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And the sons of Helah, Zereth, Jezoar, and Ethnan.

And they will give to them the cities of refuge, Shechem and her areas in mount Ephraim and Gezer and her areas,

And Heshbon and her areas, and Jazer and her areas.

The sons of Naphtali: Jahziel and Guni and Jezer and Shallum, the sons of Bilhah.

And their possessions and their dwellings, the house of God and its daughters, and to the sunrising Naaran, and to the west, Gezer and her daughters, and Shechem and her daughters, and even to Gaza and her daughters:

And Adaiah son of Jeroham, son of Pashur, son of Malchiah, and Maasui son of Adiel, son of Jahzerah, son of Meshullam, son of Meshillemeth, son of Immer;

Elkanah, and Jesiah, and Azareel, Joezer, and Jashobeam, the Korahites,

And it will be after this and war will stand up in Gezer with the rovers: then Sibbechai the Hushathite struck Sippai from the children of Rapha, and they will be subdued.

To the Hebronites, Jerijah the head to the Hebronites for his generations, for his fathers. In the fortieth year to the kingdom of David they were sought and he will find in them strong ones of power in Jazer of Gilead.