3 occurrences in 3 dictionaries
Reference: Mufflers
(Isa 3:19), veils, light and tremulous. Margin, "spangled ornaments."
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The word so rendered occurs only in Isa 3:19, as an article of female attire. The cognate verb, in the sense of 'veiled,' is applied in the Mishna (Shabbath, vi. 6) to Jewesses from Arabia. A close veil of some sort, therefore, is evidently intended by Isaiah.
A. R. S. Kennedy.
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Mentioned among the women's ornaments in Isa 3:19. The word is raal, which is translated 'trembling' in Zec 12:2. It is supposed to refer to some light ornament that would flutter on the wearer's movements. The margin renders it 'spangled ornaments.' Gesenius has 'veils.'