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But the large crowd in the city [who heard them] became divided [over how to respond to it]; some sided with the [unbelieving] Jews and some with the apostles.

Verse ConceptsDissensionDivisions Of OpinionIsrael HardenedThe Apostles In Action

When they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials and shouted, "These men have turned the world upside down [i.e., disrupted society by their preaching] and have [now] come here also [i.e., to do the same thing in our community].

Verse ConceptsTurning Upside DownPulling PeopleNot FindingTroubling Groups Of PeopleCauses of failure in

Some [in the crowd] were shouting one thing and some another; there was mass confusion, with most of the people not [even] knowing why they had assembled.

Verse ConceptsConfusionAssemblyDisorder Among PeopleGroups ShoutingWhy Do Others Do This?

From the crowd, some shouted one thing and some another. When the commander could not hear what was being said because of the noise, he ordered Paul to be taken into the battalion headquarters.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTCastlesExcitementSoundGroups Shouting