Thematic Bible: Orders delivered with trumpets

Thematic Bible

So Joab blew a ram's horn and all the troops stopped. They did not chase or fight Israel anymore. Verse ConceptsTrumpetCessationStopping FightingTrumpets To Stop Fighting

Joab ordered the trumpet blown to stop the fighting. His troops came back from pursuing the Israelites. Verse ConceptsTrumpets To Stop Fighting

A worthless character named Sheba son of Bikri lived at Gilgal. He was of the tribe of Benjamin. He blew the trumpet and called out: Down with David! We will not follow him! Men of Israel, let us go home! Verse ConceptsTentsTrumpetAudacityTrumpets For SignallingNot Sharing

She went to the people of the city with her plan. They cut off Sheba's head and threw it over the wall to Joab. He blew the trumpet as a signal for his men to leave the city. They went back home. Joab returned to Jerusalem to the king. Verse ConceptsTrumpetBeheadingTrumpets To Stop FightingGroups going home

Every builder was working with his sword at his side. By my side was a man for sounding the warning horn. Verse ConceptsInstrumentalistsFamily Conflictvulnerabilityrebuilding

Wherever you may be when the horn is sounded, come here to us. Our God will fight for us. Verse ConceptsTrumpets For Signalling