Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

The sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses. And Aaron was separated, that he should be dedicated to the most holy things, he and his sons for ever, to burn incense before the LORD, to minister unto him and to bless in his name for ever.

And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their lineages: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. And the years of the life of Levi were one hundred thirty-seven years. The sons of Gershon: Libni, and Shimi, according to their families. And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years. read more.
And the sons of Merari: Mahali and Mushi; these are the families of Levi according to their lineages. And Amram took Jochebed, his father's sister to wife; and she bore him Aaron and Moses. And the years of the life of Amram were one hundred thirty-seven years.

And the lot came out for the families of the Kohathites; and the sons of Aaron the priest, who were of the Levites, had by lot out of the tribe of Judah and out of the tribe of Simeon and out of the tribe of Benjamin, thirteen cities.

and the first lot was of the sons of Aaron, of the family of Kohath, of the sons of Levi;

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. The sons of Amram: Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

The sons of Amram: Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years.

These are the families of the Levites: the family of the Libnites, the family of the Hebronites, the family of the Mahlites, the family of the Mushites, the family of the Korathites. And Kohath begat Amram. And the name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, daughter of Levi, whom her mother bore to Levi in Egypt: and she bore unto Amram Aaron and Moses and Miriam, their sister.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel, four. The sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses. And Aaron was separated, that he should be dedicated to the most holy things, he and his sons for ever, to burn incense before the LORD, to minister unto him and to bless in his name for ever.

The sons that were born unto Hezron: Jerahmeel, Ram, and Chelubai.

The sons of Leah: Reuben, Jacob's firstborn, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. The sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid: Dan and Naphtali. read more.
And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid: Gad and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob, who were born to him in Padanaram.

And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already.

These are the heads of their fathers' families: The sons of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel: Enoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi; these are the families of Reuben. And the sons of Simeon: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Saul the son of a Canaanite woman; these are the families of Simeon. And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their lineages: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. And the years of the life of Levi were one hundred thirty-seven years. read more.
The sons of Gershon: Libni, and Shimi, according to their families. And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years. And the sons of Merari: Mahali and Mushi; these are the families of Levi according to their lineages. And Amram took Jochebed, his father's sister to wife; and she bore him Aaron and Moses. And the years of the life of Amram were one hundred thirty-seven years. And the sons of Izhar: Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri. And the sons of Uzziel: Mishael, Elzaphan, and Zithri. And Aaron took Elizabeth, daughter of Amminadab, sister of Naashon, to wife; and she bore him Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. And the sons of Korah: Assir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph; these are the families of the Korhites. And Eleazar, Aaron's son, took one of the daughters of Putiel to wife; and she bore him Phinehas. These are the heads of the fathers of the Levites according to their families. These are that Aaron and Moses, to whom the LORD said, Bring out the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt according to their hosts. These are those who spoke to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to bring out the sons of Israel from Egypt: these are that Moses and Aaron.

The sons of Hebron: Jeriah, the first, Amariah, the second, Jahaziel, the third, and Jekameam, the fourth.

And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.

And the sons of Kohath by their families: Amram, Izehar, Hebron, and Uzziel.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel, four.

And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.

The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel, four.

And the sons of Izhar: Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri.

the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, the son of Israel.

The sons of Izhar: Shelomith, the chief.

And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years.

And the sons of Kohath by their families: Amram, Izehar, Hebron, and Uzziel.

And of Kohath was the family of Amram and the family of Izehar and the family of Hebron and the family of Uzziel; these are the families of the Kohathites.

And the sons of Korah: Assir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph; these are the families of the Korhites.

And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years.

And the sons of Izhar: Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri.

And the sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred thirty-three years.

And the sons of Uzziel: Mishael, Elzaphan, and Zithri.

And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp.