTrinity

Now it happened when all the people had been immersed [by John], that Jesus was also immersed [by him]. And while Jesus was praying, heaven was opened

Verse ConceptsDavid, Spiritual Significance OfLordship, Human And DivineSonsThroneProphecies Concerning ChristAnnunciationsGreatness Of ChristGreat IndividualsRelationship TroublesBuilding Relationshipsgabriel

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest [i.e., God], and the Lord will give Him the throne of His forefather King David.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritChristian BaptismDisciples' MovementsBaptism

After this Jesus and His disciples went to the country-[side] of Judea and there they remained and immersed people.

Verse ConceptsdiligenceDiligence, Examples OfSteadfastness, Examples OfAccomplishingWhole HeartednessNear The Time PersonallyDeath Approaching

And it happened when the time came for Jesus to be taken up [to heaven] that He firmly determined to go to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsConformityThe Carnal MindWorldly Pleasures, Characteristic Of The WickedNot Imitating EvilUseless PeopleWhat Foreigners Are LikeGentiles

So, I tell you this, and insist [on it] by [the authority of] the Lord: Do not continue to live with worthless thoughts as [unconverted] Gentiles do.

Verse ConceptsBorn Again, Produced ByAssurance, nature ofGospel, Responses ToOrigins Of Spiritual LifeOrthodoxy, In NtRegenerationUnity, Of God's PeopleLove Towards God, Results InNew Birth, Evidenced BySaving FaithBenefits Of Faith In ChristSaid To Be The ChristBelieving In ChristJesus BirthLoving EveryoneFathers LoveFamily ConflictChild Of GodLoving Childrenbridgesparenthood

Every person who believes that Jesus is the Christ [i.e., God's specially chosen one] has been [spiritually] conceived [and eventually born] by God. And everyone who [continually] loves God, who did the conceiving, also [must continually] love the person whom God has [spiritually] conceived.

Verse ConceptsRebukeSensitivityTouchPersonal ContactDrawing Near To ChristLaying On Hands To HealThe Disciples ReactionsChildren And The Kingdom

Then some [parents] were bringing [their] little children to Jesus so He could touch them [i.e., to bestow a blessing on them], but His disciples spoke harshly to these parents [for doing this].

Verse ConceptsEight DaysChrist Going With People

And it happened about eight days after Jesus said these things that He took Peter, John and James with Him and went up in the mountain to pray. [Note: This was probably Mt. Tabor, which was nearby].

Verse ConceptsdoxologyEternal PraiseAmen

to whom [may there] be honor forever and ever. May it be so.

Verse ConceptsBodyAstronomyMoonUniverseEclipsesFalling From HeavenThe Universe DestroyedAffecting Sun Moon And StarsDarkening Sun Moon And StarsDarkness At The EndThe Universe AffectedAccompanying The Second Comingend times prophecySunLuciferEclipseEnd Of DaysSigns Of The End TimesSolar EclipseNatural DisastersSunshineThe Second ComingThe MoonThe Rapture

"But immediately after the terrible trouble of those days, [i.e., the next major event on God's calendar], the sun will become dark, and [therefore] the moon will not [be able to] shed its [reflected] light. The stars will fall from the sky and the forces of the heavens will be shaken [Note: From the description of these same events in Luke 21:25-26, it is possible that this is figurative language for great calamities happening on the earth].

Verse ConceptsGoalsWalking In The Spiritdisciples, characteristics ofIntimacyAbiding In ChristSpiritual VitalityUnfruitfulnessAbiding With GodPeople's Inability To Serve GodUs In GodStaying Positiveconnectionfruitfulness

Remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it remains united to the vine, so neither can you people [bear fruit] unless you remain united to me.

Verse ConceptsGiftsenlightenmentSpiritual IlluminationParticipation, In ChristUnity, Of God's PeoplePartakersGod Giving LightImpossible For PeopleBelonging To HeavenSharing In ChristBackslidersSharingStress And Hard TimesRenewalapostasyimpossible

[These are people] who were once enlightened [by the Gospel message], who had experienced the gift from heaven [i.e., forgiveness, never ending life, etc. See Rom. 6:23], who had partaken of the Holy Spirit [See Acts 2:38],

Verse ConceptsGrowthRestored In Jesus ChristPerfection, HumanSpiritual VitalityPerfectionHuman ImperfectionPursuing GoodPeople Made PerfectTaking PossessionRacestrivingprocess

[It is] not that I have already arrived at the goal [of spiritual maturity], or have already been made perfectly [righteous], but I am pushing onward in order to take hold of what Christ Jesus took hold of me for [i.e., to receive all that Christ intended for me].

Verse ConceptsCrowdsCrowds AvoidedBoatsPeople Going BeforeCrossing To The Other SideDisciples' Movementslakes

Then immediately Jesus ordered the disciples to enter the boat and row on ahead of Him to the other side [i.e., to the west side of Lake Galilee] until He could send the crowds away.

Verse ConceptsManifesting (making Something Clear)Knowing God's CharacterAtheism, Description OfGeneral Revelationconscience

For what is known about God is plain to these people [i.e., to the Gentiles], because God has made it clear to them.

Verse ConceptsThe Healed WalkingWho Is The Doer?Carrying Other Loads

[Then] they asked him, "Who is this man who said to you, 'Pick up your cot and walk.'?"

Verse ConceptsRich, TheThriftWasteChrist Speaking To DisciplesWealthy PeoplePropertyA Fool And His Money Shall PartMoney Managementpossessionsaccusationsaccounting

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "There was a certain rich man who had a property manager who was reported to be squandering his possessions.

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtMission, Of Jesus ChristOutsidersUnity, God's Goal OfChurch, Unity OfChrist And His SheepDivisions, Contrary ToNames And Titles For The ChurchOne ChurchPaying Attention To GodBeing DifferentothersGod Calling Jew And Gentile

I have other sheep [also] which are not [presently] in this corral; I must lead them, too. They will hear my voice and become one flock [i.e., with the others], having one shepherd. [Note: This probably refers to believing Gentiles becoming God's people, along with the Jews].

Verse ConceptsCleansed ConsciencesBaptism, significance ofBeing Born AgaindirtGuaranteePledgesSacramentsSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfSymbolsAntitypesCleansing The BodyPurifying OneselfBaptised Into ChristGod Saves From TroubleWater, As A Symbol Of SalvationJesus Role In SalvationSymbols of the Holy SpiritBaptismconscienceClear Conscience Before God

This water prefigured immersion [into Christ], which now also saves you, not by removing dirt from the [physical] body, but [by serving] as an appeal [or, "pledge"] to God for a clear conscience through the raising of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Verse ConceptsAssurance, basis ofGospel, Confirmation OfGospel, Essence OfJudgesLast JudgmentLast ThingsResurrection, Of The DeadSeasons, Of LifeGod Is JustJesus Christ, JudgeJudgmentJusticeThe Nature Of The JudgementEternal JudgmentThe Day Of JudgementGod Bearing Witness To ChristChrist JudgingGod Raising ChristGod Appointing His SonJudgement DayJudging Others Actionsfairness

For He has appointed a [certain] day when He will judge the people of the world according to [a standard of] true justice by the man [i.e., Jesus] whom He has appointed [as Judge, See II Tim. 4:8]. [And] He has given assurance to all people [that He will do this] by raising Jesus from the dead."

