Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

(He also bade them teach the sons of Judah the use of the bow. Behold, it is written in the book of righteousness.)

The sons of Reuben and of Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh, valiant men, men able to bear buckler and sword and to shoot with bow and skillful in war were forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty, that went out to the war.

They were armed with bows and could use both the right hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows out of a bow, even of Saul's brethren of Benjamin.

And Asa had an army of men that bore shields and spears, out of Judah three hundred thousand and out of Benjamin, that bore shields and drew bows, two hundred and eighty thousand; all these were mighty men of valour.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

Therefore, I set in the lower places behind the wall, and on the higher places, I set the people by families with their swords, their spears, and their bows.

for I have bent Judah for me as a bow, and I made Ephraim his arrow, and I will raise up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and make thee as the sword of a mighty man.

Saul chose three thousand men of Israel, of which two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and in Mount Bethel and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin; and of the rest of the people he sent each one to his tent.

And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen, and he had a thousand four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen, which he placed in the chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem.

And Jehoshaphat waxed great exceedingly; and he built in Judah castles and cities of store. And he had many works in the cities of Judah and men of war, mighty men of valour, in Jerusalem. And these are the numbers of them according to the houses of their fathers: In Judah, princes of thousands; the prince Adnah and with him three hundred thousand mighty men of valour; read more.
and after him, Prince Jehohanan and with him two hundred and eighty thousand; after him, Amasiah the son of Zichri, who willingly offered himself unto the LORD and with him two hundred thousand mighty men of valour; of Benjamin, Eliada, a mighty man of valour, and with him two hundred thousand armed with bow and shield; after him, Jehozabad and with him one hundred and eighty thousand ready and prepared for the war. These were servants of the king, besides those whom the king had put in the fenced cities throughout all Judah.

Moreover Uzziah had an army of fighting men that went out to war in companies, according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel, the scribe, and Maaseiah, the governor, under the hand of Hananiah, one of the king's princes. The whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valour were two thousand six hundred. And under their hand was an army, a host of three hundred and seven thousand five hundred, that made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy. read more.
And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones. And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones with. And his name spread far abroad, for he was marvelously helped until he was strong.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

and in all the cities he put shields and spears. He fortified them greatly, having Judah and Benjamin on his side.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

And Saul clothed David with his clothing, and he put a helmet of brass upon his head; he also armed him with a coat of mail.

And he had a helmet of brass upon his head, and he was clothed with a coat of mail of scales; and the weight of the coat of mail was five thousand shekels of brass.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

and in all the cities he put shields and spears. He fortified them greatly, having Judah and Benjamin on his side.

And he persisted in seeking God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and in those days that he sought the LORD, God prospered him. For he went forth and warred against the Philistines and broke down the wall of Gath and the wall of Jabneh and the wall of Ashdod and built cities about Ashdod and among the Philistines. And God helped him against the Philistines and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal and against the Mehunims. read more.
And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah; and his name spread abroad even to the entrance of Egypt, for he strengthened himself exceedingly. Moreover, Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate and at the valley gate and at the corners and fortified them. He also built towers in the desert and dug many wells, for he had much livestock, both in the low country and in the plains, husbandmen also and vine dressers in the mountains and in Carmel, for he loved agriculture. Moreover Uzziah had an army of fighting men that went out to war in companies, according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel, the scribe, and Maaseiah, the governor, under the hand of Hananiah, one of the king's princes. The whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valour were two thousand six hundred. And under their hand was an army, a host of three hundred and seven thousand five hundred, that made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy. And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones. And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones with. And his name spread far abroad, for he was marvelously helped until he was strong.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

and in all the cities he put shields and spears. He fortified them greatly, having Judah and Benjamin on his side.

Also he strengthened himself and built up all the wall that was broken and caused the towers to be raised up, and another wall outside, and repaired Millo in the city of David, and made swords and shields in abundance.

And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones.

And they beat down the cities, and on every good piece of land each man cast his stone and filled it, and they stopped all the fountains of water and felled all the good trees until they left their stones only in Kirharaseth, for the slingers went about it and smote it.

Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men with their right hands impeded (they were lefthanded); each one could sling stones at a hairs breadth, and not miss.

Moreover Uzziah had an army of fighting men that went out to war in companies, according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel, the scribe, and Maaseiah, the governor, under the hand of Hananiah, one of the king's princes. The whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valour were two thousand six hundred. And under their hand was an army, a host of three hundred and seven thousand five hundred, that made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy. read more.
And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields and spears and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones. And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones with. And his name spread far abroad, for he was marvelously helped until he was strong.