Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

He will take off these clothes and put on some others. He will take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp. Verse ConceptsOutside The CampChanging ClothesAshes Of SacrificesClean Objects

Command Aaron and his sons: 'These are the instructions for the burnt offering that stays on the altar overnight while the altar fire is kept burning. The priest must put on his linen clothes. This includes linen undergarments. Then he will remove the ashes left on the altar from the fire that consumed the burnt offering and will put them next to the altar. He will take off these clothes and put on some others. He will take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp. read more.
The fire must always be burning on the altar. It must never go out. The priest will burn wood on it every morning. He will lay the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offering.

Tell them: 'If Israelites or foreigners make burnt offerings or sacrifices, but do not bring them to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting to offer them to Jehovah. They must be excluded from the people.

Using the bread the community is to present seven one-year-old lambs, one bull, and two rams, none of which may have any defects. They should be offered as a burnt offering to Jehovah, along with a grain offering and a wine offering. The odor of this offering is pleasing to Jehovah. Verse Conceptsdrink offeringSevenAnimal Sacrifices, BurntSeven AnimalsFragrancePerfect SacrificesTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsRefreshing GodSacrificing Cattle

If you cannot afford a sheep, you must bring two turtledoves or two pigeons to Jehovah as a guilt offering for the sin you committed. One will be an offering for sin. The other will be a burnt offering. Bring them to the priest. He will sacrifice the offering for sin first. He will break the bird's neck without pulling its head off. He will sprinkle some of the blood from the offering for sin on the side of the altar. The rest of the blood will be drained at the bottom of the altar. It is an offering for sin. read more.
Following the proper procedures he will sacrifice the second bird as a burnt offering. The priest will pay compensation and make peace with Jehovah for what you did wrong.

Take one of the rams and Aaron and his sons are to put their hands on its head. Slaughter the ram. Take its blood and sprinkle it all around the altar. Cut the ram in pieces. Wash its internal organs and its legs, and put them on top of the head and the other pieces. read more.
Burn the whole ram on the altar. It is burnt offering to Jehovah. The odor of this offering pleases me.

Command Aaron and his sons: 'These are the instructions for the burnt offering that stays on the altar overnight while the altar fire is kept burning. The priest must put on his linen clothes. This includes linen undergarments. Then he will remove the ashes left on the altar from the fire that consumed the burnt offering and will put them next to the altar. He will take off these clothes and put on some others. He will take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp. read more.
The fire must always be burning on the altar. It must never go out. The priest will burn wood on it every morning. He will lay the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offering. The fire must always be burning on the altar. It must never go out.

Jehovah spoke to Moses: The tenth day of this seventh month is a special day for the payment for sins. There will be a holy assembly. Humble yourselves, and bring Jehovah a sacrifice by fire. Do not do any work that day. It is a special day for the payment for sins. It is a time when you pay compensation for wrongdoing and make peace with Jehovah your God. read more.
Those who do not humble themselves on that day will be excluded from the people. I will destroy those who do any work on that day. Do not do any work! It is a long lasting law for generations to come wherever you live. It is a day of worship (sabbath), a day when you do not work. Humble yourselves starting on the evening of the ninth day of the month. From that evening to the next, observe the day of worship. Jehovah spoke to Moses: Inform the Israelites: 'The fifteenth day of this seventh month is the Festival of Booths to Jehovah. It will last seven days. There will be a holy assemble on the first day. Do not do any regular work. Bring a sacrifice by fire to Jehovah for seven consecutive days. On the eighth day there will be a holy assembly. Bring Jehovah a sacrifice by fire. This is the last festival of the year. Do not do any regular work. These are Jehovah's appointed festivals. Announce them as holy assemblies for bringing sacrifices by fire to Jehovah. Bring burnt offerings, grain offerings, other sacrifices, and wine offerings-each one on its special day.