Verse ConceptsJews, TheJudaismRitual WashingWashingWaterWeights And Measures, LiquidSix ThingsWater ContainersStone ItemsMeans Of PurifyingPurifying OneselfOther Volume Measures

Now there were six clay water jars there, used by the Jews for ceremonial washings [i.e., for hands, utensils, etc.]. Each one held from

Verse ConceptsendEarth, Destruction OfGuardiansHeaven And EarthScripture, Sufficiency OfUniverseThings Passing AwayEternal TruthThe Universe DestroyedThe World Being TemporaryEarth

[Although] the sky and the earth will pass away [See II Pet. 3:10], my words will not pass away [i.e., they will certainly come true].

Verse ConceptsLove For GodPersevering To The EndAgape LoveGod, Presence OfAbiding With GodChrist's LoveLove Between Father And SonThe FatherLoving YourselfGod's Love For UsFathers LoveBeing Loved

"Just as the Father has loved me, [so] I have also loved you. You should continue to receive [or, respond to] my love. [Note: The next verse tells how this can be done].

Verse ConceptsJesus Statements About The SpiritFlowing WaterChannels Of TruthThirstUnion With Christ, Nature OfThe Water Of LifeThe Effects Of FaithScripture SaysRivers As Places Of PrayerLiving WaterWater, As A Symbol Of SalvationRiver Of LifeThe scripturesRiversMighty in its influenceRunning Water From God

As the Scripture has recorded [Note: The following is not an exact quotation from the OT, but echoes Isa. 58:11 and Zech. 14:8], 'Streams of life-giving water will flow from the person's heart who believes in me.'"

Verse ConceptsPassing Overlakes

Then Jesus and His disciples [finally] arrived on the other side of the lake [i.e., the east side] in the district of Geresa [Note: Matt. 8:28 says 'Gadara.' Geresa and Gadara were two towns

Verse ConceptsAgriculture, Qualities NeededHope, Nature OfPloughingCultivationPloughmenOther Scriptures FulfilledSharing Material ThingsFor The Sake Of God's People

Or, is He not really saying this for our sakes? Yes, it was written for us because the farmer ought to plow in hope [of planting a crop], and the harvester ought to thresh grain in hope of reaping a crop.

Verse ConceptsFulnessConceit, Description OfMysteryFullness Of The KingdomFalse WisdomGod Hardening PeopleSubdivisionsIsrael HardenedGentilesBlindnessIgnorance of GodTrust In RelationshipsPatience In RelationshipsBuilding RelationshipsWaiting Till Marriageignorance

For I want you to know this secret, brothers, so you will not become conceited: Part of the Israelites have become [spiritually] insensitive [to God], [and will remain that way] until the fullness of the Gentiles occurs. [Note: As with verse 12, concerning the Jews, "fullness" here may mean either a large or the complete number of Gentiles who will be saved].

Verse ConceptsFireBearing Bad FruitBook of lifeHell, Description OfLast ThingsLake Of FirePunishment Of the WickedHell, Punishment OfFire Of Helllakes

And if any person's [name] was not found recorded in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Verse ConceptsQuestioning ChristNo SignsWhen?Pharisees Concerned About Christboyfriends

And when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus answered them, "The kingdom of God will not come the way you are looking for it.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins OfRememberingUnderstandingBelieving ProphetsChrist Would RiseDiscipleshipJesus Death

Therefore, when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered what He had said and they believed the Scriptures and the words Jesus had spoken.

Verse ConceptsCrowds Around JesusPharisees Concerned About Christ

The Pharisees and some experts in the law of Moses, who had come from Jerusalem, gathered around Jesus.

Verse ConceptsDeath, Of UnbelieversFaithlessness, As DisobedienceFaith, As Basis Of SalvationUrgencyUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfUnbelieversUnbelief, Results Of Being GuiltyNew Birth, Necessity OfThe Existence Of ChristSaved By FaithRepent Lest You DieDeath Of A Loved Oneego

Therefore I said to you that you will die [condemned] in your sins. For unless you believe that I am [the Messiah, who came from above. See verse 23], you will die [condemned] in your sins."

Verse ConceptsFugitivesChristiansdispersion, theJerusalem, Significance OfSamaritansChurch, Description OfChurch, Examples OfThe Church ScatteredAssentingApproval To KillThe Apostles In Action

And Saul was in full agreement with Stephen being put to death. And a great persecution broke out against the Jerusalem church, and all the disciples, except the apostles, were scattered throughout the districts of Judea and Samaria.

Verse ConceptsFervourZealMemoriesReminders Of The Gospelremembrance

But I consider it the right thing to do, as long as I am in this "tent" [Note: This is an allusion to his still being alive], to stir up your memory [of these things],

Verse ConceptsFaith, Necessity OfGospel, Requirements OfGreeksRepentance, Nature OfUrgencyFaith, Object OfWitness To The GospelRepentanceRepentance And ForgivenessThe Gospel To Jew And GentileChrist As The Object Of Saving Faith

[You know how] I testified to both Jews and Greeks [i.e., Gentiles], that they must repent [i.e., change their attitudes and behavior] toward God, and have faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse ConceptsSamaritansWorship, Places OfAncestorsHow To Worship God

Our forefathers worshiped on this mountain [i.e., Mt. Gerizim, which was visible from where they were sitting]; but you say that Jerusalem is the place where people should worship [God]."

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentKnowing God's TruthThe Truth Of The GospelContinuing In SinSacrificePersistenceconsequencesapostasy

For if we go on sinning intentionally, after we have received the full knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for [our] sins.

Verse ConceptsThe Final Days Of Timeeternity, nature ofGod, The EternalYearsOne Day1000 Years And MoreThe Fact Of That DayAges Of TimeDaysIgnorance of GodGod's TimingGods Timing

But do not forget this one thing, my dearly loved ones, that as the Lord [counts time], one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.

Verse ConceptsChildren, attitudes towardsBabies, Figurative UseGod, Unity OfHeaven And EarthLordship, Human And DivineUniverseWisdom, Source Of HumanWorldly WisdomChildren And The KingdomNature Of GodRelationship Of Father And SonGod's Things ConcealedBabies Used As A Spiritual ImageEducationRelationship TroublesRelationships And DatingTrust In Relationships

About that time Jesus said [in prayer], "I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things [i.e., the significance of Jesus' words and works] from those who [thought they] were wise and intelligent and have [instead] revealed them to people who are child-like.

