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Even tax-gatherers came to be baptized, and said to John: "Teacher, what are we to do?"

After this, Jesus went out; and he noticed a tax-gatherer, named Levi, sitting in the tax-office, and said to him: "Follow me."

And Levi gave a great entertainment at his house, in honor of Jesus; and a large number of tax-gatherers and others were at table with them.

(All the people, when they heard this, and even the tax- gatherers, having accepted John's baptism, acknowledged the justice of God.

The tax-gatherers and the outcasts were all drawing near to Jesus to listen to him;

The Pharisee stood forward and began praying to himself in this way--'O God, I thank thee that I am not like other men-- thieves, rogues, adulterers--or even like this tax-gatherer.

Meanwhile the tax-gatherer stood at a distance, not venturing even 'to raise his eyes to Heaven'; but he kept striking his breast and saying 'O God, have mercy on me, a sinner.'