Thematic Bible
Acts 21:1 (show verse)
When we had torn ourselves away from them and set sail, we made a straight run to Cos, next day to Rhodes, and thence to Patara;
Acts 21:2 (show verse)
as we found a ship there bound for Phoenicia, we went on board and set sail.
Acts 21:3 (show verse)
After sighting Cyprus and leaving it on our left, we sailed for Syria, landing at Tyre, where the ship was to unload her cargo.
Acts 21:4 (show verse)
We found out the local disciples and stayed there for seven days. These disciples told Paul by the Spirit not to set foot in Jerusalem;
Acts 21:5 (show verse)
but, when our time was up, we started on our journey, escorted by them, women and children and all, till we got outside the town. Then, kneeling on the beach, we prayed
Acts 21:6 (show verse)
and said goodbye to one another. We went on board and they went home.
Acts 21:7 (show verse)
By sailing from Tyre to Ptolemais we completed our voyage; we saluted the brothers, spent a day with them,
Acts 21:8 (show verse)
and started next morning for Caesarea, where we entered the house of Philip the evangelist (he belonged to the Seven,
Acts 21:9 (show verse)
and had four unmarried daughters who prophesied). We stayed with him.
Acts 21:10 (show verse)
While we remained there for a number of days, a prophet called Agabus came down from Judaea.
Acts 21:11 (show verse)
He came to us, took Paul's girdle and bound his own feet and hands, saying, "Here is the word of the holy Spirit: 'So shall the Jews bind the owner of this girdle at Jerusalem and hand him over to the Gentiles'."
Acts 21:12 (show verse)
Now when we heard this, we and the local disciples besought Paul not to go up to Jerusalem.
Acts 21:13 (show verse)
Then Paul replied, "What do you mean by weeping and disheartening me? I am ready not only to be bound but also to die at Jerusalem for the sake of the Lord Jesus."
Acts 21:14 (show verse)
As he would not be persuaded, we acquiesced, saying, "The will of the Lord be done."
Acts 21:15 (show verse)
After these days we packed up and started for Jerusalem,
Acts 21:16 (show verse)
accompanied by some of the disciples from Caesarea, who conducted us to the house of Mnason, a Cypriote, with whom we were to lodge. He was a disciple of old standing.
Acts 21:17 (show verse)
The brothers welcomed us gladly on our arrival at Jerusalem.
Acts 21:18 (show verse)
Next day we accompanied Paul to James; all the presbyters were present,
Acts 21:19 (show verse)
and after saluting them Paul described in detail what God had done by means of his ministry among the Gentiles.
Acts 21:20 (show verse)
They glorified God when they heard it. Then they said to him, "Brother, you see how many thousands of believers there are among the Jews, all of them ardent upholders of the Law.
Acts 21:21 (show verse)
Now, they have heard that you teach all Jews who live among Gentiles to break away from Moses and not to circumcise their children, nor to follow the old customs.
Acts 21:22 (show verse)
What is to be done? They will be sure to hear you have arrived.
Acts 21:23 (show verse)
So do as we tell you. We have four men here under a vow;
Acts 21:24 (show verse)
associate yourself with them, purify yourself with them, pay their expenses so that they may be free to have their heads shaved, and then everybody will understand there is nothing in these stories about you, but that, on the contrary, you are guided by obedience to the Law.
Acts 21:25 (show verse)
As for Gentile believers, we have issued our decision that they must avoid food that has been offered to idols, the taste of blood, flesh of animals that have been strangled, and sexual vice."
Acts 21:26 (show verse)
Then Paul associated himself with the men next day; he had himself purified along with them and went into the temple to give notice of the time when the days of purification would be completed ??the time, that is to say, when the sacrifice could be offered for each one of them.
Acts 21:27 (show verse)
The seven days were almost over when the Asiatic Jews, catching sight of him in the temple, stirred up all the crowd and laid hands on him,
Acts 21:28 (show verse)
shouting, "To the rescue, men of Israel! Here is the man who teaches everyone everywhere against the People and the Law and this Place! And he has actually brought Greeks inside the temple and defiled this holy Place!"
Acts 21:29 (show verse)
(They had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian along with him in the city, and they supposed Paul had taken him inside the temple.)
Acts 21:30 (show verse)
The whole city was thrown into turmoil. The people rushed together, seized Paul and dragged him outside the temple; whereupon the doors were immediately shut.
Acts 21:31 (show verse)
They were attempting to kill him, when word reached the commander of the garrison that the whole of Jerusalem was in confusion.
Acts 21:32 (show verse)
Taking some soldiers and officers, he at once rushed down to them, and when they saw the commander and the soldiers they stopped beating Paul.
Acts 21:33 (show verse)
Then the commander came up and seized him; he ordered him to be bound with a couple of chains, and asked "Who is he?" and "What has he done?"
Acts 21:34 (show verse)
Some of the crowd roared one thing, some another, and as he could not learn the facts owing to the uproar, he ordered Paul to be taken to the barracks.
Acts 21:35 (show verse)
By the time he reached the steps, he had actually to be carried by the soldiers on account of the violence of the crowd,
Acts 21:36 (show verse)
for the whole mass of the people followed shouting, "Away with him!"
Acts 21:37 (show verse)
Just as he was being taken into the barracks, Paul said to the commander, "May I say a word to you?" "You know Greek!" said the commander.
Acts 21:38 (show verse)
"Then you are not the Egyptian who in days gone by raised the four thousand assassins and led them out into the desert?"
Acts 21:39 (show verse)
Paul said, "I am a Jew, a native of Tarsus in Cilicia, the citizen of a famous town. Pray let me speak to the people."
Acts 21:40 (show verse)
As he gave permission, Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the people. A great hush came over them, and he addressed them as follows in Hebrew.