Verse ConceptsDullnessMisunderstood Truth40 To 50 Yearsconstruction

But the Jews said, "It took forty-six years to build this Temple, and are you going to rebuild it in three days?"

Verse ConceptsUntimelinessNot The TimeWhat Have We In Common?Times Of The Christ

So, Jesus said to her, "[My dear] woman, what do you want me to do [about it]? My time [i.e., to be revealed to people as the Messiah] has not yet come."

Verse ConceptsBarbariansGenerosity, God'sUnity, God's Goal OfNames And Titles For ChristGod, Impartiality OfAnswered PromisesNo DistinctionsChrist Is LordGod Answers PrayerGentilesJewsBeing Differentdiscrimination

For there is no distinction [with God] between Jews and Greeks [i.e., Gentiles], for all have the same Lord, who is generous to all who appeal to Him [for help].

Verse ConceptsBuild, FigurativelyEdification, Means OfGrace, And Christian LifeHeaven, Inheritance OfInheritance, SpiritualParticipation, In ChristRiches, SpiritualStrength, SpiritualBible, Given ForTypes Of ChristSanctified OnesBuilding Up The ChurchEntrustingReceiving God's WordThe Grace Of GodGod's GraceSanctificationgoodbyes

"Now I commit you [elders] to God and to the message of His unearned favor which can build you up [spiritually] and provide you with the inheritance [of never ending life], along with others who are [specially] set apart [for God].

Verse ConceptsAbility, Of God To SaveSpiritual DeathFaultsFall Of Man, Consequences Ofeternal life, experience ofBeing Born AgainOrigins Of Spiritual LifePaul, Teaching OfRegenerationResurrection, SpiritualSalvation, Nature OfSin, Effects OfUncircumcisionSpiritual Life, Nature OfSpiritual Life, Described ByBeing Dead In SinLife With ChristSpiritually DeadGod Has ForgivenOur ResurrectionFeeling Lost

And when you were [spiritually] dead because of your sins and your lack of being physically circumcised [Note: This refers to their having been unconverted Gentiles and therefore outside of a relationship with God], God made you alive [again] together with Christ, having forgiven us for all of our sins.

Verse ConceptsJoy, Of The ChurchOptimism

And I wrote you this very thing so that when I did come I might not be grieved by those who should make me happy. I had confidence in all of you, that whatever makes me happy [also] makes you happy.

Verse ConceptsQuestioning ChristMeaningThe Disciples Words

Then Jesus' disciples asked Him what this parable meant.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To GodApostles, Basis Of AuthorityLettersSaintsUnion With Christ, Significance OfAll Believers Are SaintsWhat God's Will IsPrivileges of saintsGod's Will

[This letter is from] Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, according to God's will, [and is being sent] to the saints [i.e., God's holy people] at Ephesus [Note: This was a major city in the western province of Asia Minor, and now a part of Turkey. The words "at Ephesus" are omitted in some manuscripts, suggesting it was a circular letter], and the faithful ones in [fellowship with] Christ Jesus [everywhere else ?].

Verse ConceptsBeing A BlessingBeing BlessedThoughtLooking BackwardHoly AmbitionMoving ForwardChampionsForgetting ThingsTaking PossessionDeadlinesAdolescent DepressionSingle MindednessstruggleAntidepressantsFocusStrugglesRacerelaxingenergy

Brothers, I consider that I, myself, have not yet taken hold [of Christ's ultimate purpose for me]. But there is one thing that I am doing; I am forgetting about my past [See verses 5-7], and reaching forward to what lies ahead.

Verse ConceptsLearningResentment, Against PeopleSuffering, Encouragements InContentmentComplaintsShortagesCircumstancesAbasementRespectBeing Content

I am not saying this because of being in need, for I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstances.

Verse ConceptsCommunicationBooksAngels, as God's messengersMinistry, Qualifications ForNecessityPeople Of God, In NtAngels, Nt AppearancesChrist's Relationship To GodGod Not DelayingGod Giving To The SonSlaves Of GodAngels Activities Among BelieversImminenceIdentity In Christ

[This is the record of] the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave [Him] to show to His servants. [It contains] the things which were soon to happen, and Christ sent His angel [i.e., messenger] to inform His servant, [the apostle] John, [about them].

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDBeing FirstAntichrist, Names ForApostatesWarnings Against ApostasyWarnings Against DeceptionDeceivers, Of ChristiansHell, As An ExperienceHeraldRebellion, Against GodAbounding, In The Last DaysFalse Miracles, Nature OfAmbition, Example OfAntichrist, Described AsApostasy, Types OfPerditionApostasy In The Last DaysThe DestroyerAvoiding DeceitPeople Made KnownAll Have SinnedFinal RevoltDeception In The End TimesMan Of SinRebellion against GodDeceptionrebellionmovementapostasyFalling Away From God

Do not allow anyone to deceive you in any way, for it will not occur until the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness becomes evident. [Note: This "rebellion" refers to a significant falling away from the teaching and practice of true Christianity (See I Tim. 4:1), characterized by the rise of an authoritarian religious leader]. This man is doomed to be destroyed

Verse ConceptsCommunicationA Short TimeMeaningBeing Without UnderstandingSaying RepeatedlyShort Time For Action

So, they [again] said, "What does He mean by saying, 'A little while'? We do not know what He is talking about."

Verse ConceptsAgreementAgreeing For GoodAgreeingThree WitnessesWater For BaptismThe Witness Of The SpiritWater, As A Symbol Of SalvationTrinityThe Blood Of Jesustestimonytestifying

The Holy Spirit [through His Word], and the water [through His immersion] and the blood [through His crucifixion]; and these three agree together [in giving testimony about Him].


Asa had a son named Jehoshaphat; Jehoshaphat had a son named Joram; Joram had a son named Uzziah;

Verse ConceptsTravelChrist EnquiringWho Is Jesus?Christ Speaking To DisciplesDisciples' Movements

Now Jesus and His disciples went out to the villages [in the vicinity] of Caesarea Philippi [Note: This was a city about

Verse ConceptsGlory, Revelation OfBeing FirstHope, As ConfidenceReinstatementGod's Glory In The ChurchShowing Forth His PraiseThe Hope Of The GospelTrusting God's Plan

The end [i.e., of being so predetermined] was that we [Jewish Christians], who had previously placed our hope in Christ, should bring about the praise of God's splendor.

