7 occurrences in 7 dictionaries

Reference: Tubal


A Son of Japheth, Ge 10:2; supposed to have been the originator of the Tybareni, who occupied the northeastern part of Asia Minor. They were a warlike people, and brought slaves and copper vessels to the market of Tyre, Isa 66:19; Eze 27:13; 32:26; 38:2; 39:1.

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(1.) The fifth son of Japheth (Ge 10:2).

(2.) A nation, probably descended from the son of Japheth. It is mentioned by Isaiah (Isa 66:19), along with Javan, and by Ezekiel (Eze 27:13), along with Meshech, among the traders with Tyre, also among the confederates of Gog (Eze 38:2-3; 39:1), and with Meshech among the nations which were to be destroyed (Eze 32:26). This nation was probably the Tiberini of the Greek historian Herodotus, a people of the Asiatic highland west of the Upper Euphrates, the southern range of the Caucasus, on the east of the Black Sea.

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Ge 10:2; 1Ch 1:5; Isa 56:12. Tubal, Javan, and Meshech are the associated sons of Japheth. They brought slaves (beautiful ones abounded in the Euxine coasts, and were traded in by the Cappadocians: Polyb. 4:38, section 4) and copper vessels to the Phoenician markets (copper and metals of the neighbouring Mossynaeci and Chalybes were famed, and copper mines were at Chalvar in Armenia): Eze 27:13; nations of the north (Eze 32:26; 38:2-3,15; 39:1-2). Gog is their chief prince. Tubal answers to the Tibareni, as Meshech to the Moschi; close to one another, on the northern coast of Asia Minor, about the river Melanthius (Melet Irmak), in Herodotus' and Xenophon's days; previously among the most powerful races.

The Assyrian monarchs from 1100 to 700 B.C. were often warring with the Muskai and Tuplai, E. of the Taurus range, and occupying the region afterward called Cappadocia, Rawlinson (Herodotus i. 535) makes them Turaniaus (the scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, ii. 1010, calls them Scythians) who spread over the entire region between the Mediterranean and India, the Persian gulf and Caucasus. In Sargon's time, according to inscriptions, Ambris, son of Khuliya, was their hereditary chief, and by alliance with the kings of Musak and Vararat (Mesech and Ararat) who were revolting from Assyria. drew on himself the hostility of that monarch. Xenophon (Anabasis vii. 8, section 25) says the Tibareni were then an independent tribe; 24 kings of the Tuplai in previous ages are mentioned in Assyrian inscriptions (Hincks in Rawlinson's Herodotus i. 380 note). Rich in flocks (Apollon. Rhod., Arg. 2:377).

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A country and people in Asia Minor mentioned only in association with Meshech (wh. see).

J. F. McCurdy.



Son of Japheth, and his descendants, who are supposed to have settled on the south-east of the Euxine or Black Sea, and were known as the Tibareni. They sent slaves and brass to Tyre. Their descendants with Rosh and Meshech will be among the enemies of the Jews in a future day, and will be destroyed. Ge 10:2; 1Ch 1:5; Isa 66:19; Eze 27:13; 32:26; 38:2-3; 39:1. The district they occupied now forms a part of the Russian Empire, which well agrees with their being associated with Rosh (Russia) and the Muscovites spoken of in Ezek. 38. The Moschi and Tibareni are constantly associated in the Assyrian inscriptions under the names of Muskai and Tuplai, which latter very nearly approaches Tubal.

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is reckoned with Javan and Meshech among the sons of Japheth.

Ge 10:2; 1Ch 1:5

The three are again associated in the enumeration of the sources of the wealth of Tyre.

Eze 27:13

Tubal and Javan,

Isa 66:24

Meshech and Tubal,

Eze 32:26; 38:2-3; 39:1

are nations of the north.

Eze 38:15; 39:2

Josephus identified the descendants of Tubal with the Iberians, that is, the inhabitants of a tract of country between the Caspian and Euxine Seas, which nearly corresponded to the modern Georgia.

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TUBAL, the fifth son of Japheth. The Scripture commonly joins together Tubal and Meshech, which makes it thought that they peopled countries, bordering upon each other. The Chaldee interpreters, by Tubal and Meshech, understand Italy and Asia, or rather Ausonia. Josephus accounts them to be Iberia and Cappadocia. St. Jerom affirms that Tubal represents the Spaniards, heretofore called Iberians. Bochart is very copious in proving, that by Meshech and Tubal are intended the Muscovites and the Tibarenians.