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With corrections for iniquity thou didst correct man, and thou wilt melt down as a moth his beauty: surely every man is vanity. Silence.

Hear my prayer, O Jehovah, and give ear to my cry; thou wilt not be silent at my tears, for I a sojourner with thee, a dweller, as all my fathers.

For evils even not being numbered encompassed about me: mine inquities overtook me, and I was not able to see; they were numerous above the hairs of my head, and my heart forsook me.

They shall be made desolate for the reward of their shame, they saying to me, Aha! aha!

By this I knew that thou didst delight in me, for mine enemy will not shout over me.

To the overseer instructing for the sons of Borah. As the stag will long for the channels of waters, thus will my soul long for thee, O God.

These I shall remember, and I shall pour out my soul in me: for I shall pass through into the booth, I shall go softly with them even to the house of God, with the voice of joy and confession, of the multitude keeping a festival.

O my God, my soul will be bowed down upon me: for this I will remember from the land of Jordan and the Hermonites, from the mountain of smallness

I will say to God my rock, Wherefore didst thou forget me? wherefore darkened shall I go for the oppression of the enemy?

Why wilt thou be bowed down, O my soul? and why wilt thou be disturbed upon me? Hope upon God, for yet shall I praise him, the salvation of my face and my God.

For thou the God of my strength: why didst thou reject me? wherefore darkened shall I go about for the oppression of the enemy?

Why wilt thou be bowed down, O my soul? and why wilt thou be disturbed upon me? hope upon God, for yet shall I praise him, the salvation of my face, and my God.

To the overseer for the sons of Korah: of instruction. O God, with our ears we heard; our fathers recounted to us the work thou didst in their days, in days of old.

For by their sword they possessed not the land, and their arm saved them not: for thy right hand and thine arm, and the light of thy face, for thou didst delight in them.

For thou savedst us from our enemies, and those hating us thou didst make ashamed.

Thou wilt turn us back from the enemy: and those hating us spoiled for themselves.

Thou wilt give us as sheep for food, and thou didst scatter us among the nations.

For thou didst crush us in the place of jackals, and thou wilt cover over us with the shadow of death.

For, for thee we were killed all the day; we were reckoned as sheep of the slaughter.

For our soul was bowed down to the dust: our belly was glued to the earth.

To the overseer over the lilies, for the sons of Korah, instruction: a song of the beloved. My heart boiled over a good word: I say my works to the king: my tongue the pen of one writing promptly.

Thou wert very beautiful above the sons of man: grace was poured forth by thy lips: for this God praised thee forever.

Instead of thy fathers shall be thy sons; thou shalt set them for chiefs in all the earth.

I will cause thy name to be remembered in every generation and generation: for this the peoples shall praise thee forever and ever.

For this we will not fear in the changing of the earth, and in the moving of the mountains into the heart of the seas.

Causing wars to cease even to the end of the earth; he will break the bow, and be cut off the spear, and he will burn the cars in fire.

Jehovah of armies is with us; the God of Jacob a height for us. Silence.

He will choose for us our inheritance, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Silence.

The nobles of the peoples were gathered together, the people of the God. of Abraham: for to God the shields of the earth: he was lifted up greatly.

Fair of elevation, the joy of all the earth, is mount Zion, the sides of the north, the city of the great King.

For behold, the kings met together, they passed by together.

Mount Zion shall rejoice, the daughters of Judah shall be glad for sake of thy judgments.

Wherefore shall I fear in the days of evil, the iniquity of my heel shall surround me.

As sheep they were laid in hades; death shall rule over them, and the upright shall come down upon them in the morning; and their rock for falling away in hades from a dwelling to him.

For in his living he will praise his soul, (and he will praise thee for thou wilt do good to thyself,)

Our God shall come, and he will not be silent: a fire shall consume before him, and it stormed greatly round about him.

And the heavens shall announce his justice: for God himself the judge. Silence.

Not for thy sacrifices will I reprove thee and for thy burnt-offerings, being always before me.

If I shall hunger I shall not say to thee; for to me the habitable globe, and its fulness.

For thou wilt not delight in sacrifice, and thou wilt not take pleasure in burnt-offering.

And the just shall see and fear, and laugh at him.

They feared a fear; there was no fear: for God scattered the bones of him making narrow: thou didst make ashamed, for God rejected them.

For strangers rose up against me, and the powerful sought out my soul: they set not God before them. Silence.

In willingness I will sacrifice to thee: I will praise thy name, Jehovah, for it is good.

For from all straits he delivered me, and mine eyes looked upon my enemies.

From the voice of the enemy, from the face of the oppression of the unjust one: for they will bring down vanity upon me, for in anger they will lie in wait for me.

Behold, I will move far off; fleeing away I will lodge in the desert. Silence.

For not the enemy will reproach me, and I will bear: not he hating me magnified against me; and I will hide from him.

Death shall lay waste upon them; they shall go down living to hades, for evils in their sojournings in the midst of them.

He redeemed my soul in peace from the encounter against me: for with many they were with me.

To the overseer for the silent dove of those far off: to David, a poem in the rovers taking him in Gath. Compassionate me, O God, for man panted after me; warring all the day, he will press me.

Mine enemies panted after me all the day: for many warring against me proudly.

In God I will praise his word, in God I trusted; I will not fear what flesh shall do to me.

For nothing is deliverance to them? In anger bring down the peoples, O God.

Then will mine enemies turn back in the day I shall call: this I knew, that God is for me.

To the overseer, Thou wilt not destroy, to David a poem in his fleeing from the face of Saul in the cave. Compassionate me, O God, compassionate me: for in thee my soul put trust, and in the shadow of thy wings I will put my trust till calamity shall pass by.

They prepared a net for my steps; my soul was bent down: they dug a pit before me, they fell into the midst of it. Silence.

For great even to the heavens thy mercy, and even to the clouds, thy truth.

As a snail shall melt away he shall go: fire fell; they saw not the sun.

For behold, they lay in wait for my soul: the strong will gather against me; not my transgression and not my sin, O Jehovah.

Behold, they will gush out with their mouth: swords in their lips: for who heard?

Thou wilt not kill them lest my people shall forget: cause them to wander to and fro by thy strength, and bring them down, O Jehovah, our shield.

They shall wander to and fro to eat, though they shall not be satisfied; and they will pass the night

To the overseer upon the lily of song: poem to David to teach; In the setting on fire Aram of the two rivers, and Aram of the station; and Joab will turn back and strike Edom in the valley of salt, twelve thousand. O God, thou didst cast us off, thou didst break us down, thou wert angry; wilt thou turn back to us?

Thou didst shake the earth; thou didst rend it: heal its breakings, for it is depressed.

Moab the pot of my washing; over Edom I will cast out my shoe: for me, Philistia shouted for joy.

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