Verse ConceptsCooldefeatSuffering, Encouragements InTemptation, ResistingVictory, Over Spiritual ForcesVictoryConqueringPromised VictoryOvercomersMore ThanGod's Love In ChristOvercoming Through ChristOvercomingOvercoming ObstaclesBeing Overwhelmedoverwhelmed

No, [suffering any one of these things is not proof that Christ does not love us], for in spite of all these things we have a decisive victory [over life's difficulties] through [the care shown us by] Christ who loved us.

Verse ConceptsFellowship With ChristBeverages, FigurativeJesus As Son Of ManBeing Dead In SinPeople Consuming BloodNot Maintaining LifeChrist Telling The TruthTruly TrulyJesus As FoodThe Blood Of Jesuscommunionmuscles

So, Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the physical body of the Son of man and drink His blood, you do not have [spiritual] life in yourselves [Note: The references to "body" and "blood" throughout this section allude to taking Jesus' life and teaching into one's heart. See verse 56].

Verse ConceptsAudiencesflexibility

Then Paul stood up in the Areopagus and said, "You men of Athens, I noticed that you are an extremely religious people in all your ways. [See verse 16]

Verse ConceptsGod, Suffering OfValuesChrist, Names ForDrawing Near To ChristChrist The RockChrist's LifePrecious

You should come to Him, who is a living stone, rejected by people, but chosen as precious in God's sight.

Verse ConceptsLikeningFigurative FieldsLikening ThingsSowing Seeds

[Then] Jesus told them another parable, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is similar to a person who sowed seed in his field,

Verse ConceptsAdulterersAdultery and DivorceWivesDivorceadultry

And if she herself divorces her husband and marries another [man], she commits sexual unfaithfulness [toward him]."

Verse ConceptsFeastingVisitingWorship, Times ForEvery Yearparenthood

Now Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem every year to attend the Passover Festival. [Note: This was the annual Jewish festival commemorating Israel's deliverance from Egyptian bondage under Moses' leadership].

Verse ConceptsAll Things Being PossibleFasting, Practice OfFaith, Growth InFaith, And Blessings Of Goddoubt, results ofMustard SeedSeedSmallnessUnbelieversSkepticismSmall ThingsMountains RemovedPossibilities For PeopleNot Believing In JesusA Little BitPossible For PeopleWhy It HappenedFaith Moving MountainsFaithMoving OnStrength And FaithSeedsFaith In GodMoving To A New PlacepossibilitiesimpossibleUnbelief Toward Christ

He answered them, "[It was] because you had such little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith as [small as] a mustard tree seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to that place over there' and it would move. And nothing will be impossible for you [to do]." {[{[Some manuscripts contain the following verse:


I am writing you, confident that you will be obedient [to my requests], and I know that you will do even more than I am asking [of you].

Verse ConceptsPresent Evil AgeAirCommitment, to the worldevil, origins ofSatan, Titles ForPrincesSatan, Kingdom OfUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfSatan, Character OfNames And Titles For SatanSatan, Work OfPathways Of SinPrincehood Of SatanPrincipalities And PowersDanger From MenMighty in its influenceRebellion of Satan and AngelsThe DevilGod Being In ControlThe PastenergydisobedienceSatan As The Prince Of This WorldDemonic Influence

You practiced such things when you lived according to the evil ways of this world, and according to the ruler of the [spiritual] powers of the air. [Note: This refers to Satan, whose influence permeates life around us]. He is the [evil] spirit who is now at work in people who are disobedient [to God].

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritSending Of The Holy SpiritMission, Of The ChurchGift Of The Holy SpiritApostles, Function In Early ChurchThe Holy Spirit Described As The WindReceiving The SpiritSymbols of the Holy SpiritWork Ethicbreathingghostslungs

Upon saying this, Jesus breathed on the disciples and said to them, "[Be willing to] receive the Holy Spirit." [Note: This "breathing" served as a pledge of the Holy Spirit which actually came on these apostles a few weeks later. See Acts 1:5-8; 2:4].

Verse ConceptsThe Water Of LifeBeing UnsatisfiedDrinking Water

Jesus answered her, "Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again,

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, SpiritualFruit, Spiritualevil, victory overGrainWheatGain Through LossDeath To SelfParables Of SowingIsolated PersonsThe Source Of FruitThe Effect Of Christ's DeathChrist Telling The TruthTruly Truly

Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat drops into the soil and dies, it remains a single grain, but if it dies, [then] it will produce many grains.


And it happened as Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem that He passed along the border between Samaria and Galilee. [Note: These were the next two provinces north of Judea].

Verse ConceptsCondemnation, Causes OfExcusesUncharitablenessLike Bad PeopleFound GuiltyJudgingBeing YourselfJudgementJudging Others Actionscondemnationothers

So, whoever you are, you people do not have any excuse for judging people [Note: At this point Paul begins addressing the Jews. See verse 17]. For in a matter where you judge someone else [to be wrong] you [actually] condemn yourselves, because you are practicing the same things [you condemn them for doing].

Verse ConceptsSigns Of The TimesThe Presence Of ChristSigns Performed By ChristNot WritingOther References To The DisciplesMiracles

Jesus performed many other [miraculous] signs in front of His disciples which are not recorded in this book [i.e., in the Gospel of John].

Verse ConceptsPersecution, Nature OfPlottingPersecution Of ChristThe Sabbath And ChristWhy People Did Things

So, for this reason the Jews began persecuting Jesus, because He did these [kinds of] things on the Sabbath day.

Verse ConceptsFruit, SpiritualAbolitionThe Sin NatureThe New Man In ChristPutting Off The Old ManSelfishnessUnselfishnessThe Human BodyDying With ChristCrucifying Our FleshOld NatureDestruction Of Satan's WorksDead To SinContinuing In SinOur CrucifixionSubject To EvilIdentityIdentity In Christrebirth

We know that our old self was [figuratively] crucified with Christ, in order that the body of sin [i.e., our whole life of sin] might be destroyed [i.e., become powerless to control our actions and thoughts], so that we should not be enslaved to the practice of sin any longer.

Verse ConceptsDeserts, SpecificJohn The BaptistProphecies Concerning ChristLiving In The WildernessWho Is John The Baptist?At The Same Time

In those days, John the Immerser went into the desert of Judea preaching [to Jews], saying,

Verse ConceptsAgriculture, Qualities NeededCollectionsHeavenly RewardsReward, DivineSeedThriftCultivationReapingStingy PeopleReaping What You Sowsoaringsowing

But [remember] this: The person who plants only a few seeds will harvest a meager crop. And the one who plants many seeds [Note: The Greek says, "plants with blessings"] will harvest a bumper crop.

