Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Knowing, thou shalt know the face of thy flock; set thy heart to thy herds. For not strength forever, and not consecration to generation and generation.

Shall the bulrush lift itself up without a marsh? shall the marsh grass grow without water? While yet in its greenness it shall not break off, and it will dry up before grass. So the paths of all forgetting God and the hope of the profane one shall perish. read more.
Which his hope shall be cut off, and the spider's house his trust He shall lean upon his house and it shall not stand: he shall hold fast upon it, and it shall not rise up.

Man, his days as grass: as the blossom of the field, thus he will flourish. For the wind passed over upon it and it is not; and its place shall know it no more.

The lip of truth shall be prepared forever: and the tongue of falsehood while I shall wink. Verse ConceptsLipsLyingNot LyingTelling The TruthLying And Deceitlieing

The voice said, Call And he said, What shall I call? All flesh grass, and all its goodness as the flower of the field: The grass was dried up, the flower fell away: for the spirit of Jehovah blew upon it: surely the people grass. The grass was dried up, the flower fell away: and the word of our God shall stand forever.

And ye forsaking Jehovah, forgetting my holy mountain, and preparing a table for Gad, and filling up for fate from mixed wine. And I numbered you to the sword, and ye all shall bend to the slaughter, because I called, and ye answered not: I spake and ye heard not; and ye will do evil in mine eyes, and in what I delighted not, ye chose. For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah, Behold, my servants shall eat and ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall drink and ye shall thirst: behold, my servants shall rejoice, and ye shall be ashamed. read more.
Behold, my servants shall shout from good of heart, but ye shall cry from pain of heart, and wail from breaking of spirit And ye set down your name for a curse to my chosen: and the Lord Jehovah slaying thee, and he will call his servants another name.

Shall the bulrush lift itself up without a marsh? shall the marsh grass grow without water? While yet in its greenness it shall not break off, and it will dry up before grass. So the paths of all forgetting God and the hope of the profane one shall perish. read more.
Which his hope shall be cut off, and the spider's house his trust He shall lean upon his house and it shall not stand: he shall hold fast upon it, and it shall not rise up. It was moist before the sun, and its sprout will come forth upon his garden. His roots were entwined upon a heap, he shall see a house of stones. If he should swallow him down from his place, and it lied upon it: I saw thee not

And to the unjust one God said, What to thee to recount my law, and thou wilt lift up my covenant upon thy mouth? And thou hatedst instruction, and thou wilt cast my words behind thee. If thou sawest a thief, and thou wilt run with him, and thy portion with those committing adultery. read more.
Thou sentest thy month into evil, and thy tongue will contrive deceit Thou wilt sit, and thou wilt speak against thy brother; against the son of thy, mother thou wilt give a stumbling-block. These things thou didst and I was silent; thou thoughtest, being, I shall be like to thee: I will reprove thee, and I will set it in order before thine eyes. Understand now this, ye forgetting God, lest I shall rend and none delivering.

To Zion shall they ask the way, thither their faces: Come ye, and we will join ourselves to Jehovah an eternal covenant; it shall not be forgotten. My people were lost sheep: their shepherds caused them to wander, they turned them away in the mountains: they went from mountain to hill, they forgot their place to lie down.

For this, thus says the Lord Jehovah: Because thou didst forget me, and thou wilt cast me behind thy back, and also bear thou thy wickedness and thy fornications Verse ConceptsThrowing AwaySpiritual Harlotryconsequences

For thou didst forget the God of thy salvation, and didst not remember the rock of thy fortress, for this, thou shalt plant pleasant plants, and thou shalt sow it with vine shoots of the stranger. In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.

The unjust shall be turned away into hades, all the nations forgetting God. Verse ConceptsForgetting GodEternal DeathGrave, TheHell, Punishment OfSheolSinners Grasped By Death

And Israel will forget him making him, and he will build temples; and Judah multiplied fortified cities: and I sent a fire upon his cities and it will consume its palaces. Verse ConceptsFortificationsForgettingFortified CitiesBuildingGrowth Of EvilDestruction Of HousesBurning CitiesCreation Of All Mankind

While yet in its greenness it shall not break off, and it will dry up before grass. So the paths of all forgetting God and the hope of the profane one shall perish.

For what the hope of the profane one if he shall plunder? for God shall draw out his soul. Will God hear his cry when straits shall come upon him? If he will delight himself upon the Almighty? will he call upon God in all time?

Shall the bulrush lift itself up without a marsh? shall the marsh grass grow without water? While yet in its greenness it shall not break off, and it will dry up before grass. So the paths of all forgetting God and the hope of the profane one shall perish.