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Reference: Malchiah


Jehovah's king. (1.) The head of the fifth division of the priests in the time of David (1Ch 24:9).

(2.) A priest, the father of Pashur (1Ch 9:12; Jer 38:1).

(3.) One of the priests appointed as musicians to celebrate the completion of the walls of Jerusalem (Ne 12:42).

(4.) A priest who stood by Ezra when he "read in the book of the law of God" (Ne 8:4).

(5.) Ne 3:11.

(6.) Ne 3:31.

(7.) Ne 3:14.

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1. 1Ch 6:40.

2. Ezr 10:25.

3. Ezr 10:31.

4. Ne 3:14.

5. Ne 3:31.

6. Ne 8:4.

7. Ne 11:12; Jer 38:1.

8. Son of Hammelech, or "of the king" into whose dungeon Jeremiah was cast (Jer 38:6). Jerahmeel also is called "son of Hammeleeh" or "the king" (Jer 36:26), and Joash (1Ki 22:26), and Maaseiah (2Ch 28:7). Therefore the title is official, one of the royal family, exercising some of the royal prerogative.

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1. A priest, the father of Pashhur (Jer 21:1; 38:1), same as Malchijah of 1Ch 9:12; Ne 11:12. 2. A member of the royal family, to whom belonged the pit-prison into which Jeremiah was let down (Jer 38:6).

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Malchi'ah Malchijah. Malchi'jah

1. Son of Ethni, a Gershonite. 1Ch 6:40.

2. A priest, father of Pashur. 1Ch 9:12; Ne 11:12; Jer 38:1. Called MELCHIAH in Jer 21:1.

3. Head of the fifth course of priests. 1Ch 24:9.

4-6. Three who had taken strange wives. Ezr 10:25,31.

7-9. Three who helped to repair the wall of Jerusalem. Ne 3:11,14,31.

10. One who stood by Ezra when he read the law. Ne 8:4.

11. Priest who sealed the covenant; and probably the same that assisted in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. Ne 10:3; 12:42.

12. Son of Hammelech, into whose dungeon Jeremiah was cast. Jer 38:6.

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