Verse ConceptsGoalsGod, Purpose OfGod, Will OfPleasing GodUnselfishnessChrist, Character OfChrist's Relationship To GodJesus Christ, JudgeSubmission To God's WillImpotence Of ChristChrist JudgingNot My Will But God'sSubject To GodThe One Who Sent ChristJudgmentsPositive ThinkingJudgementmyself

"I cannot do anything by my own [authority]. I judge [people] based on what I hear [i.e., from the Father] and my judgment [of them] is just, because I do not look for what I want [to do], but for what He who sent me [i.e., God] wants.

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenCarpentersArts And Crafts, Types ofSonsRejection Of ChristWork, As Ordained By GodProphecies Concerning ChristChrist, Names ForChrist, Humanity OfChrist's Earthly FamilyStumbling Over ChristWho He Might BeHalf brothersSiblingswoodworking

Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters living here among us?" And they were led to doubt His true identity.

Verse ConceptsPeace, Divine In NtThe Presence Of Christ

And as the apostles were talking about these things, Jesus Himself [reappeared], standing among them, and said to them, "May there be peace in your lives."

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritThe Act Of OpeningPrayer, As Asking GodAnswered PromisesFinding ThingsGod Answers PrayerGod Giving Freely

And I tell you, ask [God for something] and it will be given to you; look [to God for something] and you will find it; knock [on the door of opportunity] and it will be opened up to you.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual FoodFlesh, Description Ofeternal life, nature ofThe EucharistChrist Going DownEating Christ's BodyLife In ChristChrist And HeavenChrist's LifeJesus As FoodLife Is In ChristBreadCompetition

I am the living bread who came down from heaven; if anyone eats this bread, he will live forever. Yes, and the bread that I will give [him] is my physical body, [so] that the world can have [never ending] life."

Verse ConceptsFilling PlacesMountains RemovedTwisted WaysStraighteningSmoothnessPutting Things DownSmoothPaths

Every valley will be filled up and every mountain and hill will be leveled. And crooked [roads] will become straight and rough ones smoothed out.

Verse ConceptsBodyGospel, Confirmation OfOrigins Of Spiritual LifeMortalityPaul, Teaching OfSpiritualityWaitingIndwelling Of The Holy SpiritPower Of Holy Spirit, Shown InActive LifestylesProvision For The BodyGod Raising ChristChrist Would RiseOur ResurrectionUniversalismThe power of ChristRosesrevival

But if the Spirit of God, who raised up Jesus from the dead, lives in your hearts, [then] that One [i.e., God] who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead, will restore life to your mortal bodies also, through [the power of] God's Spirit who lives in your hearts.

Verse ConceptsGreat Things

"Teacher, which one is the greatest commandment in the law of Moses?" he asked.

Verse ConceptsGod Is ImmanentClosing UpDividing Spiritual BlessingsSharing

For he was one of our number and shared with us [in the responsibility of] this ministry."

Verse ConceptsBeggarsLargenessBeggingCrowds Around JesusUsing RoadsDisciples' Movements

Then they [i.e., Jesus and the twelve apostles] came to Jericho [Note: This was a town about

Verse ConceptsGreat And SmallArrogantly Like GodPowerful Individuals

Everyone, from the least to the greatest [in importance], was being impressed by him. They were saying, "This man is being called Great [and has] power from God."

Verse ConceptsChristmasAdventureGospel, Essence OfJesus Christ, LordJesus Christ, SaviorChrist, Names ForTodayNativity of Jesus ChristJesus Birth

For a Savior has been born today in David's city [i.e., Bethlehem], who is Christ the Lord [i.e., God's specially chosen one].

Verse ConceptsNapkinsHidden ThingsClean FacesLarge DenominationsTalents

Then another slave appeared and said, 'Look, master, here is your sum of money. I kept it [safely] wrapped up in a cloth,

Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus ChristdoctorsHealingCrowds Around JesusWelcomed By GodJesus Healing

But the crowds found out about it [i.e., where Jesus had gone], so they followed Him [there]. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the [coming] kingdom of God and cured those who needed healing.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, ministry ofInspiration Of The Holy Spirit, Purpose OfProvincesThe Holy Spirit In The ChurchLed By The SpiritMissionaries

And then Paul, Silas, Timothy [and perhaps others by now] traveled through the districts of Phrygia and Galatia [i.e., provinces of central Asia Minor] because [an inspired message from] the Holy Spirit would not permit them to proclaim the message in Asia [i.e., the westernmost province of Asia Minor].

Verse ConceptsGod's Mercy, Example Ofevangelists, identity ofevangelism, nature ofHeraldKingdom Of God, Coming OfLast DaysPreaching, Content OfTownTravelMissionary WorkGood TidingsChrist PreachingChrist With People On EarthTwelve Disciplesevangelizing

And it happened soon after this that Jesus went through one town and village after another, preaching and proclaiming the good news about the kingdom of God. [Traveling] with Him were the twelve apostles

Verse ConceptsGod, Sovereignty OfKingship, DivineSceptreJesus Christ, Deity OfThrone, Examples OfNames And Titles For ChristChrist Reigning ForeverJesus Christ, Son Of GodRighteousness Of Christ

But God says [this] about the Son [Psa. 97:7], "Your throne [i.e. kingdom], O God [Note: This term here is applied to Jesus], will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter [i.e., the standard for ruling] of your kingdom.

Verse ConceptsAngerGod, Justice OfLordship, Human And DivineRapeRetributionRevenge, And RetaliationSelf DefenceDuties To EnemiesJudgements WrittenRight Time For GodGod Executes VengeanceGod Will RequiteNot AvengingAll Things Belong To GodA Tough Break UpTurning The Other CheekThe scripturesPunishmentRevengespacewrath

Do not take revenge on someone who has wronged you, but leave it up to God's wrath [to take care of it], for it is written [Deut. 22:35], "The Lord says, I will pay people back [for doing wrong] because taking revenge belongs to me."

Verse ConceptsFolly, Effects OfLast JudgmentBad ExampleFoolishness Of MenAvoid SorceryChrist Was KilledSignificance Of Christ's Crucifixion

You foolish people [of the churches] of Galatia [Note: This was a province in present-day Turkey], who tricked you? Was not Jesus Christ graphically portrayed before you as being put to death on a cross?

Verse ConceptsDays, Natural UsePharisees, Beliefs OfLegalismSix DaysAngry With ChristDoing One's WorkJesus HealingThe Sabbath And ChristJesus Healing On Sabbath

But the official of the synagogue became angry because Jesus had healed [someone] on the Sabbath day. [Note: This was viewed as a violation of proper Sabbath day observance by certain Jews who interpreted the law of Moses with narrow legalism]. So, the official said to the crowd, "There are six days [in the week] for people to work. Therefore, you should come to be healed on one of them, and not on the Sabbath day."

