1 occurrence in 1 dictionary

Reference: Pedaiah


1. Father of Joel, ruler of Manasseh, west of the Jordan, in the time of David (1Ch 27:20). 2. 'Of Rumah,' father of Zehudah the mother of Jehoiakim (2Ki 23:35). 3. Son of Jeconiah (1Ch 3:15), in 1Ch 3:19 called the father of Zerubhabel, who, however, is otherwise represented as the son of Pedaiah's brother Shealtiel. 4. A man of the family of Parosh, who repaired the wall of Jerusalem (Ne 3:25). 5. One of those who stood by Ezra when he read the Law to the people (Ne 8:4; 1Es 9:44 Phaldeus), perhaps identical with 4. 6. A Levite (Ne 13:18). 7. A Benjamite (Ne 11:7).

W. F. Boyd.

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