Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

How is it that he went into the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the sacred loaves, which it is against the law for anyone except the priests to eat, and gave part of them to his soldiers, too?" Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In NtEntering The TabernaclePeople Providing FoodRoyal Priesthood

At that time Jesus walked one sabbath through the wheat fields, and His disciples became hungry, and began to pull the heads of wheat and eat them. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to Him, "Just look! Your disciples are doing something that it is against the law to do on the sabbath!" But He said to them, "Did you never read what David did, when he and his soldiers became hungry? read more.
How he went into the house of God, and they ate the sacred loaves, which it was against the law for him or his soldiers to eat, or for anyone except the priests? Or, did you never read in the law that the priests in the temple break the sabbath, and yet are not guilty? But I tell you, there is something greater than the temple here! If you only knew what that saying means, 'It is mercy and not sacrifice that I want,' you would not have condemned men who are not guilty. For the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath."

On the Sabbath He was passing through the wheat fields, and His disciples started to make a path by pulling off the wheat heads. So the Pharisees were saying to Him, "Just look! Why are they doing on the Sabbath what it is against the law to do?" He answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his soldiers were in need and hungry? read more.
How is it that he went into the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the sacred loaves, which it is against the law for anyone except the priests to eat, and gave part of them to his soldiers, too?" Then He said to them, "The Sabbath was made to serve man and not man to keep the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."

One Sabbath He happened to be passing through the wheat fields, and His disciples were pulling and eating the heads of wheat, rubbing them in their hands. And some of the Pharisees said, "Why are you doing what is against the law to do on the Sabbath?" Jesus answered them, "Did you never read what David did, when he and his soldiers became hungry? read more.
How he went into the house of God and took and ate the sacred loaves, which it was against the law for anyone to eat except the priests, and gave some to his soldiers?" Then He said to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."

But He said to them, "Did you never read what David did, when he and his soldiers became hungry? How he went into the house of God, and they ate the sacred loaves, which it was against the law for him or his soldiers to eat, or for anyone except the priests?

He answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his soldiers were in need and hungry? How is it that he went into the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the sacred loaves, which it is against the law for anyone except the priests to eat, and gave part of them to his soldiers, too?"

Jesus answered them, "Did you never read what David did, when he and his soldiers became hungry? How he went into the house of God and took and ate the sacred loaves, which it was against the law for anyone to eat except the priests, and gave some to his soldiers?"