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Of Jesus ChristForeknowledge Of ChristThe Third Day Of The WeekChrist Would Rise

And He said to them, "This is what was written: The Christ [i.e., God's specially chosen one] will suffer, and [then] rise again from the dead on the third day.

Verse ConceptsSevenSpiritsNames And Titles For The Holy SpiritProvincesThe Existence Of GodSeven PeopleSeven SpiritsGod In Three PersonsGrace Be To YouThe Fact Of His ComingGoing To Church

[This book is from] John [and is being sent] to the seven churches that are in Asia [Note: This refers to the province of Asia Minor, a part of present-day Turkey]. May there be unearned favor and peace to you from God, the One who is [in the present], who was [in the past] and who will come [in the future], and from the seven spirits that are in front of God's throne [Note: Because the number "seven" was regarded as the number of perfection by the Jews, it is thought that this refers to the Holy Spirit].

Verse ConceptsPreparing For ActionUpper Rooms

And the owner himself will show you a large upstairs room all furnished and ready. Make preparations for us there [i.e., to observe the Passover meal]."

Verse ConceptsStairwaysZealAndrewPrayer MeetingsUpper RoomsGuest Roomszealots

Upon arriving at the house where they were staying, they went upstairs. [Those present were]: Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, the son of Alpheus, Simon the Zealous [one] and Judas, the son of James. [Note: Judas Iscariot, the twelfth apostle, had already committed suicide].

Verse Conceptseternal life, nature ofeagernessRulersTeachersTeachablenessSeeking LifeGood PeopleDoing God's Works

Then a certain ruler [Note: This man was young and rich. See Matt. 19:16-22] asked Jesus, "Good Teacher, what should I do in order to inherit never ending life?"

Verse ConceptsSpiritual MalnutritionBuying and sellingSpiritual UnderstandingSpiritualitySin, Consequences OfLaw, Ten CommandmentsLaw Described AsThat Which Is SpiritualExcellent LawSpiritual

For we know that the law of Moses is spiritual [i.e., from the Holy Spirit in origin and character], but I am fleshly, sold as a slave to sin. [Note: "Flesh" throughout this section refers to a person's natural inclinations to sin].

Verse ConceptsCreaturesBlasphemy, Examples OfThe BeastSeaSevenSeven Body PartsTen ThingsSeashoresHorns In AllegoryBlasphemyCrowns On CreaturesSand And GravelThe World Ruler

And I saw a beast coming up out of the ocean. It had ten horns and seven heads, and [it had] ten crowns on his horns and on each head there was a blasphemous name [i.e., a name that slandered God].

Verse ConceptsHearingListeningColors, PurpleReceptivenessResponseProselytesThe Act Of OpeningOpening To OthersPurple ClothMissionariesevangelising

A certain woman named Lydia, from the town of Thyatira, who sold purple cloth [for a living], was there. She was a worshiper of God and when she heard us [telling about salvation through Christ], the Lord opened her heart to respond to the message being spoken by Paul.

Verse ConceptsBattlesdefeatImmunityPower, HumanSatan, As The Enemy Of GodSatan, Resistance ToSnakesSatan, Limitations OfEnabling GracePromised VictoryTrampling AnimalsPower Over SnakesScorpionsAuthority Of DisciplesMan's Authority Over The DevilThe power of ChristOvercomingHurtCasting Out Demonshurtingprincipalities

See, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions [i.e., to receive protection from accidental contact with venomous creatures. See Acts 28:5] and [to have authority] over all the power of the enemy [i.e., Satan. See verse 18]. And nothing at all will hurt you.

Verse ConceptsBeing Born AgainNew Birth, The Means OfThe Holy Spirit, And RegenerationBirth ControlNot My Will But God'sMere MenOther People Of GodWhat God's Will IsThe Will Of MenNew BirthGod's PlanJesus BirthMaking DecisionsRaising ChildrenPassionDecision MakingGods PlanChild Of GodGod's Plan For Usfatherhoodrebirth

[Such people] were born of God, not of blood ties [i.e., from physical descendants], nor of the will of the flesh [i.e., merely from a sexual desire], nor of the will of man [i.e., from a husband's desire for offspring].

Verse ConceptsForgiveness, Application OfAttitudes, to other peopleMercy, Response To God'sForgive OthersJury DutyPenitentNot JudgingForgive One AnotherGood ReboundingNo CondemnationJudgmentsPunishmentHolier Than ThouJudgingforgiving othersForgiving YourselfForgiveness KjvJudgementJudging Others Actionscondemnationforgivingothers

And do not pass [hypocritical] judgment [on other people. See Matt. 7:1-5] and you will not receive such judgment [on yourselves]. And do not condemn [others] and you will not be condemned [yourselves]. Release people [i.e., from guilt for offending you] and you will be released [i.e., by God?]

Verse ConceptsDeath Of God's PeopleNear The Time PersonallyThings RevealedDeath Of The Righteous

knowing that [I will] soon put off my "tent" [i.e., I will soon die], even as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me.

Verse ConceptsFaultsLaw, Jesus Christ's Attitude ToSilenceKept Alive By MenIndividuals Being SilentDo Not MurderDoing GoodPeople Actually Doing EvilThe Sabbath And ChristFinding Fault With JesusJesus Healing On Sabbath

Then He said to the Pharisees, "Is it permissible by the law of Moses to do something good, or something harmful on the Sabbath day? To save a life or to kill it?" But they did not reply.

Verse ConceptsCrowds Around JesusDisciples' Movements

And it happened soon after this that Jesus went to a town called Nain [Note: This was a town of Galilee about

Verse ConceptsLast JudgmentMutenessSilenceUnder The LawAccountabilityGuilt

Now we [all] know that everything the law says applies to those who are under [obligation to obey] that law, [Note: Here "the law" appears to refer to the Old Testament Scriptures generally, since Psalms and Isaiah are quoted. See verses 10-18]. This is so that the mouth of every objector may be stopped [i.e., from making excuses for his sin], and thereby bring the entire world under God's judgment [i.e., both Jews and Gentiles].

Verse ConceptsForgettingAbandonmentHourLanguagesPrayer, Doubts AboutReceptivenessFeelings Of Rejection By GodSuffering, Nature Of3 PmIndividuals ShoutingInterpreting LanguageGod Abandoning IndividualsFeelings Of Alienation

Then at three o'clock Jesus shouted in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama, sabachthani?" [Note: These words were in the commonly spoken Aramaic language], which being interpreted, means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Verse ConceptsHabitsNightPrayer, Practicalities OfPrivacySleeplessnessSpiritualityAll Night PrayersSecret PrayerSolitudeJesus PrayingExamples of secret prayerPraying For OthersPrayingorganization

And it happened during that time that Jesus went out to the mountain [i.e., probably a hillside near Capernaum] to pray, and continued praying to God all night.

