Thematic Bible: Confined in prisons

Thematic Bible

arrested Joseph, and locked him up in the same prison where the king's prisoners were confined. So Joseph remained there in prison. But the LORD was with Joseph. He extended gracious love to him, causing the prison warden to be pleased with Joseph. So the prison warden entrusted into Joseph's care all the prisoners who were confined in prison. Whatever they did, Joseph was in charge of the work detail. read more.
The prison warden did not have to worry about anything under Joseph's care, because the LORD was with him. That's why Joseph prospered in everything he did.

Whoever refuses to practice the law of your God and the law of the king is to see judgment executed quickly, whether to death, banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment. Verse ConceptsCriminalsCivil authoritiesBanishmentGovernmentCivic DutiesImprisonmentsLoyaltyPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfMagistratesCitizenshipConfiscationAnarchyJudicial PunishmentBreaking God's Law

So they arrested them and placed them in custody until the next day, since it was already evening. Verse ConceptsInjustice, Nature And Source OfSuffering, Of BelieversThe Next DayEvenings For Jesus And His Disciples

When he arrested Peter, Herod put him in prison and turned him over to four squads of soldiers to guard him, planning to bring him out to the people after Passover season. So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer to God for him was being offered by the assembly.

When her owners realized that their hope of making money was gone, they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them before the authorities who met together in the public square. They brought them before the magistrates and said, "These men are stirring up a lot of trouble in our city. They are Jews and are advocating customs that we're not allowed to accept or practice as Romans." read more.
The crowd joined in the attack against them. Then the magistrates had Paul and Silas stripped of their clothes and ordered them beaten with rods. After giving them a severe beating, they threw them in jail and ordered the jailer to keep them under tight security. Having received these orders, he put them into the inner cell and fastened their feet in leg irons. Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was an earthquake so violent that the foundations of the prison were shaken. All the doors immediately flew open, and everyone's chains were unfastened. When the jailer woke up and saw the prison doors wide open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, since he thought the prisoners had escaped. But Paul shouted in a loud voice, "Don't hurt yourself, because we are all here!" The jailer asked for torches and rushed inside. Trembling as he knelt in front of Paul and Silas, he took them outside and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" They answered, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved." Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and everyone in his home. At that hour of the night, he took them and washed their wounds. Then he and his entire family were baptized immediately. He brought Paul and Silas upstairs into his house and set food before them. He was thrilled, as was his household, to believe in God. When day came, the magistrates sent guards, who commanded, "Release those men." The jailer reported these words to Paul, and added, "The magistrates have sent word to release you. So come out now and go in peace." But Paul told the guards, "The magistrates have had us beaten publicly without a trial and have thrown us into jail, even though we are Roman citizens. Now are they going to throw us out secretly? Certainly not! Have them come and escort us out." The guards reported these words to the magistrates, and they became afraid when they heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens. So the magistrates came, apologized to them, and escorted them out. Then they asked them to leave the city. Leaving the jail, Paul and Silas went to Lydia's house. They saw the brothers, encouraged them, and then left.

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