If the mistake was made because of the ignorance of the congregation, they are to offer a bull as a burnt offering, an odor that pleases Jehovah. Use the proper grain offering and wine offering. In addition, they are to offer a male goat as a sin offering. The priest will perform the ritual of purification for the congregation. They will be forgiven since the mistake was unintentional and they brought their sin offering as a food offering to Jehovah

A man who is clean will collect the ashes from the cow and put them in a clean place outside the camp. They will be kept by the congregation of Israel and used in the water that takes away uncleanness. The cow is an offering for sin. Verse ConceptsHoliness, Believers' Growth InAnimal Sacrifices, BurntOutside The CampMeans Of PurifyingClean ObjectsBeing Cleansed From Sin

During the Festival of Weeks, you must have a holy assembly. On that day you must not do any regular work. Bring Jehovah your new grain offering, the first produce harvested from your fields. Offer a burnt offering as an odor pleasing to Jehovah: two young bulls, one ram, and seven one-year-old male lambs, all without any defects. Offer the proper grain offering of flour mixed with olive oil: six pounds with each bull, four pounds with the ram, read more.
and two pounds with each lamb. Offer one male goat as a sin offering. In this way perform the ritual of purification for the people. Offer these and the wine offering in addition to the daily burnt offering and grain offering.

Next, Moses dressed the sons of Aaron. He put shirts on them; put sashes around their waists, and tied caps on their heads, just as Jehovah commanded. Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesPriests GarmentsTurban And Caps

Make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron to give him dignity and honor. Tell all the skilled men whom I have given this ability to make Aaron's clothes. These clothes will set him apart as holy when he serves me as priest. The clothes they will make are as follows: a breastplate, an ephod and the robe that is worn with it, another specially woven linen robe, the chief priest's turban, and a cloth belt. They will make these holy clothes for your brother Aaron and his sons so that they will be able to serve me as priests. read more.
Take the gold and blue thread and wool that is dyed bright read and the fine linen and prepare the ephod with fine linen yarn. Embroider gold, violet, purple, and bright red yarn into the fabric. It should have two shoulder straps attached at the top corners so it can be fastened. Make the belt that is attached to the ephod from the same fabric. Engrave the names of the sons of Israel on two onyx stones. Engrave them in order of their birth. Place six names on each stone. Engrave the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the same way a jeweler engraves a signet ring. Mount them in gold settings. Then fasten them on the shoulder straps of the ephod as reminders of who the Israelites are. In this way Aaron will carry their names on his shoulders as a reminder in Jehovah's presence. Make gold settings. Also make two chains of pure gold. These gold chains should be twisted like ropes. Fasten these chains to the settings. Prepare the breast piece for decision-making using a skilled craftsman. Make it like the ephod out of gold, violet, purple, and bright red yarn and out of fine linen yarn. Fold it in half so it is nine inches square. Fasten four rows of precious stones on it. Put red quartz, topaz, and emerald in the first row. Place turquoise, sapphire, and crystal in the second row. In the third row put jacinth, agate, and amethyst. In the fourth row put beryl, onyx, and gray quartz. Mount them in gold settings. The stones represent the twelve sons of Israel, by name, each stone engraved like a signet ring with the name of one of the twelve tribes. Make chains out of pure gold, twisted like ropes for the breastplate. Make two gold rings for the breastplate. Attach them to the two top corners of the breastplate. Fasten the two gold ropes to the rings at the top corners of the breastplate. Fasten the other ends of the ropes to the two settings on the shoulder straps of the ephod so that the breastplate hangs in front of it. Make two gold rings, and connect them to the other two corners of the breastplate on the inside edge next to the ephod. Make two more gold rings, and fasten them to the bottom of the shoulder straps on the front of the ephod. This will be close to the seam just above the belt of the ephod. Then the breastplate should be fastened by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a violet cord. Attach it just above the belt of the ephod. This will hold the breastplate in place. When Aaron goes into the holy place, he will carry the names of the sons of Israel over his heart as a continual reminder in Jehovah's presence. He must do this by wearing the breast piece for decision-making. Put the Urim and Thummim into the breast piece for decision-making. They, too, will be over Aaron's heart when he comes into Jehovah's presence. In this way when he is in Jehovah's presence, Aaron will always be carrying over his heart the means for determining Jehovah's decisions for the Israelites. Make the robe that is worn with the ephod entirely of violet material. Provide an opening for the head in the center with a reinforced edge like a leather collar all around it to keep it from tearing. Along the hem of the robe weave pomegranates of blue, purple, and red wool with a gold bell between each of them. A gold bell should alternate with a pomegranate all around the hem of the robe. Aaron should wear it when he serves as priest. The sound of the bells must be heard when he comes into and goes out of Jehovah's presence in the holy place so that he will not die. Also make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it, like the engravings of a seal: Holy to Jehovah. Fasten it on a blue cord and on the turban. It should be at the front of the turban. It shall be on Aaron's forehead. Aaron will take away the iniquity of the holy things that the sons of Israel consecrate. Concerning their holy gifts it will always be on his forehead that they may be accepted before Jehovah. Weave the tunic of checkered work of fine linen. Make a turban of fine linen and a sash, the work of a weaver. Make linen robes, belts, and turbans for Aaron's sons. These clothes will give them dignity and honor. Dress your brother Aaron and his sons in these clothes and anoint them, ordain them, and set them apart to serve me as priests. Make linen undergarments to cover them down to their thighs. Aaron and his sons must wear them when they go into the tent of meeting or when they come near the altar to serve as priests in the holy place. They will be blameless and will not die. This is a long lasting law for him and his descendants.

