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And Solomon will drive out Abiathar from being priest to Jehovah, to complete the word of Jehovah which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In OtDeposed Priests

And Jeroboam will say to his wife, Arise, now, and change thyself, and they will not know that thou art the wife of Jeroboam; and go to Shiloh: behold there Ahijah the prophet; he spake concerning me for king over this people.

Verse ConceptsdisguisesChanging Yourself

And Jeroboam's wife will do so, and she will rise and go to Shiloh, and she will come into the house of Ahijah. And Ahijah will not be able to see; for his eyes stood from his old age.

Verse ConceptsVisionLimitations Of Old People