Thematic Bible

Daniel 10:1 (show verse)

In the third year to Cyrus king of Persia the word was revealed to Daniel, whom his name was called Belteshazzar; and the word truth, and the warfare great: and he understood the word, and understanding to him in the sight

Daniel 10:2 (show verse)

And in these days I Daniel was mourning three weeks of days.

Daniel 10:3 (show verse)

Bread of desires I ate not, and flesh and wine came not into my mouth, and anointing, I did not anoint myself even to the filling up of three weeks of days.

Daniel 10:4 (show verse)

And in the twenty and fourth day to the first month, and I was upon the hand of the great river, this is Hiddekel;

Daniel 10:5 (show verse)

And I shall lift up mine eyes and see, and behold, one man being clothed with linen garments, and his loins being girded with gold of Uphaz:

Daniel 10:6 (show verse)

And his body as topaz, and his face as the sight of lightning, and his eyes as flames of fire, and his arms and his feet as the eye of polished brass, and the voice of his words as the voice of a multitude.

Daniel 10:7 (show verse)

And I saw, I Daniel alone, the sight: and the men that were with me saw not the sight, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they will flee in hiding themselves.

Daniel 10:8 (show verse)

And I was left alone, and I shall see this great sight, and strength was not left in me: and my honor was turned upon me into destruction, and I retained not strength.

Daniel 10:9 (show verse)

And I shall hear the voice of his words: and in my hearing the voice of his words, and I was lying in a deep sleep upon my face, and my face to the earth.

Daniel 10:10 (show verse)

And behold, a hand touched upon me, and it will move me upon my knees, and the palms of my hands.

Daniel 10:11 (show verse)

And he will say to me, O Daniel, a man of desires, understand thou in the words which I speak to thee, and stand upon thy standing: for now was I sent to thee. And in his speaking with me this word I stood trembling.

Daniel 10:12 (show verse)

And he will say to me, Thou shalt not fear, Daniel: for from the first day that thou gavest thy heart to understand, and to humble thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I came for thy words.

Daniel 10:13 (show verse)

And the chief of the kingdom of Persia stood against me twenty and one days: and behold, Michael, one of the first chiefs, came, to help me;: and I was left there near the kings of Persia.

Daniel 10:14 (show verse)

And I came to cause thee to understand what shall happen to thy people in the last of the days: for yet the vision for days.
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Daniel 10:15 (show verse)

And in his speaking with me according to these words I gave my face to the earth, and I was dumb.
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Daniel 10:16 (show verse)

And behold, as the likeness of the sons of man touched upon my lips: and I shall open my mouth and speak and say to him standing before me, O my lord, by the sight my straights were turned upon me, and I retained not strength.

Daniel 10:17 (show verse)

And how shall this servant of my lord be able to speak with this my lord and I, from this time no strength will stand in me, and breath was not left in me.

Daniel 10:18 (show verse)

And there will add and will touch upon me as the sight of man, and he will strengthen me.

Daniel 10:19 (show verse)

And he will say, Thou shalt not fear, O man of desires: peace to thee; be strong, and be strong. And in his speaking with me I was strengthened, and saying, My lord shall speak; for thou didst strengthen me.

Daniel 10:20 (show verse)

And he will say, Knewest thou wherefore I came to thee? and now I will turn back to war with the chief of Persia: and I shall go forth, and behold, the chief of Grecia coming.

Daniel 10:21 (show verse)

But I will announce to thee that recorded in the writing of truth: and not one strengthening himself with me upon these things but Michael your chief.