Verse ConceptsAthleticsThe Christian RacePrizesRunningPerforming The TruthAvoid Being HinderedObeying The GospelHindrancesRaceMaking Mistakesdistractionsobeyingcutting

You [Christians] were running [the race of life] well; who hindered you [from making further progress] so that [now] you are no longer obeying the truth?

Verse ConceptsFishingNets TornCatch Of FishFish

And when they had done this, they gathered in a large number of fish [until] their nets began to break.

Verse ConceptsJesus Christ, Omniscience OfHow Jesus Knows The HeartMan's ThoughtsChrist Knowing About People

But He knew what they were thinking. Then He said to the man with the deformed hand, "Get up, step forward in front of everyone." So, he got up and stepped forward.

Verse ConceptsLight, NaturalLonelinessPeter, The DiscipleChrist GlorifiedSix DaysChrist Going With People

And after six days had passed, Jesus took Peter, James and John aside alone and went up to a high mountain [i.e., probably Mt. Tabor, which was nearby]. [There] His whole appearance was [miraculously] changed in front of them.

Verse ConceptsBacksliding, CausesFaith, As A Body Of Beliefsdoubt, results ofWatchfulness, Of BelieversTaking HeedResponsible To Warnattention

So [then], we [Christians] should pay closer attention to the things we have heard, so that we do not drift away from [believing and practicing] them.

Verse ConceptsRepulsive FoodFish

Or who would give him a snake if he asked you for a fish?

Verse ConceptsChristiansdispersion, theLettersPeter, The ApostlePeter, Preacher And TeacherPilgrimsThe Church ScatteredReckoned As ForeignersAlienspeterimpulsiveness

[This is being written by] Jesus' apostle Peter, to God's people who are scattered throughout the countries of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia. [Note: These places are located in present-day Turkey].


Hezekiah had a son named Manasseh; Manasseh had a son named Amon; Amon had a son named Josiah;

Verse ConceptsForgiveness, DivineAdvantagesFar Be It!The Gospel To Jew And GentileAll Have Sinned

What then? Are we [Jews] any better off [than those Gentiles]? No, not at all, for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks [i.e., Gentiles] alike are under [the power of] sin,

Verse ConceptsLanguagesLiteracyAramaic LanguageReading Other Mattercrucifixion

Many of the Jews read this notice, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city [of Jerusalem]. It was written in the Hebrew, Latin and Greek languages.

Verse ConceptsStretching OutThose Jesus Healed

Then Jesus said to the man "Reach out your hand." And when he stretched it out, it became normal, just like the other one.

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtHappinessHonouring GodPredestined PeopleThe Call Of GodPredestination, Of PersonsReligious AwakeningsThe Gentiles ConversionThose Who Believed In ChristElect

And when the Gentiles heard this they were glad and gave honor to the message of God [i.e., they accepted it as true]. And all those who were appointed [by God] to receive never ending life [through faith and obedience] became believers.

Verse ConceptsOld Age, DisabilitiesdoubtersAssurance in the life of faithMiracles, Responses ToOld Age, Attainment OfSure Knowledgegabriel

And Zacharias said to the angel, "How will I know this? For I am an old man and my wife is [also] very old."

Verse ConceptsGod, Fatherhood OfFellowship Of Holy SpiritFellowship, With GodFellowship, Among BelieversAttending ChurchCommunion With GodCompanionshipHearing ChristFellowshipThe FatherLove And RelationshipsWitnessingcommunion

We declare to you what we have seen and heard [concerning Christ], so that you also may share a relationship with us. And indeed, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

Verse ConceptsScripture, Purpose OfThe Gospel PreachedGod's Blessings Are NearOther References To The HeartRighteous By FaithSpeaking With The Mouthpreaching

But what does the Scripture say [about being made right with God]? [Deut. 30:14 says], "The message of God is near you [i.e., it is not difficult to comprehend]. It is on your lips and in your heart." This is the message of faith [in Christ] which we [apostles] preach.

Verse ConceptsAmbassadorsAtonementMinistry, Qualifications ForPastorsPeace Made Through ChristCaused By GodReconciliation with GodMaking Peace With GodLove And RelationshipsLosing A FriendReconciliationLosing FriendsMinistryreuniting

All [these] things are from God, who restored us to fellowship with Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of restoring [other] people to [such] fellowship.

Verse ConceptsApostles, During Jesus Earthly MinistryRetirementSix DaysChrist Going With PeopleRelationships And Dating

And after six days [had passed], Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother John aside and went up into a high mountain [i.e., an unidentified mountain nearby].

Verse ConceptsInjuryMurderStealingSuffering, Causes OfTravelViolencePeople Stripping PeopleAfflicted To DeathActual Thievesthieves

Jesus answered him, "A certain man was traveling down from Jerusalem to Jericho [Note: This was a town about eighteen miles northeast of Jerusalem], when he was attacked by robbers, who stripped him [of his clothing and belongings] and beat him up, then went away leaving him half dead.

Verse ConceptsBelieversA Hundred And Somegroupsgoodbyes

And during this time Peter stood up to speak to a gathering of about one hundred twenty persons.

Verse ConceptsArmageddonLast DaysMountainsPrivacySignsCuriosityEnd Of The WorldPeople Sitting DownSigns Of Christ's ReturnWhen?Christ With His Disciplesend times prophecyInformation AgeThe End Of The WorldSigns Of The End TimesThe Second ComingEnd Timesmath

And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, His disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things [you just spoke of] happen? And what will be the sign that indicates your presence and the end of the [present] age?"

Verse ConceptsdovesInnocence, Teaching OnSheep, FigurativeSerpentsSheepShrewdnessSnakesMissionary WorkHarmlessnessSingleness Of HeartThings Like SnakesWolvesBe Wise!Christ SendingChristmas Treereuniting

Here is how it will be: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore you should be as crafty [Note: The Greek word here is "sensible"] as snakes, yet as harmless [Note: The Greek word is "sincere"] as doves.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTServants, GoodHuman Authority, Nature OfAuthority Delegated To PeopleMen's OrdersObeying PeopleExamples Of Good Servants

For I also am a man [who serves] under the authority [of others], and I have soldiers [who serve] under me. I can say to this one 'Go,' and he goes, and to another one, 'Come,' and he comes, and to my slave 'Do this,' and he does it."

Verse ConceptsBorn Again, Produced Byelection, to salvationBeing Born AgainAssurance, nature ofBirth, SpiritualGospel, Promises OfOrigins Of Spiritual LifeRegenerationSalvation, Nature OfNew Birth, The Means OfPredestination, Spiritual EventsBible, Names OfBible, Given ForReceiving God's WordMetaphorical FirstfruitsWhat God's Will IsExerciserebirth

It was God's purpose to bring us into being [spiritually] by the message of truth, so that we could become a kind of "firstfruits" of those He created. [Note: "Firstfruits" here suggests either that Christians are the best of all of God's creatures (Num. 18:12), or that they were the first to be converted, with many more to come].