From the violet, purple, and bright red yarn they made special clothes worn for official duties in the holy place. They also made the holy clothes for Aaron. They obeyed Jehovah's instructions to Moses. The ephod was made out of fine linen yarn and gold, violet, purple, and bright red yarn. The gold was hammered into thin sheets and cut up. They twisted the gold into threads, which they creatively worked into each strand of the violet, purple, and bright red yarn, and throughout the fine linen. read more.
From this they made two shoulder straps for the ephod and attached them to its sides, so that it could be fastened. The finely woven belt, made of the same materials, was attached to the ephod so as to form one piece with it. This was as Jehovah had commanded Moses. They prepared the carnelians and mounted them in gold settings. They were skillfully engraved with the names of the twelve sons of Jacob. They placed them on the shoulder straps of the ephod to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Again, this was just as Jehovah commanded Moses. The breast piece was made of the same materials as the ephod and with similar embroidery. It was square and folded double, nine inches long and nine inches wide. They mounted four rows of precious stones on it. Ruby was mounted on the first row along with topaz, and garnet. Included in the second row was an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. The third row contained a turquoise, an agate, and an amethyst. The fourth row contained a beryl, a carnelian, and jasper. These were mounted in gold settings. Each of the twelve stones had engraved on it the name of one of the sons of Jacob, in order to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. They made chains out of pure gold, twisted like ropes. These were for the breastplate. Two gold settings and two gold rings were prepared and attached, the two rings to the top two corners of the breast piece. They fastened the two gold ropes to the rings at the top corners of the breastplate. They fastened the other ends of the ropes to the two settings on the shoulder straps of the ephod. The breastplate hung in front of it. They made two gold rings and fastened them to the other two corners of the breast piece on the inside edge next to the ephod. They made two more gold rings and fastened them to the bottom of the shoulder straps on the front of the ephod. This was close to the seam just above the belt of the ephod. Finally they fastened the breast piece by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a violet cord. So the breast piece was attached just above the belt of the ephod and was held in place. They followed Jehovah's instructions to Moses. They made the robe that is worn with the ephod. It was woven entirely of violet yarn. The opening in the center of the robe had a finished edge, somewhat like a leather collar, all around it to keep it from tearing. On the hem of the robe they made pomegranates of violet, purple, and bright red yarn, and fine yarn. Bells were made out of pure gold. They were fastened in between the pomegranates all around the hem of the robe. A gold bell alternated with a pomegranate all around the hem of the robe that is worn by Aaron when he served as priest. They followed Jehovah's instructions to Moses. They wove inner robes out of fine linen for Aaron and his sons. They also made the chief priest's turban and the other beautiful turbans out of fine linen. They made the undergarments and belt out of fine linen yarn. The belt was embroidered with violet, purple, and bright red yarn. They followed Jehovah's instructions to Moses.

The priest must put on his linen clothes. This includes linen undergarments. Then he will remove the ashes left on the altar from the fire that consumed the burnt offering and will put them next to the altar. He will take off these clothes and put on some others. He will take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp.

They must wear linen clothes when they enter the gateways to the inner courtyard. They must have no wool on them while they serve in the gateways to the inner courtyard and in the Temple. They must wear linen turbans on their heads and linen undergarments. They must not wear anything that makes them sweat. When they go out among the people in the outer courtyard, they must take off the clothes that they wore as they served. They must leave their clothes in the side rooms of the holy place and put on other clothes so that they do not transfer the holiness from their clothes to the people.