◄ G3165 ►
Parts of Speech
Root Word (Etymology)
a shorter (and probably originally) form of 1691
KJV Translation Count — 302x
The KJV translates Strongs H1 in the following manner: me (263), I (37), my (1), not tr (1)
Outline of Biblical Usage
1. I, me, my, etc.
Strong's Definitions
meh; a shorter (and probably original) form of (1691) (ἐμέ); me: — I, me, my.
Concordance Results Using KJV
But John forbad hG3165m, sayG3165ng, G3165 have need to be baptG3165zed of thee, and coG3165st thou to G3165?
And, behold, there caG3165 a leper and worshG3165pped hG3165m, sayG3165ng, Lord, G3165f thou wG3165lt, thou canst make G3165 clean.
But whosoever shall deny G3165 before G3165n, hG3165m wG3165ll G3165 also deny before G3165 Father whG3165ch G3165s G3165n heaven.
He that receG3165veth you receG3165veth G3165, and he that receG3165veth G3165 receG3165veth hG3165m that sent G3165.
CoG3165 unto G3165, all <G3165>yeG3165> that labour and are heavy laden, and G3165 wG3165ll gG3165ve you rest.
For whosoever shall do the wG3165ll of G3165 Father whG3165ch G3165s G3165n heaven, the saG3165 G3165s G3165 brother, and sG3165ster, and mother.
And Peter answered hG3165m and saG3165d, Lord, G3165f G3165t be thou, bG3165d G3165 coG3165 unto thee on the water.
But when he saw the wG3165nd boG3165sterous, he was afraG3165d; and begG3165nnG3165ng to sG3165nk, he crG3165ed, sayG3165ng, Lord, save G3165.
ThG3165s people draweth nG3165gh unto G3165 wG3165th theG3165r mouth, and honoureth G3165 wG3165th <G3165>theG3165rG3165> lG3165ps; but theG3165r heart G3165s far from G3165.
But G3165n vaG3165n they do worshG3165p G3165, teachG3165ng <G3165>forG3165> docG3165G3165nes the commandG3165nts of G3165n.