Verse ConceptsLove, For One AnotherHospitality, A Duty Of God's PeopleProperty, HousesReceptivenessRefugeesLove To Others Shown InAlmsgivingAltruismCharityLoving ForeignersPeople Providing FoodThe poorEthicsFeeding The Poorhungerwelcome

for [when] I was hungry, you fed me; [when] I was thirsty, you gave me [something] to drink; [when] I came [to you as] a stranger, you gave me a place to stay;

Verse ConceptsFaultsevangelists, identity ofHeads Of The FamilyLove, In RelationshipsMonogamyOrder In The HomePeacemakersBishops, QualificationsDissipationPeaceablenessBishops, DutiesMarriage ControlledThose Who Had FaithHusband And WifeThe ElderlyA Good HusbandLeadership Qualitieseldersbehavioraccusations

[An elder must] not be guilty of just blame, [he must be] the husband of one wife, whose children are believers [Note: The word for "believers" may also be translated "faithful ones" or "trustworthy ones"], who have a reputation for not being wild or disobedient.

Verse ConceptseagernessVeilsSpiritual AdoptionPeople Made KnownWaiting For The Second ComingCreationChild Of Godexpectations

For [all] creation [Note: "Creation" here refers to the material heavens and earth, and is personified through verse 23] is eagerly waiting for the children of God to be revealed [i.e., in their glorious state].

Verse ConceptsBarleyChildren, examples ofHelpfulnessChildren, In Jesus MiraclesHelpful ChildrenSmall Things God UsesLittle FoodFive ThingsSmall CreaturesTwo AnimalsChildren In The Miracles Of Jesus ChristFishcouples

"There is a little boy here who has five [small] loaves of barley bread and two [probably smoked] fish. But what is this amount for [feeding] so many people?"

Verse ConceptsServants, Bad

[The reason] he runs away is because he is a hired hand and does not [really] care about the sheep.

Verse ConceptsChristmasevangelism, nature ofHeraldPromised JoyGood TidingsRejoicing In God's WordJoyNativity of Jesus ChristJesus BirthPeace And Comfortgabrielreassurance

And the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for look, I am bringing good news that will cause great joy to all people.

Verse ConceptsShepherds, As Church LeaderWatchfulness, Of LeadersApostasy, CauseWolvesFierce MenNot Sparing

[Because] I know that after I am gone [from here] there will be vicious wolves [i.e., ravaging false teachers] who will come in among you, and they will not spare the flock [i.e., the congregation].

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombChrist, The Seed OfAngel, AnnouncementsChrist, Names ForJesus Birthgabriel

And consider this, you will become pregnant and give birth to a son and you will name Him Jesus.

Verse ConceptsProphecies Said By JesusThe Future AgeBelieve In Christ!How To Worship GodThe FatherWorshiping God

Jesus replied to her, "[My dear] woman, believe me [when I tell you], the time will come when you people will not worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual IgnoranceSpiritualMisunderstandingsSpiritual GiftsGifts And Talentsignoranceenergy

Now concerning spiritual [i.e., supernatural] gifts, brothers, I want you to be [fully] knowledgeable.

Verse ConceptsBody Of Christ, SymbolizedLord's SupperSacramentsEating Christ's BodyBreaking Of BreadThanking God For FoodThe Lord's SupperTable Grace

And as they were eating He took a [small] loaf of bread, and when He had asked God's blessing on it, He broke it and gave [pieces] to His disciples and said, "Take this, it is [i.e., represents] my [physical] body."

Verse ConceptsChrist's Earthly FamilySeveral DaysDisciples' MovementsHalf brothers

After this incident, Jesus, His mother, His [half-] brothers and His disciples went down to Capernaum [i.e., located on the north shore of Lake Galilee] and stayed there a few days.

Verse ConceptsHillsHasty Action

About that time Mary made a hurried trip to a Judean town in the hill country. [Note: This was be the same province in which Jerusalem was located].

Verse ConceptsGospel, Historical Foundation OfJesus Christ, Ascension OfExaltation Of ChristRight SidesGoing To Heaven

So then, after the Lord Jesus had spoken to them He was taken up to heaven, where He sat down at the right side of God.


So, they led him to the Areopagus [i.e., an elevated assembly place called "the Hill of Mars"] and asked him, "Could we learn [more] about this new teaching you are speaking of?

Verse ConceptsFulnessLossKilled With The SwordForeigners In The Holy PlacesForeigners SubduedAll NationsTrampling PlacesGentiles

And people will die by the sword and be led captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled on by the [unconverted] Gentiles [i.e., by the Romans and later by others] until the times of [domination by] the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Verse ConceptsFeastingMonthWinterRestoring ThingsArt Of CelebratingDedicationCelebrationcelebrating

During the winter, when the Festival of Dedication was being held in Jerusalem [Note: This was the Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the Temple in BC after its pagan desecration by Greeks. It is still observed today by Jews as "Hanukkah."],

Verse ConceptsMaternal LoveLove, And The WorldExamples Of Mothers' LoveThe CrossDeath Of A MotherJesus Deathcrucifixion

Now standing near Jesus' cross were His mother; His mother's sister [i.e., Salome, the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee. See Matt. 27:55; Mark 15:40]; Mary the wife of Clopas [i.e., the mother of James and Joseph. See Matt. 27:55]; and Mary, from Magdala.

Verse ConceptsLeisure, And PastimesMaterialism, As An Aspect Of SinWaitingCitiesPolytheismPeople WaitingIdolatryAngry PeopleHinduism

Now while Paul was waiting for them [to arrive] in Athens, he was deeply stirred in his spirit when he saw the city so full of idols.

Verse ConceptsGod, Glory OfFutureClouds And Jesus ChristGod, Power OfSorrowGod's Glory In Jesus ChristSigns In The SkySigns Of Christ's ReturnMourning Due To CatastropheSigns In The UniverseThe Nations Before GodThis GenerationAccompanying The Second ComingCloud of gloryThe Second Comingcloudsmath

Then the sign [i.e., signifying the coming] of the Son of man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will be stricken with grief as they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of the sky [See Acts 1:9-11] with power and great splendor.

Verse ConceptsChrist Going Before

And when Jesus had said this, He went on ahead [of His disciples. See Matt. 21:1] up to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsGod, Fatherhood OfAdoption, nature ofFellowship, In The Gospelethics, personalKingdom Of God, Coming OfThe Lord's PrayerHallowedOur Father In HeavenThe Father

And He said to them, "When you pray you should say, 'Father, may your name be highly honored. May your kingdom come [to earth].

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